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Reproductive Rights Go Green Summary

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Baird, Joni. "Reproductive Rights Go Green." Humanist, vol. 69, no. 5, Sep/Oct2009, pp. 18-22. EBSCOhost,
The article "Reproductive Rights Go Green" by Joni Baird, discusses the urgency of birth control in the face of global warming, which it implies is partly a result of expanding population. Currently, there was 6.8 billion people inhabiting the earth, and that number is expected to grow to 9.1 billion by 2050. Environmentalists are coming to the conclusion that implementation of green technologies is not going to help slow the fast overpopulation of the world. …show more content…
Dr. Patrick Lee, Professor of Philosophy at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and author of Abortion and Unborn Human Life, claims fetuses and adults are the same substance, therefore they should have the same rights, but Reisman disproves this by providing examples of how they are the same thing, but not the same substance. To prove his viewpoint of pro-life, first, Lee asserts that fetuses and adults are the same physical organism, and second, the development from fetus to adult is quantitative, and therefore not a change of substance. In response to these statements, author Jeffrey Reiman contends the fact that fetuses and adults are the same physical organism implies only that they are the same thing, but not the same substance, same as living adults and their corpses are the same thing, but not the same substance. Against Lee’s second argument, he contends that Lee confuses the nature of a process with the nature of its result. A process of quantitative change can produce a change in substance. Also, Reiman proclaims Lee fails to show that fetuses are rational and thus have all the essential properties of adults, as required for them to be the same substance. By using this article as an example, it helps answer my question of when do the rights of the fetus start, after conception, or after birth. This article shows, if fetuses and adults are not the same substance, they do not have the same

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