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Ch1 of Tax Business


Submitted By sunhaoming
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Pages 25

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Topic Revenue neutrality Controlling the economy Encouraging industries Research and development expenditures Social considerations Earned income credit Charitable contributions Fines and penalties Home ownership Higher education incentives Tax credit versus deduction Alleviating the effect of multiple taxation Double taxation and effect of a credit versus a deduction Wherewithal to pay concept: transfer to controlled corporation Avoiding the corporate income tax Wherewithal to pay: example Recognized gain versus realized gain: amount Like-kind exchange versus involuntary conversion: losses Settlement time period Installment method Keogh Plan: grace period Bracket creep: indexation Community property states Community property states Deterrence provisions $13,000 annual gift tax exclusion: audit

Status: Present Edition New New New New New Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Modified Modified New New New New New New New New New New New

Q/P in Prior Edition

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Instructor: For difficulty, timing, and assessment information about each item, see p. 1-3.

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2012 Corporations Volume/Solutions Manual Status: Present Edition New Modified New New New New Modified Modified Unchanged Unchanged New Modified Modified Unchanged New Modified Modified New Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged New Modified Unchanged New

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...Responses to Review Questions Answer One What are the factors that influence a company's decision to go abroad? Please explain how these are related to each other. In the discussion on the internationalisation process of a firm, the product life cycle model plays a major role. Please explain and discuss the usefulness this model. (A) Generally, the first decision to go abroad is a specific one. It is a decision to look at the possibility of a specific investment in a specific country, not a general decision to look around the globe for investment opportunities. At this stage the organisation has no experience with the complexities of foreign investment, although it often has had some export experience. There are no standard operating guidelines, which can be given to deal with these complexities. What is needed mostly is a strong push and/or commitment to go abroad. A company benefits from these earlier experiences in the subsequent investment decisions. The organisational factors include: • role of the management • motives of the organisation • success at home Other than these internal forces, a number of factors in the environment, outside the organisation, may also force a company to go abroad. These drivers of internationalisation may include: • unsolicited proposal that cannot be ignored. These may include proposals from a foreign government, distributor or customer • competitive drive or bandwagon effect following other competitors or a general belief...

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