...support and cooperation for implementing the vision and strategy from a wide range of constituencies. In Zambia, several education Policies have been developed over time to provide a vision and strategies in the education provision. Major among these policies include the Education Policy Reforms of 1977, Focus on Learning of 1992 and the Educating Our Future of 1996. Many literatures have been written in an attempt to discuss the areas of special concern and other channels of education delivery outlined in the 1996 educating our future policy document and with relevant examples, showing how they have improved education provision in Zambia. Despite these efforts, dyslexia seems a major problem in Zambia which results in poor perfomances in schools especially at primary level. Definition of Dyslexia Reports in the medical literature of „word blindness‟ go back to the time when books first became relatively widely available to the population in Europe and reading became popular (Morgan, 1896 cited in O‟Brien et al, 2005). The broad concepts of developmental dyslexia1 and specific learning difficulties (SLD) are connected to particular problems with reading. There are two key developments that have underpinned a huge leap in general knowledge and understanding about dyslexia. Recent policy encouraging inclusion of pupils with additional needs in mainstream schooling in the UK and elsewhere has been linked with legislation designed to support the educational needs of all children...
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...Journal of Scientific Research 6 (1): 28-31, 2011 ISSN 1818-6785 © IDOSI Publications, 2011 Inquiry Method and Student Academic Achievement in Biology: Lessons and Policy Implications Jacinta A. Opara European School Science Project, 18140 Granada, Spain Abstract: Three research questions with null hypotheses guided the study with the aid of a quasi experimental research design. These students were randomly assigned to two groups (treatment and control group). Treatment group were those taught biology using the sensitized inquiry teaching method while conventional method (lecture) was used for the control group. (1) Biology Achievement Test (BAT) was developed on the following units in biology, flower pollination, muscle structure and function and seed germination. All these were drawn from anatomy and physiology of flowering plants and animal physiology in the biology textbook of SS1, to measure the initial and terminal academic achievement of the students. (2) Lesson notes were prepared on the above mentioned units using the inquiry teaching method and the conventional method using a pre - test, post - test experimental treatment. Thus, it is the contention of the author that the inquiry approach would enhance students’ achievement in biology, hence the thrust of this study. Key words: Inquiry teaching method Conventional method INTRODUCTION Achievement Biology Gender Location explanations from their observations (evidence) by integrating what they already know with what...
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...point where it is even shown through our textbooks. Personal responsibility in the classroom ends with communication between the teacher and the student. Today we have more ways to communicate then we would have ever imagined fifty years ago but with these advances in communication it seems even harder to reach someone. Without personal responsibility our classrooms will continue to digress. As students progress into high school and college, personal responsibility through communication is extremely critical as most teenagers and adults suffer from selective hearing. Teaching good study habits or ways to study based on a particular learning style can assist the teacher in ensuring the student is retaining the information taught. Compared to primary and secondary school, college classrooms tend to have many more students. Students are packed into lecture halls like cattle. These places put restraints on the teachers; the ability to communicate one on one with a student is nearly impossible. Students need to do a little research prior to choosing a college or university. Not all schools have large classrooms. The type of student that requires more communication with the teacher may perform better at a smaller private college or university. A student that is active duty in the military or constantly on the road may benefit most from an online university. Additionally, not all students are meant to go to college directly out of High School, for some it may be too much responsibility...
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...|[pic] | | | |HO CHI MINH CITY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY | | |SCHOOL OF BUSINESS | PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING BA003IU 1. COURSE STAFF Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Huong Giang Room: A207 E-mail: giangnth@hcmiu.edu.vn (preferred contact method) Consultation Hours: Anytime with appointment, from Monday to Thursday All students are advised to make appointment in advance. 2. COURSE INFORMATION 2.1 Teaching times and Locations Lecture: 8am-11am Monday Venue: L102 2.2 Units of Credit This course is worth 3 credits. 3. COURSE DESCRIPTION: National markets are now in a period characterised by ‘exchange relationships’ where the principal focus is on sets of integrated activities geared to serve the interests of the customer first. The role of the marketer, therefore, is to facilitate exchange transactions in an increasingly challenging environment. This justifies the development of an understanding of the micro and macro dimensions of the wider environment as the participant works through the learning activities of this course. Marketers are expected to be receptive to shifts in customer...
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...NAME: ANNA ANWAR The development and production of textbooks must take place along with curriculum development. This will ensure that students receive material that is relevant and will aid in learning and understanding course material, rather than causing further confusion. Mishra (2008) said that a textbook occupy key position in the modern system of education in Pakistan. Education is a transportor process and its poles are teacher, student and content. In textbooks the prescribed content matter should presented in a well manner to suit the teacher as well as the students. Tiwari (2008) said that a textbook should emphasize cultural relations between the nations and their contribution to world civilization. Specially required for textbook for higher classes, a subject index is helpful in developing independent study habits in students. It helps in forming a habit of making references and comparisons. It facilitates a combination of topics with chronological approach. Textbook should be indispensable for the study and teaching. Singh (2008) said that the text book should provide useful guidelines along which the teacher can plan his day-to-day teaching; so that it can serve as a reference book while actually teaching in the classroom; should provide suggestions for some assignment; suggests activities to be taken up in the classroom and outside. For the student textbook should be the most accessible guide, a dependable reference book and an all-time companion. A text contains...
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...LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Volume 12 : 1 January 2012 ISSN 1930-2940 Managing Editor: M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D. Editors: B. Mallikarjun, Ph.D. Sam Mohanlal, Ph.D. B. A. Sharada, Ph.D. A. R. Fatihi, Ph.D. Lakhan Gusain, Ph.D. Jennifer Marie Bayer, Ph.D. S. M. Ravichandran, Ph.D. G. Baskaran, Ph.D. L. Ramamoorthy, Ph.D. Causes of Secondary Students’ Failure in Learning English in Bangladesh An M.A. Dissertation* by Mian Md. Naushaad Kabir, M.A. ELT, Doctoral Researcher The English and Foreign Languages University Hyderabad – 500605 Andhra Pradesh, India naushaadk@gmail.com *The dissertation submitted here is the slightly modified version of the dissertation that was submitted for the degree of M.A. ELT. The modifications include stylistic changes and corrections of the printing mistakes that were present in the earlier manuscript. No modification was made on theme or content or data analysis or their interpretation. Language in India www.languageinindia.com 12 : 1 January 2012 Mian Md. Naushaad Kabir, M.A. ELT, Doctoral Researcher Causes of Secondary Students’ Failure in Learning English - An M.A. Dissertation 1 Language in India www.languageinindia.com 12 : 1 January 2012 English Department Institute of Modern Languages University of Dhaka Causes of Secondary Students’ Failure in Learning English Mian Md. Naushaad Kabir Supervisor Professor A.M. M. Hamidur Rahman English Department ...
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...Cases in Operations Management (MGT3001/4001) Background This course uses case studies to explore the decisions made in designing operations systems to deliver goods and services to consumers. It builds upon the content of the Level 2 Operations Management curriculum. Learning outcomes By the end of the course, participants will be able to * explore the nature and context of operational product and service delivery systems; * examine the relationship between generic process choice and market scenarios; * examine the mechanisms which are employed to optimise decision making concerning supply chains, resource provision and utilisation, and customer service quality levels; * examine the design of control systems and appropriate measurement criteria to ensure effective and efficient system performance Staff Dr Alison Smart (AS), Adam Smith Business School (coordinator) Room 601, Main Building email: alison.smart@glasgow.ac.uk Dr Rob Dekkers (RD) Methods The course will be taught in a workshop style, with case studies forming the focus for the workshop. The case studies will be used to explore the different operations decisions that organizations face. It is important that all students (i) have read the relevant theoretical materials provided in the textbook chapter and other sources; and (ii) are prepared at the start of the sessions to contribute to discussions on written case studies (we know it is not possible to prepare in advance for...
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...Values Debate NUR 542- Dynamics of Family Systems The controversy of whether values should be taught at home or at school has been a debate for many years. In fact, many states have already begun establishing boards to define what core values are most important and should be taught within the school system. This was and continues to be a topic of interest as many legislatures and school officials notice an exponential increase in students and young Americans that exhibit poor decision-making and lack character traits essential for success in today’s society. Cheating, substance abuse, interracial intolerance, poor sportsmanship, and malicious social behavior lead the list of concerns as lawmakers mull over a solution. In any case, the need for education about values has been identified. The only question to answer now is who is responsible for this education. One thing is for certain. There must be a change in how values are taught or there will continue to be a decline in moral consciousness. For this reason, values education would be best standardized and taught within the school systems. There should be a standard value system taught in every school system. The focus of this values education would be to build character. It would not speak to religion or spiritual beliefs. It would include such concepts as respect for others, respect for property, justice, equal rights, freedom, family commitment, courage, loyalty, civic duty, fairness, compassion, and honesty....
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...HO CHI MINH CITY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING BA003IU 1. COURSE STAFF Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Hong An, MBA Room: A205 E-mail: nthan@hcmiu.edu.vn Consultation Hours: Anytime with an appointment All students are advised to make appointment in advance. 2. COURSE INFORMATION 2.1 Teaching times and Locations Lecture: Venue: 2.2 Units of Credit This course is worth 3 credits. 8am-11am Saturday L102 3. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Principles of Marketing is a course designed to introduce fundamental marketing concepts, theories and analytical tools to managers working in today's highly competitive and complex business environment. At the end of the semester, students should be able to identify and explain the important concepts in marketing. Moreover, students will also be prepared to study more advanced issues in marketing in the following semesters. The course covers a diverse range of marketing topics including marketing strategy and planning, the marketing environment and how to monitor it, consumer and organisational behaviour, marketing research, market segmentation and development of target markets, new product development, pricing, distribution, promotion and international marketing. 4. COURSE OBJECTIVES: On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: • • Recognize the roles of marketing in business activities Understand basic marketing concepts such as customer behavior, segmentation, marketing research, marketing...
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...The National Association of Biology Teachers and three teachers filed suit against Waters, the chair of the Tennessee State Textbook Commission, in Daniel v. Waters. Before any information about this suit was heard, a second suit was filed against Waters by Harold Steele and two other members of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Daniel v. Waters struck down the “equal time” law as it violated the First Amendment. In Steele v. Waters, the local court ruled in favor of Steele, citing the statute was in violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendment. However, the state of Tennessee then appealed the decision. The Tennessee Supreme Court ruled in favor of Steele and supported the ruling of the local court....
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...The Subtle Subversion The State of Curricula and Textbooks in Pakistan Urdu, English, Social Studies and Civics (DRAFT COPY) compiled by A. H. Nayyar and Ahmed Salim Sustainable Development Policy Institute Report of the project “A Civil Society Initiative in Curricula and Textbooks Reform” A project of the Sustainable Development Policy Institute #3, UN Boulevard, Diplomatic Enclave I, Islamabad Mailing Address: PO Box 2342, Islamabad, Pakistan Telephone: ++(92-51) 2278134, 2278136, 2270674-6 Fax:++(92-51) 2278135 URL: www.sdpi.org e-mail: main@sdpi.org SDPI is an independent, non-profit research institute on sustainable development Partial support from Eqbal Ahmed Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. 2 Contents Summary Recommendations Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Introduction Insensitivity to the Religious Diversity of the Nation Appendix 1-1: Listing of Material in Curriculum Documents Appendix 1-2: Listing of Material in Textbooks Historical Falsehoods and Inaccuracies Glorification of War and the Military Omissions That Could Have Been Enriching Pedagogical Problems in Primary Education: A Critique of the Curriculum Gender Biases Human Rights Teaching of Urdu, Class 6 to 10 Teaching Social Studies, Class 6 to 10 Peace Studies: a proposed program of studies in schools Curriculum Documents Covered Thoughts on Curriculum Objectives List of participants in the project i iii 1 9 27 53 65 77 89 95 101 111 123 127 131 135 137 139 Chapter 3 Chapter...
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...UNIVERSITY OF DELHI DELHI SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS Minutes of Meeting Subject: B.A. (Hons) Economics, First Semester (2011) Course: 01 (Introductory Microeconomics) Date of Meeting: Monday 25th July 2011, 3:00 pm Venue: Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi Convenors: Dr. Shreekant Gupta and Dr. Ram Singh Attended by: 1. Mohini Aggarwal, Rajdhani College 2. Punam Tyagi, Kalindi College 3. Pooja Khanna, Daulat Ram College 4. Vishnu Kanta Purohit, Indraparstha College 5. Supritio Mishra, Shyam Lal College 6. Asha Tikku, Kamala Nehru College 7. Manjit Kaur, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College 8. Anand Kumar, College of Vocational Studies 9. Rashmi Mittal, Dyal Singh College (Morning) 10. Ruchi Gupta, Dyal Singh College (Morning) 11. Basanti Nayak, Satyawati College (Morning) 12. Malabika Pal, Miranda House 13. Meeta Kumar, Miranda House 14. Leema Paliwal, St. Stephen’s College 15. N. Manichandra Singh, Ram Lal Anand College (Evening) 16. Abdul Rasheed Ch., Hindu College 17. Jayashree Sahoo, Lady Shri Ram College 18. Kakali Barua, Lady Shri Ram College The following texts were agreed upon: 1. N. Gregory Mankiw (2007), Economics: Principles and Applications, 4th edition, India edition by South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning, Cengage Learning India Private Limited, ISBN-13:978-81-315-0577-9 (hereafter Mankiw, 2007, 4e). 2. Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair (2007), Principles of Economics, 8th edition, Pearson Education Inc., ISBN 81-317-1587-6...
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...Ontarian students in grades three and six. Elementary school teachers refused to administer the test. They reasoned that it was not part of their work-to-rule action in their contract. Standardized testing has been a major political debate in the past years. It has not only caused a great debate, but also has questioned of whether or not standardize testing should continue to be a part of elementary students' curriculum. The key argument for continuing this drama is the idea that standardized tests are crucial in indicating a child's education quality. However, this is a mistake. Standardized tests are an...
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...students with sensory problems such as the deaf and blind. During the 19 and early 20th century, schools that were specialized in providing education to students with disability emerged in United States and Europe. The extremely published story of Helen Keller influenced the introduction of education for disabled people in America. In 1887, Anne Sullivan who was Helen’s teacher said that he will not give up in offering education to the deaf and the blind, and she succeeded in teaching a five year old Helen how to communicate (Ashbaker, 2011, p. 25). Prior to 1965, there were no free education services provided to students with serious disabilities. These students were barred from attending school. Most of the students with severe disabilities used to put up in institutions. Many students who had mild disabilities and were not in a position to complete high school without any help did not have any other alternative other than dropping out of school. To appreciate developments that have placed disabled students in normal learning classroom, it is important to understand the legislative history that led to this move. Back in 1954, there was a civil rights case that involving Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education. In this case, parents of black students wanted their children to attend same classes with their white counterparts. They claimed that separate but equal is not equal. The ruling of this case formed a basis for potential legal action brought out by families that were demanding a free...
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...in most cases rather than a form of oppression, there would not be cases of women being attacked for covering their heads mere hours after the 2016 Presidential Election (Sakuma). There would not be increasing examples of women being discriminated against because of their religious choices. By educating children on basic religious practices, they will grow up being aware of religions that do not resemble their own, and thus will be less susceptible to stereotypes, promoting respect between cultural...
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