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Cd/150 Week 1 Reflection

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Based on my learnings and experiences in the CPD 150 class, I believe that most of the strategies that were taught in this class are extremely helpful in order to be a successful college student. However, a few of the factors that I believe are most important and contribute a lot to college and life success are, victim and creator mindsets, self-motivation, self-management, and believing in myself. In the beginning, some of these strategies were challenging for me. At this point, I have tried to work on myself and am continuing to work on areas that need improvement. In fact, I feel that there has been a great amount of improvement in my weak areas since the beginning of the semester.
One cannot possibly be successful if always using the wrong …show more content…
So, I began working on myself. Now, when I struggle with something, instead of blaming, complaining, and making up various excuses, I begin by seeking a solution to my problem. For example, writing an essay is not my favorite thing to do. However, last week when I had an english paper that I had to complete and hand in, I decided to use the creator's mindset. I knew I was struggling with writing essays so I made the decision to ask for help. First, I asked a family member to read through my paper and proofread it. Still, I felt that my paper can be better than what it is, so, I made a visit to the tutoring center. As a matter of fact, the lady helped me improve my paper and I was truly very happy that I decided to make that decision. Using the creator mindset has become one of my strengths rather than a …show more content…
However, once I can get myself to actually sit down and start the assignment, I then have a lot of motivation and try to get the assignment done that night so that I do not have to worry about needing to continue it the next day. When I am motivated, it becomes easier for me to accomplish what I need to do and keep my grades up. To keep myself motivated, I wrote my own affirmation, “I am a smart and successful student”, and hung it on the wall so that I can look at it every morning. I know that if I am more motivated and on top of everything, then I will be a very successful student. My goal is to become a successful student so for the rest of this semester and in the future I will work on staying

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