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Causes Of Concussions In Football

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Concussions in football are becoming a huge problem. Concussions are a severe head injury and the cause of it is physics. Kinematics and Newtons 3 laws have a big part in it. The brain is a very sensitive organ and when treated roughly due to the brain banging of the skull and hitting the opposite side of the skull. Aggressive sports like football have a lot to do with heads hitting against each other and the helmets don't help like people might think. Concussions are all due to physics and what causes the physics to do its work is the physicality of playing football.

Kinematics in the skull have a lot to do with concussions. When a player is hit really hard it could cause a sudden acceleration and deceleration causes a sudden jolt of the brain. This causes the brain to hit the skull unexpectedly. …show more content…
The brain hits against the skull and causes the brain to accelerate because of its applied force. The brains contact with the skull causes the brain to accelerate in the direction in which the force was applied. This causes a coup injury. The brain travels to the opposite side of the brain which causes a counter coup injury.

The brain hitting off the skull has to do with the 3rd law of motion. As the brain accelerates towards, and eventually hits the opposite side of the skull, it bounces off the skull’s inner surface. The force applied by the brain onto the skull causes an equal and opposite reaction. Because of the skull having a bigger mass this causes the brain this causes a greater exerted force on to the brain. This causes the brain to accelerate in the direction of net force.

Concussions in football are not just because of the hard hitting of these massive players but the all the physics that being applied on to your brain. The NFL and other football programs are working hard to stop this from happening but when push comes to shove it gonna eventually happen. Physics is a constant science and it will play a part in causing

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