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Challenges of Mobile Computing


Submitted By abuu5
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Challenges of mobile computing: An Overview

Mobile computing encompasses a number of technologies and devices, such as wireless LANs, notebook computers, cell and smart phones, tablet PCs and PDAs. Basically, any electronic device that helps you organizes your life, communicate with coworkers or friends, or do your job more efficiently is part of mobile computing, the combination of wireless communication infrastructure and portable computing devices has put the background for new computing ,which allows users access information and working With each others, when they move.
Mobility can find e the form of users moving between specific terminals in the world.
The constraints of mobile computing: mobile device constraints: are small size according to its processor speed ,the capacity of storage space and monitor resolution.
Network constraint: the network of mobile wireless is not full reliable when to compare wired.
Mobility constraints: mobile parts are very important for each one , the storage is the one of which makes mobile to save a lot of information.
Wireless communication is very hard to Automate as wired communication because of the interaction of surrounding environment with the message.
Mobility is the capacity to alternate one position when connected to the network increases the stability of some information.
Portability there is a lot of problems for moving mobile from one location to another such as low power can’t find enough electricity to charge your mobile, second risk data the loss and theft, small user interface for mobiles users cant entertainments when they using social conversations.
Mobile computing is new technology of computing that comes from different concepts, mobile stands a suitable addition to wire based the limitation of wireless communication portability and limit resources.

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