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Cgi Question and Answer


Submitted By anirudhsingh488
Words 4227
Pages 17
Those Who are going for CGI , on 9th May 2015
Sample Placement papers for CGI
Aptitude sample paper for CGI - placement paper
Q. Every day a driver comes to pick up a man at his office at 6pm. One day the man gets free early and rather than waiting for the driver, he starts walking for home at 4:30pm. The man meets the driver on the way and then reaches home 30minutes earlier than usual. What is the usual time that man takes to reach home from the office?
Q. What is the distance travelled by a ball that falls from a height of 8 mts and each time it bounces half the distance back?
Q. What is the height of the cone of diameter 12 cm that is formed after melting a sphere of 6 cm diameter?
Q. A can work three times as B can work. If A takes 60 days less than B to complete the same task, calculate the number of days when both A and B start working together on the same day.
a) 25 days
b) 20 days
c) 22 and 1/2 days
d) 24 days
Q. A boy has Rs 3 in total. If he wins, he gains 1 Rupee and if he looses, he has to loose 1 Rupee. The boy may lose only 5 times in the game and if he earns 5 Rs, he has to quit the game. Find the number of ways of the possibilities.
Q. A and B decide to speak truth or lie on a day. Another person asks A if he is saying truth or lie. B listens to A whatever he answers. Now the person asks B what A had told. B replies as “ A has told that he is a liar”. What does B say?
a) Truth
b) Truth when A lies
c) Lie
d) Cannot be determined
Q. What is the angle between the two hands of the clock when it shows 10:10?
Q. In a queue, a man is standing at the position 10th from the front and 15th from behind. How many persons are standing in the queue?
Q. A man runs towards the east direction and then takes his right. Then he takes a left and again 50 degrees to his right. What is the direction in which he is moving now?
a) North west
b) North east
c) East
d) West
Q. In an exam, a girl scores 85% in one subject and 88 % in another subject. What percentage does she score in the third subject to get an average of 88% marks?
a) 90
b) 91
c) 89
d) 87
Q. A boy asks the relation of two people walking along the street. One of them says that the lady walking with him is the daughter of his mother’s only son. What is the relation between the two people?
a) Brother and sister
b) Father and daughter
c) Husband and wife
d) Man and his aunt
Q. A sum of Rs 312 is divided among 100 boys and girls such that every boy gets an amount of Rs 3.60 and every girl gets 2.40 Rs. Calculate the number of girls in the group.
a) 45
b) 60
c) 40
d) 30
Q. A job may be completed in 12 days, working for 8 hours a day if 20 men or 24 women or 40 boys perform the task. If a task four times as big as this is done for 5 hours a day for 12 days, how many men will be required to join 6 women and 2 boys to complete the task?
a) 12
b) 2
c) 22
d) 20
Q. In a class of 60 students, a student of weight 45 Kg leaves the class. The average weight of the class is then increased by 200 gms. What is the average weight of the remaining 59 students in the class?
a) 55
b) 57
c) 59
d) 51
Q. In a triangle, the average of the two angles is 56 degrees where as their difference is 24 degrees. What is the measurement of the biggest angle of the triangle?
a) 62
b) 66
c) 56
d) 68
Q. If all the natural numbers from 256 to 400 are written side by side to each other, a large natural number is obtained. How many times 6 appears in this large natural number?
Q. If each of the numbers A, B and C are divisible by 2, then A*B*C must be divisible by
a) 16
b) 8
c) 9
d) 12
Q. A batsman scored 120 runs including 16 fours and 2 sixes. What percentage of his total score did he make by running between the wickets?
a) 33%
b) 36.7%
c) 35%
d) 45%
Q. A boy scores 9 marks more than his friend in an exam and has 56% marks of the total of their marks. Calculate the marks scored by each of them.
a) 42, 33
b) 46, 37
c) 39, 30
d) 54, 45
Q. What would be the rank of the word LABOUR in the dictionary if all the possible permutations of the alphabets of LABOUR are done?
a) 240
b) 242
c) 258
d) 265
Q. In a class photograph, 5 girls are sitting in the front where as 20 boys are standing behind them. The corner two positions are reserved for the tallest boys of the class. What are the number of ways the students may be arranged?
a) 18! * 2! * 1440
b) 18! * 1440
c) 6! * 1440
d) 6! * 18!
Q. In a show, ticket numbers from 101 to 350 are made to sit consecutively. What is the probability that the number of the ticket, selected at random, will be a hundredth digit of 2?
a) 99/250
b) 100/250
c) 0.40
d) 0.254
Q. The numbers A, B and C make a sum of 98. If the ratio A:B is 2:3 and that B:C is 5:8, the third number would be
a) 44
b) 48
c) 30
d) 58
Q. Ajay and Vijay ave their salaries in the ratio of 2:3. If each of their salaries are increased by Rs 4000, the new ration comes to be 40:57. How much is the present salary of Vijay?
a) 34,000
b) 38,000
c) 28,000
d) 40,000
Q. What is the total distance covered by Sachin if he covers 2/3 rd of the distance at 4 kmph and the remaining distance at 5 kmph in 1hr 24min?
a) 8
b) 10
c) 6
d) 4
Q. A man drives at a speed of 40 miles/hr while his friend drives at a speed of 50 miles/hr. If the friend leaves 30 minutes after the man, when are they going to meet?
a) 3 hrs
b) 1 hr
c) 1.5 hrs
d) 2hrs
Q. A man walks around a rectangle. The time taken by him in travelling the length is twice as taken in travelling the breadth of the rectangle. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 300 mts, what is the area of the rectangle?
a) 3500 sqmt
b) 5000sqmt
c) 4000sqmt
d) 4500sqmt
Q. If 8 men are required to complete a work in 6 days, how many men will be required to complete the same work in ½ day?
a) 94
b) 96
c) 69
d) 99
Q. There are 1, 40, 00, 000 pencils of lengths ranging from 3 to 6 inches and are put up straight. The average length of 80% of pencils is 5 inches. Calculate the total length spanned by the pencils.
Q. If a worker gets late for his work he has to pay a fine of Rs 200 on the first day and the fine increases by 25 Rs per day. If he pays a total amount of Rs 9450, for how many days did he pay for?
a) 20
b) 21
c) 22
d) 23
1> A man employs 20 men, 15 women and x children. He pays daily wages of Rs 10 per man, Rs 8 per women and Rs 4 per child. His daily average wages bill work out to Rs 8.50 per person. What is the value of x ?
1.Rs 5
2.Rs 10
3.Rs 15
4. Indeterminate
2> A subscriber is allowed to make certain no of telephone calls for a lumpsum charge of Rs 300. Beyond that he is charged at a certain rate per call. Two subscriber together make 1400 calls, and were charged Rs 425 and Rs 925 respectively. If the single person had made all of the 1400 calls, he would have been charged Rs 1550. How many telephone calls are allowed for the first Rs 300 ?
3> At a railway station, there is a meeting of 5 people - P, Q, R, S and T. One of them is a ticket collector, another is a driver and another is a guard.
There is atleast one women in the group and a woman is neither a ticket collector nor a guard.
There is only one married couple in the group.
T is the husband of a member of the group.
Q is the brother of R.
Q is neither a driver nor a guard.
P and S are unmarried and neither of them is a ticket collector or a driver or a guard."
Who is a ticket collector?
Q or T
4> If p happens means Q happens, Q happens means R happens, R happens means S happens.
1.S was happened means??
a)p was happened?
b)p was not happened??
c) r was happened??
d) nothing can be said certanily about PQR
2. S was not happened means??
a)p was happened?
b)p was not happened??
c) r was happened??
d) nothing can be said certanily about PQR
Provided by - CGI Placement Paper Aptitude Question Paper 20 August 2012
Aptitude Questions
1. A sum of Rs.312 was divided among 100 boys and girls in such a way that the boy gets Rs.3.60 and each girl Rs.2.40 the number of girls is
Ans: B
Ex:Step (i) Let x be the number of boys and y be the number of girls.
Given total number of boys and girls = 100 x + y = 100 -------------- (i)
Step (ii) A boy gets Rs. 3.60 and a girl gets Rs. 2.40
The amount given to 100 boys and girls = Rs. 312
3.60x +2.40y = 312 -------------- (ii)
Step (iii)
Solving (i) and (ii)
3.60 x + 3.60y = 360 ------- Multiply (i) by 3.60
=> 3.60 x + 2.40y = 312 --------- (ii)
1.20y = 48 y = 48/1.20 = 40
=> Number of girls = 40
2. If 20 men or 24 women or 40 boys can do a job in 12 days working for 8 hours a day, how many men working with 6 women and 2 boys take to do a job four times as big working for 5 hours a day for 12 days?
A.8 men
B.12 men
C.2 men
D.24 men
Ans: C
Ex:Let?s try solving this Problem using ratio approach.
"Amount of work done by 20 men = 24 women = 40 boys or 1 man = 1.2 woman = 2 boys."
Let us therefore, find out the amount of men required, if only men were working on the job, to complete the new job under the new conditions and then make adjustments for the women and children working with the men.
The man hours required to complete the new job = 4 times the man hours required to complete the old job.(As the new job is 4 times as big as the old job)
Let ,n, be the number of men required.
20 * 12 * 8 = n * 5 * 12 * 4 => n = 8
8 men working will be able to complete the given job.
However, the problem states that 6 women and 2 boys are working on the job.
6 women = 6/12= 5 men and 2 boys = 1 man. The equivalent of 5 + 1 = 6 men are already working.
3. When a student weighing 45 kgs left a class, the average weight of the remaining 59 students increased by 200g. What is the average weight of the remaining 59 students?
Ex:Let the average weight of the 59 students be A.
Therefore, the total weight of the 59 of them will be 59A.
The questions states that when the weight of this student who left is added, the total weight of the class = 59A + 45
When this student is also included, the average weight decreases by 0.2 kgs.
59A + 45/ 60 = A - 0.2
=> 59A + 45 = 60A ? 12
=> 45 + 12 = 60A - 59A
=> A = 57
4. The difference between two angles of a triangle is 240. The average of the same two angles is 540.Which one of the following is the value of the greatest angle of the triangle?
Ex:Let a and b be the two angles in the question, with a > b. We are given that the difference between the angles is 240.
=> a - b = 24.
Since the average of the two angles is 540, we have (a + b)/2 = 54.
Solving for b in the first equation yields b = a - 24, and substituting this into the second equation yields
({a + (a - 24)}/2) = 54
({2a ? 24}/2) = 54
2a - 24 = 54*2
2a - 24 = 108
2a = 108 + 24
2a = 132 a = 66
b = a - 24 = 66 - 24 = 42
Now, let c be the third angle of the triangle. Since the sum of the angles in the triangle is 1800, a + b + c =180.
Plugging the previous results into the equation yields 66 + 42 + c = 180.
Solving for c yields c = 72
Hence, the greatest of the three angles a, b and c is c, which equals 720.
5. If we write down all the natural numbers from 259 to 492 side by side get a very large natural number 259260261....491492. How many 8,s will be used to write this large natural number?
Ex:From 259 to 458, there are 200 natural numbers so there will be 2*20 =40 8,s
From 459 to 492 we have 13 more 8,s and so answer is 40+13 =53
6. If each of the three nonzero numbers a , b , and c is divisible by 3, then abc must be divisible by which one of the following the numbers?
Ex:Since each one of the three numbers a, b, and c is divisible by 3, the numbers can be represented as 3p,3q, and 3r, respectively, where p, q, and r are integers.
The product of the three numbers is 3p*3q*3r =27(pqr).
Since p, q, and r are integers, pqr is an integer and therefore abc is divisible by 27.
7. A batsman scored 110 runs which included 3 boundaries and 8 sixes. What percent of his total score did he make by running between the wickets?
Ex:Number of runs made by running = 110 - (3 * 4 + 8 * 6)
= 110 - (60)
= 50.
Required percentage = ({50/110}*100)% = 45{5/11}%
8. Two students appeared at an examination. One of them secured 9 marks more than the other and his marks was 56% of the sum of their marks. The marks obtained by them are:
A.39, 30
B.41, 32
C.42, 33
D.43, 34
Ex:Let their marks be (x + 9) and x.
Then, x + 9 = (56/100)(x + 9 + x)
25(x + 9) = 14(2x + 9)
3x = 99 x = 33
So, their marks are 42 and 33.
9. The letter of the word LABOUR are permuted in all possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged as in a dictionary. What is the rank of the word LABOUR?
Ex:The order of each letter in the dictionary is ABLORU.
Now, with A in the beginning, the remaining letters can be permuted in 5! ways.
Similarly, with B in the beginning, the remaining letters can be permuted in 5! ways.
With L in the beginning, the first word will be LABORU, the second will be LABOUR.
Hence, the rank of the word LABOUR is 5!+5!+2 =242
10. A class photograph has to be taken. The front row consists of 6 girls who are sitting. 20 boys are standing behind. The two corner positions are reserved for the 2 tallest boys. In how many ways can the students be arranged?
A.6! * 1440
B.18! * 1440
C.18! *2! * 1440
D.None of these
EX:Two tallest boys can be arranged in 2! ways, rest 18 can be arranged in 18! ways.
Girls can be arranged in 6! ways.
Total number of ways in which all the students can be arranged = 2! * 18! * 6!
= 18! *1440
11. Ten different letters of alphabet are given, words with 5 letters are formed from these given letters. Then, the number of words which have at least one letter repeated is:
Number of words which have at least one letter replaced:
= Total number of words - total number of words in which no letter is repeated"
=>105 - {16P5}
=>100000 - 30240 =69760
12. In a charity show tickets numbered consecutively from 101 through 350 are placed in a box. What is the probability that a ticket selected at random (blindly) will have a number with a hundredth digit of 2?
Ex:250 numbers between 101 and 350 i.e. n(S) = 250 n(E) = 100th digits of 2 = 299-199 = 100
P(E) = {n(E)}/{n(S)} = 100/250 =0.40
13. The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio of the first to second is 2 colonthree emoticon and that of the second to the third is 5 : 8, then the second number is:
Ex:Let the three parts be A, B, C. Then,
A : B = 2 : 3 and B : C = 5 : 8 = 5*{3/5} : 8*{3/5} = 3 : 24/5
=> A : B : C = 2 : 3 : 24/5 = 10 : 15 : 24
=> B = (98*{15/49}) =30
14. Salaries of Ravi and Sumit are in the ratio 2 : 3. If the salary of each is increased by Rs. 4000, the new ratio becomes 40 : 57. What is Sumit,s salary?
A.Rs. 17,000
B.Rs. 20,000
C.Rs. 34,000
D.Rs. 38,000
Ex:Let the original salaries of Ravi and Sumit be Rs. 2x and Rs. 3x respectively.
Then, {2x + 4000}/{3x + 4000} = 40/57
=> 57*(2x + 4000) = 40*(3x + 4000)
=> 6x = 68,000
=> 3x = 34,000
Sumit,s present salary = (3x + 4000) = Rs.(34000 + 4000) =Rs. 38,000
15. Sachin can cover a distance in 1hr 24min by covering 2/3 of the distance at 4 kmph and the rest at 5kmph.the total distance is?
A.5 km
B.6 km
C.7 km
D.8 km
EX:Let total distance = D
Distance travelled at 4 kmph speed = (2/3)D
Distance travelled at 5 kmph speed = (1 - 2/3)D = (1/3)D
Total time = 1hr 24 min = (60+24)min = (84/60)hr = (21/15)hr
We know, time = distance/speed
Total time = (21/15)={(2/3)D}/4 + {(1/3)D} /5
21/15 = {2D}/12 + {D}/15
84 = 14D
**************************************** questions pattern for CGI

A train running at the speed of 60 km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the length of the train? puzzle- six person, six profession, six instruments(each person plays a single instrumnt).... very easily this puzzled can be solved..- 5 questions another puzzle.. 3 questions.. its the easiest puzzle... more 5 quanti questns.. all r easy xcpt one.. englsh is bit tough.. one paragraph will be given.. 4 sentences will be missing within the paragraph. options r given below.. u need to put the correct sentence on correct place.. rest of the english questns: each questn has separate paragraph.. so this part is very time consuming..
1st solve two puzzles thn quanti part.. & at the end go for english.. it will be helpful to manage time..
********* this is the pattern of apti questn that CGI follows*******
1.corruption in india networking
3.electronic media vs news paper
4.traffic in bangalore this round is not so tough.. be confident.. they will select u.. out of 10 candidate they choose 7-8.. so no need to take tension.
this the most most importnt round i think.. u have to face 30-50 questn(avg).. prepare ur projct very well.. most of the questn will be asked from project.. some basic technical questns will be asked.. so answer confidently all questns..
if u can clear tech1 thn ur chnce is 95%.. most of the time this round is non-rejection round.. some tough technical questn will be asked.. try to answr properly.. this round will be taken by managers.. so be careful when u r speaking..
this is formal.. why CGI? location? who reffered u? family background....
****************************these all guys*******************
***************************all the best :)******************
1st round is written test on apti and english 25 questions 30 min it somewhat difficult manage the time well
2nd round gd for my batch he gives the topic and ask all the people to talk about it for 2 minutes
3rd round is 1st technical i went for java he asks me about basics questions on java... and basic programs like pallendrome largest of three nos
4th round is 2nd technical he asks some deep question in this round see the topics of collections program for add retrieve the elements...
5th round is hr it just a formality round if u clear the 4th one u r almost selected.. they will send u the offer letter in one week all the best for all who r attending for the interview..
Plsql cgi
For pl/sql guys... these kind of questions i hv faced 2day in cgi in both technical rounds...
1. what is %type and %rowtype?
2. There is a 'student' table with attributes like Name and age ... you hv to create one cursor and write a pl/sql program code for dat table using %type and %rowtype 3.what is stored procedure? what is anonymous block?
4. what is d difference b/w function and procedure?
5.what kind of security u hv used in your oracle 10g project?
6. sql query for 2nd/3rd highest salary
7.write a c program for prime number?
8. what is trigger and give one example throgh a pl/sql program code?
9.How many different database u know
10. sql query for delete duplicate record from a table 10.2 puzzles 11. what is 2nd normal form?
11. HR also asked me two puzzles also
#‎CGI‬ #‎CTS‬ #‎ACCENTURE‬ those who r going for CGI.
1> Written:
There were 25 Questions u have to solve in 30 mins,12 is cut off!
I>1 to 5 English grammer questions like verb,tenses etc
II>5to10 Pragraph u have to relate the words.
III>10 to 20 aptitude a>profit & loss b>time & work c>average d>ages e>Boolean etc
IV>20 to 25 relationship questions may be in the form of paragraph or charts.
2>Group Decision : a>social networking site good or bad. b>newspaper c>Delhi rape case
I knw only these topics.
Its not debate kind of but every one gets time to speek about it.
3>Techical 1 followed by technical2 questions depend on ur profile.
Go prepared for technical.
I was interviewed for Testing:
Types of testing.
White box testing
Grey box testing
Regression testing
Test case template
Test case for water bottle,pen.etc
4>HR:Its just formality round
Brief intro, go through about CGI,why CGI,general questions,hobbies.. point to remember-
1. make sure u have original certificate(mean duplicate b ho to uska original printout.)
2.attempt all the ques coz no negative marking , make sure 12 out of 25 r correct.
3. in GD, they will give a simple topic so speak whatever u can speak, coz if u will not speak and hesitate they they will simply reject you..

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...Scoring scheme : #- 1 for mismatches !- 1 for gaps "  Answer: ————————————————————————— C O E L A C A N T H P E L I C A N ————————————————————————— -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 λ λ P E L I C A N Seq1 Seq2 C -1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -3 -4 -5 O P O -2 -2 -2 -3 -4 -4 -4 -5 E E E -3 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -5 L L L -4 -4 -2 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 A I A -5 -5 -3 -1 -1 -2 -1 -2 C C C -6 -6 -4 -2 -2 0 -1 -2 A A A -7 -7 -5 -3 -3 -1 1 0 N -8 -8 -6 -4 -4 -2 0 2 N N T -9 -9 -7 -5 -5 -3 -1 1 T — H -10 -10 -8 -6 -6 -4 -2 0 H — 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 C — Name: CHEN LIN Student ID: 44141569-3 Seq1 Seq2 C P O — E E L L A I C C A A N N T — H — 2. In this question you will use two different dot matrix analysis servers to analyze the sequence of the human low density lipoprotein receptor (NP_000518). You will run a dot matrix analysis of this protein against itself (which means you will need to enter its sequence in both boxes on the website). A. First use Dottup ( Set the word size to 2 (“word size” is basically the same as “window”). Using a word size of 2, the algorithm will scan a window of 2 amino acids and put one dot in the matrix when the two sequences have identical amino acids. Dottup has no threshold, so it is simpler than Dotmatcher. a) Print (or copy and paste) the output from Dottup and turn it in. B. Now use Dotmatcher ( Set the window to...

Words: 486 - Pages: 2

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11300a Bioinformatics

...| |i |-4 |-4 |-4 |-3 |-1 |-1 |-2 |-3 |-4 |-5 |-6 | |c |-5 |-5 |-5 |-4 |-2 |-2 |0 |-1 |-2 |-3 |-4 | |a |-6 |-6 |-6 |-5 |-3 |-1 |-1 |1 |0 |-1 |-2 | |n |-7 |-7 |-7 |-6 |-4 |-2 |-2 |0 |2 |1 |0 | | 2. In this question you will use two different dot matrix analysis servers to analyze the sequence of the human low density lipoprotein receptor (NP_000518). You will run a dot matrix analysis of this protein against itself (which means you will need to enter its sequence in both boxes on the website). A. First use Dottup ( Set the word size to 2 (“word size” is basically the same as “window”). Using a word size of 2, the algorithm will scan a window of 2 amino acids and put one dot in the matrix when the two sequences have identical amino acids. Dottup has no threshold, so it is simpler than Dotmatcher. a) Print (or copy and paste) the output from Dottup and turn it in. B. Now use Dotmatcher ( Set the window to 10 and threshold to 23 in order to filter out the “noise.” a) Print (or copy and paste) the output from Dotmatcher and turn it in. C. Examine the two dot matrices and use them to answer the following questions. a) What does the long diagonal from one corner to the other...

Words: 367 - Pages: 2

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Reproductive Rights Go Green Summary

...Baird, Joni. "Reproductive Rights Go Green." Humanist, vol. 69, no. 5, Sep/Oct2009, pp. 18-22. EBSCOhost, The article "Reproductive Rights Go Green" by Joni Baird, discusses the urgency of birth control in the face of global warming, which it implies is partly a result of expanding population. Currently, there was 6.8 billion people inhabiting the earth, and that number is expected to grow to 9.1 billion by 2050. Environmentalists are coming to the conclusion that implementation of green technologies is not going to help slow the fast overpopulation of the world....

Words: 1206 - Pages: 5

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The Matrix of Our Visual Culture

...As Patricia Pisters (2003) asserts in her study of Deleuze and film theory The Matrix of Visual Culture, the Wachowski brothers’ film can be read from number of different theoretical perspectives. It invites readings via Lacanian psychoanalysis, Platonic notions of the cave and the disparity between the two strata of perception and also as a “New Age” (Pisters, 2003: 11) quasi-religious evocation of the second coming. However, here I would like to place the film’s visual sense and diegesis into a context of postmodern philosophy; drawing inferences and theoretical connections between the film and the work of Jean Baudrillard, Walter Benjamin and the neo-Marxists of the Frankfurt School, most notably Adorno and Horkheimer in Dialectic of Enlightenment (1979). The importance of postmodern philosophy and cyber culture to the visual sense of The Matrix is declared from its very opening titles. Random strings of green neon data are scrolled against a black background imbuing the viewer with a sense of the virtual and the cybernetic and this is concretised and given definite focus later on as Neo (Keanu Reeves) hides the two thousand dollars given to him by Anthony in a copy of Simulacra and Simulation by Baudrillard. This reference however is more than a mere visual joke it is a signifier for a number of the film’s sub-textual tropes and motifs. For Baudrillard, the notion of the simulacra was central to an understanding of the modern capitalist society. In his essay “The Precession...

Words: 1555 - Pages: 7

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Ebay Store

...what really works on eBay and other online marketplaces? Are you a retailer or manufacturer who would like to start to utilize eBay? UPCOMING RESEARCH BRIEFS 1. 2005 Marketing Blueprint 2. Testing Free Trial Offers 3. Effective PPC Campaign Tracking 4. Planning Your Merchandising Calendar in 2005 Topic: eBay Stores — What is an eBay Store and how can it be used as an effective sales tool? We recently released the audio recording of our clinic on this topic. You can listen to a recording of this clinic here: Windows Media Audio: RealMedia: Marketing Experiments.Com A Division of Digital Trust Inc. – eBay Stores - Page 1 of 10 © Digital Trust Inc. All rights reserved - 2005 This research brief will answer the following questions: 1. What is an eBay Store? 2. How effective is an eBay Store as a sales channel? 3. How can an eBay Store be optimized? (10 Key Techniques) 1. What is an eBay Store? Clear your mind of any notion you have about how eBay works, what it does, who shops there, and what you know about it. eBay has evolved over the past 10 years and it is more than just an auction site. In fact, billions of dollars in fixed-priced items sell there each year. What started as a virtual flea market is now a thriving online marketplace that accounts for almost 10% of the entire world's ecommerce sales year after year: eBay vs. The...

Words: 2816 - Pages: 12

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The Movie Industry 50 highest grossing movies in the American film history were produced, all of which made over 200 million dollars. Among these blockbusters were "Spider-man," "Finding Nemo," and "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace." We all know why "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" exploded at the box office. But why did the other two gross over $340 million each? Because they were thought-provoking? Hardly. "Spider-man" has the tired old theme of damsel-in-distress-as-hero-saves-the-day. "Finding Nemo" finds a rebellious fish wandering off into an adventure as his parent desperately searches for him (can you say underwater Home Alone?). What makes these movies such great sellers is their entertainment value. The high use of Computer Generated Images (CGI) allowed for effects never...

Words: 1012 - Pages: 5

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...Part 1: Question and Answer Question 1: Difference between Indexed Table and Indexed View.. Indexes on table are generally always used. You will have at least one unique index and one of the indexes will be clustered. Indexes on views are generally only applied as an optimization technique. Indexes on the view can improve performance using the views. Question 2: Clustered VS non-clustered index Question 3: Explain HIP table A: Heap table is a table that does not have any Clustered Index. Question 4: Maximum number of columns a table can have for SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008 and 2012 A: 1024 Question 5: Difference between Delete and Truncate Delete and Truncate they both delete data. Difference is Delete keeps a record in the log file but truncate does not keep any record in the log file. So if you do a truncate operation you won't have any option to recover at a later time. Question 6: What is rollback? A: Rolls back an explicit or implicit transaction to the beginning of the transaction, or to a savepoint inside the transaction. You can use ROLLBACK TRANSACTION to erase all data modifications made from the start of the transaction or to a savepoint. It also frees resources held by the transaction. ROLLBACK { TRAN | TRANSACTION }      [ transaction_name | @tran_name_variable      | savepoint_name | @savepoint_variable ] [ ; ] Question 7: Difference between Primary Key and Unique Key Primary key does not allow...

Words: 1489 - Pages: 6

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Business Ethics

...Electronic Commerce, 7th Edition 14188-37032 Chapter 10 Solutions Review Questions 1. In about 200 words, explain why Web sites use cookies. In your answer, discuss the reasons that cookies were first devised and explain where cookies are stored. You can use the links in the Online Companion to help with your research. Answer: Responses will vary, but should include references to shopping carts. Since cookies contain text data, they can help with the statelessness of the Internet. 2. In about 100 words, describe steganography and explain its connection to the topic of online security. You can use the links in the Online Companion to help with your research. Answer: Responses will vary, but should mention that this involves hiding information within another piece of information. 3. In about 200 words, explain the differences between public-key encryption and private-key encryption. List advantages and disadvantages of each encryption method. Explain which method you would use for e-mail sent from a field sales office to corporate headquarters. Assume that the e-mail regularly includes highly confidential information about upcoming sales opportunities. Answer: Responses will vary but should mention that public-key encryption, encodes messages by using two mathematically related numeric keys. Private-key encryption, encodes a message with one of several available algorithms that use a single numeric key, such as 456839420783, to...

Words: 1430 - Pages: 6

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Legal Case Study

...Advise to Mel on what to do next: Mel has been directly discriminated due to her pregnancy and additionally she has been bullied from her work colleagues. Since Mel was working at Widgets & Gadgets for less than six months she will not be able to apply for an unfair dismissal, even though it seemed that she was put under pressure to resign (WRS Centre, 2009). Mel should take her case in front of the federal court as the unlawful acts all fall under the Federal Legislation; under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984. The first step Mel should take is to lodge a form to the Australian Human Rights Commission, either by email, online or by phone. After having the complaint reviewed the commission will decide whether the complaint is suitable for the parties to recon ciliate or not. Assuming if the parties do not agree reconciliation then the complaint is brought to the attention of the Federal Court of Australia. Issue: Whether Widgets & Gadgets discriminated against Mel Alcholy on the grounds of her pregnancy by changing her employment conditions which of disadvantaged her and additionally whether Mel was pressured into reducing her working hours and changing from fulltime employment to part time employment. Law: The following law applies to Mel’s case: * Sex Discrimination Act 1984, section 7, Discrimination on the ground of pregnancy or potential pregnancy (Austlii, 2012); with reference to case Sheaves V AAPT 2006. Furthermore Sex discrimination Act 1984, Section...

Words: 1707 - Pages: 7

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...<>. Mahan, Tammy L. "Animal Facts: Cougar - by Tammy L Mahan - Helium." Helium - Where Knowledge Rules. Tammy L Mahan. Web. 25 Apr. 2010. <>. Winger, Rosie. "WikiAnswers - What Is the Cougar Population." WikiAnswers - The Q&A Wiki. Rosie Winger. Web. 25 Apr. 2010. <>. "Mountain Lion Life Cycle." Home. 3 Mar. 2003. Web. 25 Apr. 2010. <>. "WHAT BIOME DO THE FOLLOWING ANIMALS LIVE IN ? - Yahoo! Answers." Yahoo! Answers - Home. Web. 25 Apr. 2010. <>. Mifflin, Houghton. "Dictionary - Yahoo! Education." Yahoo! Education -Dictionary, Colleges, Scholarships, Homework Help, Schools, Reference,Thesaurus & More. Houghton Mifflin. Web. 25 Apr. 2010. <>. "Grassland Animal Printouts -" ENCHANTED LEARNING HOME PAGE. Web. 25 Apr. 2010. <>. "23mm |...

Words: 363 - Pages: 2