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Cellular Exchange


Submitted By studio54
Words 1023
Pages 5
Discuss the different processes of cellular exchange, with NAMED examples. Nucleus is at the centre of the cell, it has coded instruction that enables it to make specific protein; this is how ribosomes are made here. This is bounded by a double membrane; the cytoplasm is like material within the nucleus this is called the nucleplasm (Rowland, as biology, 2008). The nucleus stores, replicates and decodes DNA. , which gives each cell it unique characteristics; this means liver cells are is different from muscle cell and is different from a fat cell. It is also the largest and most prominent organelle in the cell; it is a specialized subunit in the cell that has a specific function. As the nuclear envelope isolates and protects a cell’s DNA from various molecules that might damage the structure or its processing this when DNA is synthesized special RNA (Parker and Honeysett, biology, 2008). The nucleolus produces ribosome’s, which move out of nucleus to a position on the rough endoplasmic reticulum where they are critical in protein synthesis.
Endoplasmic Reticulum which has a system of complex tunnels that spread throughout the cell, this part of the cell which is suspended. This helps food to be consumed and transform into energy for the cell functions. It has elaborate system which is called endoplasmic reticulum (Rowland, as biology, 2008); this is interconnected with the lining membrane with nuclear envelope. This given to the fact that is referred to as called cytosol, mean cell substance which is a grey colour when looked at it. As it is made up of two parts the ectoplasm, a dense gelatinous outer layer concerned with cell movement and endoplasm which has a more fluid inner part where most of organelles are found, as there are chemical reactions happening. The Endoplasmic Reticulum helps in the transport of proteins and lipids, as it covers over half a cell.

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