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Why Is Racial Profiling Wrong

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Research Paper Dishmon 1

Dorian Dishmon

Mrs. Sanford

Language Arts

February 19, 2016

Racial Profiling

Racial profiling is a practice used knowingly and unknowingly in police

departments, airport systems, and many other agencies worldwide. Racial profiling refers to the

targeting of particular individuals based not on their behavior, but rather their personal

characteristics, a person's race, ethnicity, or religion.

Background of racial profiling

The term racial profiling is relatively new term. Law enforcement agencies have …show more content…
Muslims or people of Mid Eastern descent, since 9/11, have been racially profiled, and

looked at as terrorist.

2. African Americans, are racially profiled DWB (Driving while black). African Americans

are also racially profiled based on what type of clothing they have on.

Driving while black is a term that refers to criminalization of African Americans. Driving

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while black occurs when police use traffic offenses as an excuse for stopping African
Americans, who have not committed any offense, questioning them, searching them and their

vehicles. In some cases, police stop African American drivers without usual requirement of

probable cause or reasonable suspicion.

Why is racial profiling wrong?

Racial profiling is wrong because when you look for a certain race, or group of people as

the suspect, the person who committed the crime may remain free based on this stereotyping.

For example, a woman’s wallet is snatched out of her hand, and all she can provide as

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