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Submitted By tmt23
Words 3415
Pages 14
Tavonna Triplett
Career Paper

The different types of accounting careers are Public, Government, National, Management, Financial, Tax, and. Fiduciary Accounting. Public accounting is the most varied type and includes bookkeeping, account management and financial analysis for individuals, private businesses, public firms, government or NGOs, which are either based nationally are internationally. A public accounting business can have one or more accountants and both certified and non-certified accountants can provide public accounting services to their clients. Government Accounting specific to government agencies and ensures all revenues and expenditure are in accordance to law. The conventional accounting methods of double entry system in ledgers and journals are used here. Government accounting is differentiated from other types of accounting in respect of providing service that is not profit based but service based. Government accountants are employed by the federal government, either as a part of the IRS or any other budget or asset management division. National Income Accounting is mainly for the government and is responsible for providing the general public the data with reference to the gross national product about all market-related information, such as the value of the country's goods and services provided and its purchasing power. National income accounting gives an idea about the state of economy of a country and how and where money is being generated and spent. Management accounting is also known as private, industrial or corporate accountants. Management accountants provide their services to business houses for recording and studying the company's financial data. Financial accounting is based on rules issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting

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