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Summary: A Broken Immigration System

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A Broken Immigration System
Immigration is one of the most complex problems facing the nation currently. Immigration has profound influence on the economy, security, social, and demography of this country. Regardless of political party affiliation, both sides of the political aisles agree that the immigration system is broken and needs an overhaul, but cannot seem to agree on the most effective solution. The immigration is a local, national and international problem and concerns the UTA community, which comprises of individuals with different ideology and background. Because of this, “Reforming Immigration for Good” article in the New York Times written on 29 Jan 2013 will be an interesting and timely issue for the UTA community. In this …show more content…
She begins with the latest one, which the former president Obama endorsed, the immigration reform plan of 8 bipartisan senators which will give pathway citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants. Although there was no detailed explanation of the plan, she criticized the plan claiming that the plan will solve only half the problem and will not stop future illegal immigration. On one hand, she criticized and explained the short coming of the following immigration acts in 1986,1965,1940, and 1920. She also continued explaining the financial burden and damage of the immigration and problem the country is facing by arguing, “In the last quarter-century we have spent approximately $187 billion on enforcement, mostly along the United States-Mexico border. This included a nine-fold increase in the size of the Border Patrol since 1980; nearly 700 miles of fencing; and the deployment of surveillance drones and motion sensors.’’ On the other hand, she failed to mention positive contribution of the immigrant community to the country such as creating successful companies which created thousands of jobs and brings prosperity to the country. And, immigrant community members that integrated and became part and parcel of America fabric by becoming scientist, engineers, business people, doctor and politicians. Because of these bills, the American people diversified, matured and became …show more content…
This bill was partly the result of a civil right movement activists focus on equal treatment of immigrant regardless of nationality and race. Also, congress passed the bill in a bipartisan way. As a result of this bill, the demography and face of the nation changed and diversified. And the next major immigration act was 1986 immigration which legalized three million immigrants and the author described this act as half measure and did not address the unauthorized entry of the

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