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Ch 5 Marketing Notes


Submitted By dqazi
Words 1130
Pages 5
Chapter 5 Key terms
Consumer Learning- is a process that evolves and changes as consumers acquire knowledge from experience, observation, and interactions with others and newly acquired knowledge affects future behaviour.
Cues- are stimuli that direct motivated behaviour
Response- is an individuals reaction to a drive or cue.
Reinforcement- is the rewrd - the pleasure, enjoyement, and benefits - that the consumer receives after buying and using a product or service.
Behaviour learning - is sometimes referred to as stimulus-response learning because it is based on the premise that observable to specfic external stimuli that learning has taken place.
Classical conditioning- is viewed as a "knee-jerk" (or automatic) response taht builds up through repeated exposure and reinforcement.
Unconditioned stimulus- feeling sad when you think about a best freind from whom you are now seperated is a natural, human response ( a stimulus taht occurs natually in response to given circumstances)
Conditioned stimulus - stimulus taht become associated with a particular event or feeling as a result of repetition.
Conditioned response - feeling sad whenever you hear the music ( response to conditioned stimulus).
Cognitive associative learning - not the acquisition of new reflexes, but the acquisition of new knowledge about the world.
Repetition- is the key to forming associations between brands and fulfillment of needs.
Advertising wear out- Repetition increases the strength of the association between two stimuli and slows down forgetting this connection. However, the amount of repetiotion that aids retention is limited. Although repetition beyond what is necessary for the intial learning aids retention, at some point an individual becomes satiated with numerous exposures, and both attention and retention decline.
Three-Hit Theory - Some marketing scholors believe that just

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