Premium Essay

Change Agent Strategy


Submitted By rocky007
Words 1306
Pages 6
Conflict resolution was the theme of the lecture presented by Monica, our lecturer.
A very interesting picture was shown at the beginning of the class. Two men yelling, screaming .They were not able to communicate because one did not have ears and the other one did not have a mouth. So it was not possible to resolve any problem.
Raghavi told her how her roommates were angry at her because they organised a party in the evening and were having fun while the couple were sleeping.
Sometimes, conflict may be a mutual problem, which may be best resolved through discussion and negotiation rather than through aggression.
After communication the roommates managed to solve their conflict.
If we are involved in the conflict, most of the time we are presenting our perception of the problem. If we use active listening skills to ensure we hear and understand other’s positions and perceptions, then we can find a solution to the conflict.

From experience I can say that in times of conflict, we have to make sure that when we talk, we must use an adult assertive approach rather than a submissive or aggressive style. In times of conflict we have to gather information as much as we can

We must try to get to the underlying interests, needs, and concerns of the other. We must ask for the other person’s viewpoint and confirm that we respect his or her opinion and need his or her cooperation to solve the problem. We must try to understand his or her motivations and goals, and see how my actions may be affecting these.
Also, try to understand the conflict in objective terms: Is it affecting work performance? Damaging the delivery to the client? disrupting team work? hampering decision-making? or so on. We have to be sure to focus on work issues and leave personalities out of the discussion.
Like one of our classmate

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