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How Did George Washington Wash Down

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Washington's Wash down!!!

George Washington went on a journey on the Delaware with all of his soldiers. He stayed with them at all times as they went across the Delaware overnight in the freezing cold. How would you like that? I think you already know how they felt, They had to break through very strong pieces of ice all night.

Stick together in battle in battle stickers

George Washington was always with his men. If his men were sleeping on the cold wet ground you would see Washington right next to them.Also If his men were fighting Washington would be fighting too.That is a true leader.
Paris’s treaties

There is one important agreement that we made with paris. We made a treaty with paris that said Great Britain left the a independant nation. Also that they gave us some land, and finally that we gave …show more content…
There was one pamphlet that Thomas Paine wrote that told lies to other places saying that the colonists were the bad people so people in different places were against the colonists.
Quartering pies pie shop

During the Quartering act soldiers lived in other colonists houses not a lot of people liked this. How would you feel if someone lived in your house, ate your food, owned your stuff, and bathed in your shower. I know I would not like that.
Keep warm at valley forge blankets

Valley forge was a rest stop, they kept warm and actually had a place to sleep. They ate good food, but only a little bit of it. They got a few pieces of corn and that was pretty much it. But they were grateful, so grateful.

Washington's wild wings

George Washington is our leader. He took us through a lot of battles since he was a great influencer. He would motivate his men by giving them a cheer or saying or by giving them hope. Now that is a great leader.
Battle of Trenton Basket Ball

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