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Hair Follicle Test

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How To Pass A Hair Follicle Test
When you consume any drug, the active ingredients / substances will circulate through the body. Usually called metabolites, these traces of chemicals can accumulate in the hair follicles. As your hair strands grow longer, the follicles will deposit the chemicals within your hair, which a properly administered hair drug test can detect.
Usually, most of the cuts for hair tests are taken from the back of your head. After all, nobody wants a bad hair day. The test requires about 1 to 3 clumps of about 50 hair strands.
If you are about to go through a hair follicle drug test and have used drugs recently, you should keep in mind that there’s a 90-day detection window. You see, hair grows about 1.5 inches within a …show more content…
This is especially true if you are seeking employment as it can jeopardize your efforts to land a job. Having said that, you might not be using drugs BUT you are afraid that a “false positive” may turn up. Believe it or not, with our hairs exposed to all sorts of elements, getting a “false positive” is always a possibility. With that in mind, you may want to take the steps below for good measure. Method 1 Hair Dyeing
Constantlydyeing one’s hair is usually frowned upon as it damages the scalp and strands. If you’re about to take a hair follicle test and are worried about “false positives,” hair dyeing and the damage it causes could actually work to your advantage. It’s like “adulterating” your hair – mixing other chemicals and substances to the traces of drugs and their metabolites are diluted if you will.
There are a lot of standard dyeing kits that can be bought over the counter. Remember to rinse your hair well and use the conditioning treatment that comes with the kit. As for the frequency of coloring, opinions among users differ – with some recommending to color your hair once a day for 4-5 days before the hair follicle test. Keep in mind however that should you go down this route, you’ll end up with dry, damaged

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Head & Shoulders Benefits

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