...A report evaluating the Unemployment in EU with specific focus in the UK for the last 3-4 years. By Name Institution of Affiliation Introduction The 28-member European Union is the largest single market in the world trading power. Its economic policy seeks to enhance and sustain growth among member states, through investments in the transport, research and energy sectors. The union`s policy decision making structure is headed by the European Parliament, which acts as the legislature in collaboration with the union council. The parliament and the council review all the proposals made brought forth by the union`s Commission, from which they make amendments. Before the Commission proposes new initiatives such as how to counter unemployment, it consults the interested parties such as non-governmental organizations, members of the public and the local governments. The European Union policies have had major economic benefits to the 28 members most which are attributable to economic integration. This paper assesses the challenges the EU has faced as far as unemployment is concerned and the policies that she has put in place to curb the unemployment challenge among the member states. The United Kingdom, joined the EU in 1973 and has since then been a member of the union. The UK provides more than 100 representatives in different commission of the Union, including the European Parliament. The expenditure by the UK in the EU is slightly higher in comparison with what the UK receives...
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...Likewise, unemployed workers represent wasted potential production within an economy. Consequently, unemployment is a significant concern within macroeconomics. The term unemployment refers to the general condition in which resources are willing and able to produce goods and services but are not engaged in any productive activities. Moreover, it arises when GNP declines over a long period of time and when businesses reduce their output. Cutbacks in production inevitably mean that industries will use less labor and materials. Consequently, some workers will lose their jobs and those seeking new jobs will have a difficulty finding employment. Increased unemployment is a major consequence of cyclical declines in real GNP during the periods of recession. Workers in industries usually are laid off especially those who are engaged in the production of producer durable and consumer goods because investment purchased by business and purchases of durable goods by consumer declines during the period of recessions. While unemployment is most commonly thought of in terms of labor, any of the other production factors such as capital, land and entrepreneurship can be unemployed. The analysis of unemployment especially labor unemployment, goes hand-in-hand with the study of macroeconomics. The most noted and widely used measure of unemployment is the unemployment rate of labor. To measure the unemployment rate, it must first determine who is eligible and available to work. The labor force consists...
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...summit for social development after the golden age: the future of the welfare state in the new global order by gøsta esping-andersen unrisd united nations research institute for social development UNRISD work for the Social Summit is being carried out with the support and co-operation of the United Nations Development Programme. Proof-reading and layout: Rhonda Gibbes Dissemination: Adrienne Cruz UNRISD/OP/94/7 ISSN 1020-2285 Copyright United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). Short extracts from this publication may be reproduced unaltered without authorization on condition that the source is indicated. For rights of reproduction or translation, application should be made to UNRISD, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland. UNRISD welcomes such applications. UNRISD publications can be obtained from the same address. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institute. after the golden age: the future of the welfare state in the new global order occasional paper no. 7 world summit for social development ...
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...An evident gap exists in employment rates between Canadian-born individuals and immigrants as in 2011 very recent immigrants faced an unemployment rate of 13.6%, while individuals born in Canada experienced 5.5% (Statistics Canada, 2012). This inequality can often be accounted for by language and communication barriers, discrimination, and requirements for ‘Canadian experience’ (Sakamoto, Chin, & Young, 2010). For example, while multiculturalism is celebrated in Canadian society, individual expressions of culture, such as traditional clothing, can be discriminated and stigmatized within Canadian workplaces (Sakamoto et al., 2010). With unemployment and underemployment comes lower incomes which can impede individuals from affording and accessing resources necessary to achieve optimal levels of...
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...[Name] Role of Social Dialogue In Employment Policies Of The EU. [Course] [Instructor] [University Affiliation] [Date] ROLE OF SOCIAL DIALOGUE IN EMPLOYMENT POLICIES OF THE EU. Introduction. Evidence from various countries from the past three decades of European integration indicated that EU level social dialogue indeed plays an imperative role in the advancement of the social model of the Union. This is done through the delivery of benefits from the workers, workers as well as for the economy and the entire society as a whole . October 2011 marked the 20th anniversary of the agreement between social partners which was later officially enshrined on the mashsrctictt treat ( Alter, 1998). This lead to the establishment of procedures for governance of the labor and management on shaping as well s executing the EU employment as well as social policies (Bailey,2009). According to (Armingeon,et al. 2008), the European social dialogue entails the discussions , negotiations , consultations and joint actions that involve the organizations that represent two sides of the European industries, namely the worker sad the employers. The EU social dialogue primarily takes two forms: • The tripartite dialogue that entails the public authorities • The bipartite dialogue between the trade union organizations and the European employers. Usually this happens across the cross industry levels and also within the sectoral committees of social dialogue As an integral...
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...the integration of the Chinese economy into the world economy and therewith going more deeply into the globalization. This development, however, does not mean that the issue of globalization is not controversial in China. Indeed, the fifteen years since 1986 in which China actually underwent a tremendous negotiation process with the WTO, as well as with its members, have been accompanied by an intense domestic debate about the sense and the meaning of globalization. Even through today, the Chinese membership in the WTO is certainly not inevitable; the globalization debate in China continues, reflecting the fact that the Chinese feel strongly challenged by globalization and are trying to search for ways to deal effectively with it. This paper regards it as its main task to examine systematically the Chinese reactions to globalization. To achieve this goal, the analysis will focus on three questions. Firstly, it will find out the general understanding of globalization by the Chinese elite. The term “general understanding” means in this sense the understanding which most Chinese scholars and politicians seem to share regardless of whether he or she is “pro-globalization” or “anti-globalization”. Secondly, it will try to identify the main strains of the Chinese debate on globalization. In doing so, the substantial arguments of the different groups will be reported briefly.1 Finally, the paper attempts to outline the policies used by the Chinese government to meet the challenges of...
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...allocation. Liberal capitalism is also known as free market capitalism; it gives companies and individuals the freedom to run their own market and set their own price systems. Individuals or companies would benefit with their gains and face detriment with their errors. The government may intervene to control free trade and open competition by eliminating private Monopoly. Neoliberal Capitalism is where private sectors seek to maximise the political and economic priorities of the state. South African Government Interventions Referring to the State of Nation Address by President Jacob Zuma, there are many interventions the Government desires to implement to improve the South African socio-economic structure. The various areas are unemployment, transportation, health, education, fight against crime, human settlements, energy, water settlements, rural...
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...Introduction This paper discusses the path of Croatia to the European Union. It explains all the different challenges Croatia faced in order to be able to comply with the EU standards and obligations. There is the Fundamental Rights chapter that presents the arguments that showing the great effort that Croatia has put in adopting new frameworks in all areas of the chapter. After, there are the benefits and risks that Croatia could face after EU accession. Some concerns about the economic crisis are mentioned from the public opinion and other EU members’ point of view. Finally there is a conclusion explaining what Croatia could benefit from or be deprived of by joining the EU, followed by a last explanation if there are still challenges in the political criteria. The path to the European Union The war in Croatia cost them loss of a whole decade in the path to European Union. In particular the war was detrimental for the economy. Was Croatia lagging behind to meet EU standards back then? Was there enough stability or any limitations toward accession to EU? The first step towards EU was on 29th October 2001 when Croatia signed the Stabilisation and Association Agreement in Luxembourg, becoming a potential candidate for joining the EU. All candidates which aim in joining the EU have to adopt the EU’s legal patrimony known as acquis which contains 31 chapters. The process of integration is monitored by the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament [1]. As for Croatia, it had...
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...analyse the global topic of entrepreneurship, review entrepreneur traits and social entrepreneurship trends. Studies suggest entrepreneurs post success possess common traits, suggesting traits can be acquired. With these strong traits, entrepreneurs have the potential to produce substantial change on all levels of the triple bottom line. Profitability is equally as important to both commercial and social entrepreneurs. However, it is where they funnel their profits and their driving forces that differ. With so many social issues globally, there are a myriad of social entrepreneurship trends. However, this report focuses on community-supported agriculture, youth homelessness and support for refugee women, all of which are in need of extra support from social entrepreneurship. Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Section 1: Overview of Entrepreneurship 2 2.1 Entrepreneurs 2 2.2 Social Entrepreneur 4 3.0 Section 2: Current Trends in Social Entrepreneurship 7 3.1 Community Supported Agriculture 7 3.2 Social Integration and Employment for Refugee Women 9 3.3 Youth Homelessness 10 4.0 Conclusion 11 5.0 References 12 1.0 Introduction The purpose of the report is to review entrepreneurship, identify the traits of an entrepreneur, and examine the factors that differentiate social and commercial entrepreneurship. Whilst entrepreneurship is considered...
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...cheese) and the uncontrolled spread of free market globalization. By attacking McDonald’s, and getting himself photographed in handcuffs in the process, the publicity conscious Bové was striking out at the symbol of U.S.-inspired globalization, a perceived threat to French identity and culinary traditions” (Gordon, 1). José Bové tried to stand up against a global corporation who was eating away at french culture, his ideals struck a chord and he became famous quickly, symbolizing the part of france that resisted globalization. Surveys done of public opinion showed that Bové’s message was popular and “in a range of polls 72 percent said they felt suspicious of globalization, 65 percent perceived it as a direct cause of a worsening of growing social inequality, 56 percent said it...
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... Regional integRation and Human development: a patHway foR afRica Regional integration and Human development: a pathway for africa april 2011 copyright © april 2011 united nations development programme Bureau for development policy 304 East 45th Street new york, ny 10017 u.S.A. E-mail: poverty.reduction@undp.org Website: www.undp.org/poverty disclaimer the views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily representthose of the united nations, including undp, or their Member States. taBle of contents Content Page 2 3 7 9 9 9 12 13 14 14 15 15 18 20 24 25 27 27 31 31 31 36 36 38 38 41 43 46 48 48 49 53 55 57 59 60 63 68 84 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Executive Summary Introduction 1. regional economic integration and human development 1.1. conceptual linkages 1.1.1 Income 1.1.2 Access to services 1.1.3 Empowerment 1.1.4 Sustainability 1.2. contextual factors 2. the context for African regional integration 2.1. Geographical fragmentation 2.2. capacities, institutions and domestic policies 2.3. climate, nutrition and health 2.5. the environment and common resources 2.6. Should Africa look outward, inward, or both? 3. Estimating the impact of regional integration in Africa 3.1 Estimating the scope and benefits of integration 3.2 the modeling of integration 3.2.1 the regional, continental and global integration paths i) regional and continental integration paths ii) Global integration paths 3.2.2...
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...Regional integration can be described as the union of a geological area, the main theme running through the efforts is that of cooperation. Hence regional integration is the interaction and cooperation of various countries in a specific region working together in order to foster their own well being, the idea of integration suggests unity and teamwork. On the other hand, regional integration also refers to an outcome, occurring when pre set criteria are met. Regional integration involves some compromise on the part of nation states, but should enhance the general quality of life for the citizens of those states. Regional integration can be described as a dynamic process that entails a country’s willingness to share or unify into a larger whole. The degree to which it shares and what it shares determines the level of integration. Exploration of the factors promoting regional integration within the Caribbean * Common language - The language of the Caribbean people is English, and this facilitates easy communication. * Close Proximity - The Caribbean countries are relatively close to each other, hence, travel by air or sea from one country to another can be done in a relatively short space of time. * Caribbean countries share a common history - Most of the Caribbean people are descendants of people who had been subjected to slavery and indentureship. This makes it possible for the Caribbean people to embrace each other. * Common Cultural Heritage - The Caribbean...
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...Current Financial Crisis: a review of some of the consequences, policy actions and recent trends1 By Sameer Khatiwada and Emily McGirr, International Institute for Labour Studies2 What is happening? On the heels of the near bankruptcy of a major insurance company and the effective end of all major US investment banks, financial markets around the world sustained severe losses in the first two weeks of October, 2008, accelerating the downward trend that started at the beginning of the year. As a consequence, from New York to Moscow, and London to Sao Paulo, equity prices have fallen sharply – with the major stock indices of the G7 and BRICs losing nearly half of their value since the beginning of the year. This has seriously damaged banks’ balance sheets and restricted their lending capacity. With the cost of short-term credit rising dramatically and liquidity drying up, these events have been dubbed the worst financial meltdown since the Great Depression in 1930s. More importantly, the shock waves from the US financial market have spread throughout the globe, with many countries on the brink of recession (see Figure 1, Appendix). How did a “house fire” in America turn into a global banking crisis? Sub-prime mortgages are a financial innovation designed to provide home ownership opportunities to borrowers in the U.S. with a higher risk profile (such as borrowers with low incomes, bad credit histories or limited disposable income). Most of the sub-prime ...
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...EN COU CIL OF THE EUROPEA U IO Conclusions on promoting youth entrepreneurship to foster social inclusion of young people EDUCATIO , YOUTH, CULTURE and SPORT Council meeting Brussels, 20 May 2014 The Council adopted the following conclusions: "The Council: ACK OWLEDGI G THAT 1. The economic crisis that started in the second half of the last decade has created a particularly fragile situation for today's young generation. Youth unemployment rates remain historically high, at 23.2% in the EU-28 and 23,8% in the Euro area (December 2013). 2. As a result of such high youth unemployment, young people are experiencing increased levels of poverty and social exclusion and increasing numbers feel compelled to leave their home countries, and sometimes Europe entirely, to look for better opportunities. This is generating a brain drain effect in some Member States which could be difficult to reverse. 3. The European Union, via the Europe 2020 and its flagship initiatives on “New skills and jobs”, “Digital Agenda for Europe”, “Innovation Union”, “Youth on the move” promotes entrepreneurship, by fostering entrepreneurial mindsets and related knowledge, skills and competences that can boost competitiveness and growth that will be smart, sustainable and inclusive. PRESS Rue de la Loi 175 B – 1048 BRUSSELS Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026 press.office@consilium.europa.eu http://www.consilium.europa.eu/Newsroom 1 E 4. Entrepreneurship is an important driver of economic...
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...gifts. It has been in business for 30 years and in 2008, growth prompted a move to a larger location. The store has been very successful without a strong online presence, making online expansion an attractive and low-cost way to increase sales of its already popular merchandise. This online expansion proposal outlines the viability of the boutique market, online competition, marketing strategies, and social media integration. Viability of Product or Service Fashion boutiques, which are typically single store enterprises, have much to gain from online expansion, particularly now, as the following statistics indicate. In the United States in 2013, apparel (not including items such as jewelry and handbags) accounted for 18% of all online retail sales, and that number is expected to grow. Also, the compound annual growth rate for global online retail sales since 2007 is 17% (Ben-Shabat, Moriarty, & Nilforoushan, 2014). The market for luxury items, such as designer clothing and handbags, is directly correlated with the financial stability and confidence of the consumer. With unemployment reaching a 5-year low at the end of 2013, it is expected that consumers in 2014 will increase online spending in all areas of retail sales, including luxury items. (Kurtzleben, 2013). Additionally, BizReport (2013) notes that e-commerce has increased every quarter for 15 consecutive quarters. It is clear that online shopping is an important venue for today’s technologically sophisticated consumers,...
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