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Developing Interpersonal Skills Analysis

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Unit 6 Written Assignment:
The importance of developing interpersonal skills
It is important to not only develop your interpersonal skills, but be aware of them. Unlike other skill sets, it is likely that you are already in possession of some interpersonal skills. They are important is business, because they determine how interact with people, approach tasks and influence many aspects of our working lives. This is why they are given such high regard in business (Open University , 2013).
Listening is regarded as part of a communication. As well as the act of listening, there is also a degree of analysis involved in this skill.
In fact, there are five stages to the listening process they are, receiving, understanding, remembering, …show more content…
Perhaps it will be negotiating a price with a supplier or a transaction with a new customer. But it is also used in everyday life, often subconsciously. One example is meeting someone for the first time and deciding who says hello first or holding a door open for someone. This is something that we do as people, instinctively.
Of course we negotiate in life consciously as well. One example of this is decided with a partner which restaurant to meet for dinner or a where to meet a friend. These are all examples of negotiation (Billikopf, 2007).

Negotiation in business
In business, negotiation uses a number of different skills, including, nonverbal communication and even a little assertiveness behaviors. To understand its impact one can look at the import and export industry.
The most successful organizations involved in the import and export sector rely heavily on negotiation. Often as this is a business to business sector (B2B), companies will negotiates products and services. This skill is such a high regard that often many organizations will offer training and workshops to its employees.
In this sector, negotiation is the most effective way of obtaining new business, retaining clients and even increasing both revenue and profit (Sun, 2008).
Developing Negotiation …show more content…
Improving skills is quite possible focusing on the key aspects, discussed. There are many resources online that can help one develop persuasion skills. One example is:
One of the most highly regarded interpersonal skills is interviewing. This is an important interpersonal communication skills, which is often used to find out about a person. This is often associated with a prospective employee, and perhaps an interrogation by a public services such as the police. It is a skills that uses a wide variety of interpersonal communication skills to achieve this. This involves as much as listening as answering questions. It may also involve feedback during an interview. This can help make an interviewee feel at ease, which in turn can help achieve the objective of the interview.
Interviewing in Business
In business this often involves interview a prospective employee. Although often some organizations will interview existing employees seeking promotion. A good interviewer will often find an employee with the right skills for the position. This is why it is a highly regarded skill in business (McDermott,

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