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Certified Public Accountant Career Paper

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Certified Public Accountants Becoming a certified public accountant is not as easy as some people think. A certified public accountant achieves expertise beyond normal accountants, and also handles several different things. For example, a certified public accountant helps individuals or companies accounting taxes, planning financials, and reviewing financial information. Especially in today’s global economy, some certified public accountants are required to understand and master international trade laws. The career I decided to research is a certified public accountant. There are several reasons why I selected this field. First, CPAs are needed everywhere. Whether international companies, non-profit organizations, corporations, or governments, they all look for CPAs to fill in their advanced finance positions. CPAs have priority on both recruitment and promotion. Second, CPAs are paid better than accountants. According to a global recruiting agency report, the average annual income of CPAs is 10% more than accountants. Also, CPAs who work more than 5 years are paid $80-110K in public accounting firms. …show more content…
First, salary is enough to pay for my daily life. The average salary for a CPA is $68,150 per year. There are differences in salaries based on geographic regions. First-tier cities will be higher than normal cities because of the high price level. For example, in New York, the average salary is $97,484 per year. In Houston, the average salary is $88,050 per year. Not only geographic regions but also years’ experience has a moderate effect on salary. A study by PayScale website shows that people who have less than 1 years’ experience get $53,018 per years, but people who work more than 20 years can get more than $117.423 per years. Second, I like to have a regular life. I just need work 40 hours per week and have all holiday off. I have a lot of time with my families and friends. That is all I

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