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Personal Narrative: The Harvest Generation

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Every journey begins with that first step.
It is only he who declares the ending from the beginning thatknew that this was not an ordinary meeting.
He watched as each of the seven members in faith stepped through the door of the church that day…
He listened for the exact moment when melody and voice combined and became a choir
He must have smiled even then, knowing that these chosen few were unaware of stepping into Bahamas Harvest Church history.
They would be the first. The forerunners of what would become Harvest Generation.
Among them would stand the pastor’s wife—list other names—
At the keyboard sat Pastor Mario Moxey. He would be the musician. The worship leader. The servant.
His mandate-to impart a strong and enduring foundation for passionate worship
His leadership would mark …show more content…
Dale Forbes would take up the task and bring forth the name Harvest Generation.
It was unanimously agreed upon and we shared a thumbs up moment-that name was it. So, the name Harvest Generation came from within the choir itself.

Moving ahead, we’d see the choir visiting Dr. Bobby Jones Gospel Industry Retreat. Our attendance afforded us the opportunity to perform live in the company of the 2007 gospel industry’s newest artists. It was a stage for the music industry’s elite, and Adrian Edgecombe and the Bahamas Harvest Church Choir was considered one of them. Our performance would be featured on the Word Network. 2007 was a good year.
2008 would usher in the group’s single, entitled “The Lord is good good good” produced by Kelda Sweeting. It would carry the name Adrian Edgecombe & Harvest Generation. The group would receive a Cacique award nomination and a Marlin award.

Adrian Edgecombe and Harvest Generation’s third recording “Overcomer” was released in 2011.Its producers were Oswald Bowe, Kelda Sweeting and Brett

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