Premium Essay

Change in Organization


Submitted By ashlynnd
Words 311
Pages 2
Organizational Change
Wanda Martin Change in Organization
April 19, 2010

Organizational Change
Organizational change can be a difficult process. When change is implemented incorrectly, resistance can be encountered. Kurt Lewin’s theory provides three stages to change.
“It is important that members of the affected work force understand the reasons for change and participate in the design of new approaches” (Borkowski & Maxwell, EdD, 2005, Resistance to Change, p. 385). he first stage in the model is Unfreezing. The moving stage consists of implementing new skills, reorganization, and dismal of resisters (Implementing Organizational Change, 2010). Participation is important in this stage.he new behaviors taught in this stage will create equilibrium in the next stage. The final stage in the change model is refreezing. Kurt Lewin’s theory of change would have decreased conflicts encountered in this change. One conflict the bookshop encountered was; the employees were not given a precise reason for the change. The employees were told that finances were a problem and also the management structure was not working for the company.
Change in an organization is an ongoing process. When implemented correctly, change can be rewarding to the organization and employees. Unfreezing, moving, and refreezing will help decrease resistance to change. There will always be some type resistance met with change. Determining the reason for resistance is important. Overcoming the resistance will make achieving the change less tedious. In the case of The Concord Bookshop, resistance was met

Borkowski, N., & Maxwell, EdD, P. D. (2005). Organizational Behavior in Healthcare, 1e. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Schriner, C., Deckelman, S., Kubat, M., Lenkay, J., Nims, L., & Sullivan, D. (2010, November). Collaboratin of Nursing

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