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Causes Of Racial Profiling

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There has always been tension raised between maintaining a safe society and observing by the constitutional right of its citizens. People have always criticized the aggressive way police officers prevent crime. The African American and Hispanic communities have concerned about racial profiling when referring to crime and sentences. They have commented that discrimination and color blind will never end. The 4th amendment of the us constitution enforce the notion that all man is created equal, it also protects people against arbitrary arrest, and the basis of the law regarding search warrants, stop and frisk and safety inspections. However this controversy of discrimination and racial profiling against minorities and people of color will never end. Black and Hispanic will always be racially profiled when referring to blame someone about any situation. There will always be big stark racial disparities is what define American’s relationship with the death penalty and people of color. That’s why many people argue that the criminal justice system affirmatively depends on inequality. Traditionally courts around the United States have shown that they all have been designed to prosecute adult offenders, juveniles are treated differently, they are not seen as criminals, and they are seen as delinquents and …show more content…
There have been many people convicted of crimes that they did not commit just because inaccurate eyewitness. Eyewitness memory is not always accurate It does have its downfalls. People should be careful when doing eyewitness because they can chose the wrong person, that person can be convicted of a crime they did not commit and the criminal can be out in the street committing others serious crime. People can have errors while conducting eyewitness because of confusions and/or fault memory, government misconduct by police and prosecution, mishandled evidence and use of unqualified

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