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Should Textbooks Be Taught In Schools

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Sweat beads the student's forehead, and the constant drumming of his fingers on the cool wood of the desk have seemingly become part of the room’s background noise. The student’s fingers rustle through the textbook, caressing the pages. The student’s eyes probe the text-filled page in front of him. The student glances nervously at the clock, then back to the worksheet on the desk. Five questions to go, and only two minutes left of class. The bell shatters the roaring silence that had engulfed the room before, and is sooned joined by the groan of the many students that did not finish the worksheet.Complaints that the answers had not been in the book filled the air, but the teacher would have none if it. If the student was not finished with …show more content…
Also, “According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, during the 2011-12 school year more than 13,700 kids, aged 5 to 18, were treated for backpack-related injuries.”, proving textbooks are dangerous ( This is a scenario in which a student attending a school with no tablets might experience. The student has just gotten off the bus, and is walking back home toward his or her house. The backpack that the student is carrying has textbooks from math, English, social studies, science, and grammar inside of it. The student walks with a hunched back because of the weight, and when the student gets home, he or she sets the backpack down heavily, just inside the door. The student then goes on to stretch his or her back, and emits a groan. This is only the beginning of a long and tiring school year, and the continued strain on the student’s back causes that student to get chronic back pain, and always walk hunched over. All of this could easily be avoided if the student had a tablet, which only weighs 1-2 pounds, instead of several textbooks. Textbooks have caused many injuries to students, and …show more content…
The children learned how to use the tablets quickly, as “Within two weeks, they were singing ABC songs, and within five months they had successfully hacked the tablet's operating system and customized the desktop settings.”( The US Department of Education has proven that students that wish to achieve goals can reach these goals 30-80% faster with tablets ( This allows students to learn quickly, and achieve more in one school year. Also, “The yearly book-and-supplies estimate for the average full-time undergraduate student at a four-year public college is about $1,200” (Understanding College Costs). Tablets in 2015 average a cost of about 263 dollars ( A tablet, if taken care of, can last four years. A initial price of 263 dollars, compared to an initial cost of 4,800 dollars is an easy choice.Tablets are like walking, while textbooks are like crawling. Crawling comes first, but a person learns how to walk soon enough, and once a person starts walking, that person leaves crawling behind. Why? They leave crawling behind because walking is better, faster, and easier than crawling. Tablets are better, faster, and easier to use than

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