...Chapter 8 Practice Test Match the point in polar coordinates with either A, B, C, or D on the graph. 1) Solve the problem. 2) Plot the point and find other polar coordinates (r, θ_) of the point for which: (a) r > 0, -2π_ ≤_ θ_ < 0 (b) r < 0, 0 ≤_ θ_ < 2π_ (c) r > 0 2π_ ≤_ θ_ < 4π_ The polar coordinates of a point are given. Find the rectangular coordinates of the point. 3) The letters r and θ_ represent polar coordinates. Write the equation using rectangular coordinates (x, y). 4) r = 1 + 2 sin θ_ The rectangular coordinates of a point are given. Find polar coordinates for the point. 5) ( -4, 4) A) B) C) D) The letters x and y represent rectangular coordinates. Write the equation using polar coordinates (r, θ_). 6) x2 + y2 - 4x = 0 Transform the polar equation to an equation in rectangular coordinates. Then identify and graph the equation. 7) r = 2 cos θ_ Write the complex number in polar form. Express the argument in degrees, rounded to the nearest tenth, if necessary. 8) 2 + 2i Plot the complex number in the complex plane. 9) -4 + i Solve the problem. Leave your answer in polar form. 10) z = 10(cos 45 + i sin 45°) w = 5(cos 15° + i sin 15°) Find . Write the expression in the standard form a + bi. 11) Find all the complex roots. Leave your answers in polar form with the argument in degrees. 12) The complex fourth roots of -16 Use the figure below. Determine whether...
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...1. Understand how most wholesalers and retailers set their prices by using markups. A markup is a dollar amount added to the cost of products to get the selling price. Markups are usually stated as percentages rather than a dollar amount. The markup percent is the percentage of selling price that is added to the cost to get the selling price. The markups are related to the selling price for convenience. Many intermediaries select a standard markup percent and then apply it to all their products. This method makes pricing much easier. Different companies in the same type of business might use the same markup percent because their operating expenses might be similar. As long as the markup is large enough to cover their expenses, it will be acceptable. A manager might use the firm’s gross margin to set their markup prices. The gross margin is the amount left after subtracting the cost of sales from the net sales to cover the operating expenses. Smart producers pay attention to the gross margins and standard markups of intermediaries in their channel. They allow discounts similar to the standard markups these intermediaries expect. Different firms in a channel often use different markups. A markup chain is the sequence of markups firms use at different levels in a channel; it determines the price structure in the whole channel. The markup price is figured on the selling price at each level of the channel. Some people think that high markups would equal to higher profits...
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...Which statement is NOT true concerning the t distribution? Select one: a. Compared to the normal distribution, the t distribution has more area in the tails and less in the center. b. As the number of degrees of freedom increases, the t distribution approaches the normal distribution. Incorrect c. The t distributions are skewed to the left. d. The population variance is unknown and is estimated by the sample variance s2. e. As the sample size increases beyond 120, the t and Z distributions are indistinguishable. Feedback The correct answer is: The t distributions are skewed to the left. Question 2 Incorrect Mark 0 out of 1 Not flaggedFlag question Question text Which of the following involves a test of two-independent samples? Select one: a. Test of differences in the percent of men and women who are or are not members of Greek organizations on campus b. Test of the average incomes of magazine subscribers of Southern Living verses Better Homes and Gardens c. Test of whether the mean salary of professors at Metro University is higher than the national average for university professors Incorrect d. Test of whether a change occurred in the likelihood of heart disease among people who switched to a diet high in fish e. Test of differences in ad recall among three experimental groups (each of which saw a different advertisement) and a control group Feedback The correct answer is: Test of the average incomes of magazine subscribers of Southern Living verses Better...
Words: 14737 - Pages: 59
...Chapter 17 International Accounting and Financial Management True / False Questions 1. The purpose of all accounting is to provide internal and external decision-makers with the financial data they need to make their decisions. True False 2. There are three points at which operating in a foreign currency raises accounting issues: when transactions are made in foreign currencies, when foreign subsidiaries consolidate their results to the parent company, and when debt is acquired in foreign currencies. True False 3. FASB 52 requires that companies record foreign currency based transactions at the spot rate at the time of the transaction. True False 4. Consolidation is when a company's various results are aggregated into one report. True False 5. The current rate translation method translates current assets at the rate in effect when they were acquired. True False 6. The temporal method of translation translates fixed assets at the rates in effect the day the assets were acquired. True False 7. Whether to use the current or temporal rates depends on the functional currency of the foreign operation. True False 8. Accounting is an objective, fact-based discipline and not influenced by culture. True False 9. Accounting standard convergence is unlikely, given the complexities of the systems, all of which would require harmonization. True False 10. With convergence...
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...E17-10 (1) | DBO | Plan assets | DBE | Balance Jan 1 | (120) | 80 | | Service cost | (20) | | 20 | Interest cost | (12) | | 12 | Benefit paid | 9 | (9) | | Actual return on plan assets | | 9 | (9) | Contribution | | 20 | | Balance Dec 31 | (143) | 100 | 23 | (2) Defined benefit expense $23 Plan assets 100 OCI 20 DBO 143 E17-12 (1) Actuary estimates employee has earned (as of 2011) retirement benefits of 1.2%*20*$80000= $19200 (2) Present value (n=15 i=7%) of the retirement annuity at the retirement date is $19200*9.10791= $174319 (3) Present value (n=25 i=7%) of retirement benefit at 2011 is $174319*0.18425= $ 32118 (DBO) (5) Actuary estimates employee has earned (as of 2012) retirement benefits of 1.2%×21×80000= 20160 Present value (n=15 i=7%) of retirement annuity at the retirement date is 20160×9.10791= 181801 Present value (n=24 i=7%) of retirement benefits ar 2012 is $181801×0.19715=$35842 (DBO) (6) DBO at the beginning of 2012 (end of 2011) $32118 Service cost(1.2%×1×80000) ×9.10791×0.19715 1724 Interest cost $32118×7% 2248 DBO at the end of 2012 ...
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...1 A person likely to participate in political behavior is insensitive to social cues has a desire for power believes he or she has little influence is a social nonconformist Correct 2 A primary goal of politics in the workplace is to promote organizational goals form alliances exclude undesirable peers secure limited resources Correct 3 In convergent periods, the role of executive management is to develop new strategies for the problems at hand shift middle managers to promote new views reemphasize the mission and core values challenge middle managers to reinvent their departments Correct 4 Political behavior in the workplace works only in an upward or lateral influence direction https://newclassroom3.phoenix.edu/Classroom/#/contextid/OSIRIS:47954803/context/co/view/activityDetails/activity/36bbc35d50034c108c6793bfffe303e7/ex… 2/5 3/15/2015 attempts to influence decision making works only in a lateral influence direction is unlikely in a wellrun organization Week 6 Quiz Assessment Activity Week6 LDR/531 eCampus Correct 5 Organizational momentum relates to patterns of behavior, norms, and values growth in sales, profits, and so forth willingness to move beyond incremental change the rate of change to make improvements Correct 6 Organizational change relies on a balance of change and strategy vision continuity planning Correct 7 Central to managing a successful organizational strategy implementation are/is tracking progress formal models of implementation...
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...16.替换段落985-20-25-9至段落25-10,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 985-20-25-9 根据2009年更新的会计准则,替换段落985-20-25-9。 985-20-25-10 根据2009年更新的会计准则,替换段落985-20-25-10。 17.修正段落 985-20-55-13,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 985-20-55-13 会计主体准备购买软件并将其集成到另一个软件或硬件产品中。不论在购买时技术的可行性是否确定,所购买的用于销售、租用或者任何商业用途的电脑软件在取得时其成本应予以资本化 18. 替换段落985-20-55-14和它的相关标题,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 985-20-55-14 根据2009年更新的会计准则,替换段落985-20-25-14。 19.修正段落985-20-55-18,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 985-20-55-18 在技术可行性提升已被确认并副标题 730-10的规定入账之前,产品改良的成本被认为是研发的一部分。如果初始产品不再作商业用途,根据可变现净值测试和摊销规定,初始产品的任何未摊销成本应被归入改良成本中。如果初始产品同改良一起保留在市场上,初始产品的未摊销成本应该被在初始产品和改良之间分配。 20.修正段落985-350-25-1,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 985-350-25-1 段落985-20-25-3规定在技术可行性确定后生产产品发生的成本应予以资本化。段落985-20-25-8规定购买的软件将来作其他用途的其成本应予以资本化 对Topic350 的修正 修正段落350-30-35-7,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 350-30-35-7 无形资产不能在入账时被减记或冲销,除非它在该时期内受损。 22.修正段落350-30-35-17A,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 350-30-35-17A 在企业合并或者资产收购时用于研发活动的无形资产将被认为是不确定部分,直到相关研发工作完成或中止。在这段时间内那些被认为是不确定性的资产,他们不会被摊销但应根据后面的内容进行减值测试。一旦研发工作完成或中止,会计主体将以这部分的指导为基础决定资产的使用寿命。与段落360-10-35-49中的指导一致,通过公司合并取得的暂时被闲置的无形资产和被弃置的无形资产一样,不入账。 23. 修正段落350-30-50-1,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 350-30-50-1对于无形资产,不论是单独取得的或是作为资产组的一部分(在资产收购中取得或在企业合并中取得),所有下面的信息都应在入账时在财务报表附注中披露: a.以下所有是对于用于摊销的无形资产: 1. 被分配的总数和任何主要无形资产种类被分配的数量 2. 任何明显的残余价值的总量和主要无形资场种类残余价值的数量 3. 加权平均摊销期的总量和主要无形资产种类的加权平均摊销期 b. 对于没有被摊销的无形资产,被分配的总数和被分配到任何主要无形资产种类的数量 c. 在一笔交易中除了企业合并所取得的研发资产的数量 d. 按主要无形资产的种类,对于附着更新或扩展段落的资产,在下一个更新或扩展前的(包括显式和隐式)加权平均摊销期间。 除了商誉,如果合计取得的无形资产公允价值是值得注意的,信息也应在每一个重要的企业合并中或者在重要的非重要企业合并的集合中予以披露。 ...
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...ECO 305 All Quiz and Homework, ECO 305 WK 3 Homework Ch 5 - 16(a-c), 17(a-d), 18(a-b); Ch 6 - 13(a-b), ECO 305 WeeK 3 Quiz 2 - Chapters 3 and 4 , ECO 305 WK 1 Homework Ch 2 - 12(a-b),13(a-c),14, ECO 305 WK 2 Homework Ch 3 - 13(a-d); Ch. 4 - 15(a-b),16(a-b), ECO 305 WK 2 Quiz 1 - Chapters 1 and 2, ECO 305 WK 5 Homework Ch 8 - 6(a-d) , ECO 305 WK 5 Quiz 4 - Chapter 7 , ECO 305 WK 6 Homework Ch 9 - 11(a-c), 12(a-c), ECO 305 WK 6 Quiz 5 - Chapter 8 - All Possible Questions, ECO 305 WK 9 Quiz 8 - Chapters 12 and 13 , ECO 305 WK 11 Quiz 10 - Chapters 16 & 17 , ECO 305 Complete Class Assignments | strayer help, ECO 305 Strayer ECO 305 Week 1, ECO 305 Week 2, ECO 305 Week 3, ECO 305 Week 4, ECO 305 Week 5, ECO 305 week 2 Assignment, ECO 305 week 3Assignment, ECO 305 week 4 Assignment, ECO 305 week 1 Assignment, ECO 305 tutorial, ECO 305 Complete Course, ECO 305 Entire Class, ECO 305 Whole Tutorial, ECO 305 tutorial, ECO 305 Summary, ECO 305 Study Guide, ECO 305 Questions , ECO 305 Answered , ECO 305 Solution, ECO 305 Final , ECO 305 Presentation, ECO 305 Universty, ECO 305 University of, ECO 305 Homework, ECO 305 Version, ECO 305 Strayer assignment, ECO 305 Strayer course, ECO...
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...CHAPTER 17 Investments EXERCISE 17-2 (10–15 minutes) (a) January 1, 2013 Debt Investments $300,000 Cash $300,000 (b) December 31, 2013 Cash $36,000 Interest Revenue $36,000 (c) December 31, 2014 Cash $36,000 Interest Revenue $36,000 EXERCISE 17-5 (20–30 minutes) (a) Schedule of Interest Revenue and Bond Discount Amortization Straight-line Method 9% Bond Purchased to Yield 12% |Date |Cash Received |Interest Revenue |Bond Discount Amortization |Carrying Amount of Bonds | |1/1/13 |— |— |— |$185,589 | |12/31/13 |$18,000 |$22,804 |$4,804 |$190,393 | |12/31/14 |18,000 |$22,804 |$4,804 |$195,197 | |12/31/15 |18,000 |$22,803 |$4,803 |200,000 | **($200,000 – $185,589) ÷ 3 = $4,804 **Rounded by $1. (b) Schedule of Interest Revenue and Bond Discount Amortization Effective-Interest Method 9% Bond Purchased to Yield 12% |Date |Cash Received |Interest Revenue |Bond Discount Amortization |Carrying Amount of Bonds | |1/1/13...
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...Chapter 17: Definitions Opportunity Cost | The opportunity of giving up the second-best choice when making a decision. | Absolute Advantage | The benefit a country has in a given industry when it can produce more of a product than other nations using the same amount of resources. | Comparative Advantage | The benefit a country has in a given industry if it can make products at a lower opportunity cost than other countries. | Balance of Trade | A basic measure of the difference in value between a nation's exports and imports, including both goods and services. | Trade Surplus | Overage that occurs when the total value of a nation's exports is higher than the total value of its imports. | Trade Deficit | Shortfall that occurs when the total value of a nation's imports is higher than the total value of its exports. | Balance of Payments | A measure of the total flow of money into or out of a country. | Balance of Payments Surplus | Overage that occurs when more money flows into a nation than out of a nation. | Balance of Payments Deficit | Shortfall that occurs when more money flows out of a nation than into that nation. | Exchange Rates | A measurement of the value of one nation's currency relative to the currency of other nations. | Countertrade | International trade that involves the barter of products for products rather than for currency. | Foreign Out coming | Contracting with foreign supplies to produce products, usually at a fraction of the cost...
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...October | | | | | Tue: 13 | BWVW | Worldview Assignment Pt. 2 | | | Tue: 13 | THEO | Chapter 12 | | Chapter 12 Quiz | Th: 15 | THEO | | Exam #2: Ch 9-12 | | Fri: 16 | CSTU | Chapters 11-12 | | Ch. 11-12 Quiz | Fri: 16 | BIBL | | Test 1 (Midterm Exam) | | Fri: 16 | UNIV | Effective Email Project | | | | | | | | Mon: 19 | BIBL | Romans Essay Available | | Bb Quiz: Ch 10, 14, 15 | Mon: 19 | EVAN | Reading & Book Review | + Reflection Paper | + Check for reading | Tue: 20 | BWVW | Read: World Religions Overview | | | Tue: 20 | THEO | Chapter 13 | | Chapter 13 Quiz | Th: 22 | BWVW | | Test #2 | | Th: 22 | THEO | Chapter 14 | | Chapter 14 Quiz | Fri: 23 | CSTU | Chapters 13-14 | | Ch. 13-14 Quiz | Fri: 23 | UNIV | Time Management Activity | Reflections Paper | | | | | | | Mon: 26 | EVAN | Check for possible reading | | | Tue: 27 | BWVW | Read: What is Moral Relativism | | | Tue: 27 | THEO | Chapter 15 | | Chapter 15 Quiz | Wed: 28 | BIBL | Acts 21-28 Pent-Sum; Eph. Com. Meditation; Phil. Prayer Journal | | | Th: 29 | THEO | Ch. 16 & Biblical Worldview | | Chapter 16 Quiz | Fri: 30 | CSTU | Chapters 15-16 | | Ch. 15-16 Quiz | Fri: 30 | UNIV | Information Literacy Project Pt 1 | | | | | | | | November | | | | | | | | | | Mon: 2 | BIBL | Col. Com. Prayer; Phile. Ch. Ref. | | Bb Quiz: Ch 16&22 (Col, Phile) | Mon: 2 | EVAN | Witnessing Report + | Check for...
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...Answers ECO 410 Week 2 Quiz 1: Chapters 1 and 2 ECO 410 Week 3 Quiz 2: Chapters 3 and 4 ECO 410 Week 4 Quiz 3: Chapters 5 and 6 ECO 410 Week 5 Quiz 4: Chapters 7 and 8 ECO 410 Week 6 Quiz 5: Chapters 9 and 10 ECO 410 Week 7 Quiz 6: Chapters 11 and 12 ECO 410 Week 8 Quiz 7: Chapters 13 and 14 ECO 410 Week 9 Quiz 8: Chapters 15 and 16 ECO 410 Week 10 Quiz 9: Chapter 17 and 18 ECO 410 Week 11 Quiz 10: Chapter 19 and 20 ECO 410 Quizzes and Exam Week 1 - 11 All Possible Questions With Answers ECO 410 Week 2 Quiz 1: Chapters 1 and 2 ECO 410 Week 3 Quiz 2: Chapters 3 and 4 ECO 410 Week 4 Quiz 3: Chapters 5 and 6 ECO 410 Week 5 Quiz 4: Chapters 7 and 8 ECO 410 Week 6 Quiz 5: Chapters 9 and 10 ECO 410 Week 7 Quiz 6: Chapters 11 and 12 ECO 410 Week 8 Quiz 7: Chapters 13 and 14 ECO 410 Week 9 Quiz 8: Chapters 15 and 16 ECO 410 Week 10 Quiz 9: Chapter 17 and 18 ECO 410 Week 11 Quiz 10: Chapter 19 and 20 ECO 410 Quizzes and Exam Week 1 - 11 All Possible Questions With Answers ECO 410 Week 2 Quiz 1: Chapters 1 and 2 ECO 410 Week 3 Quiz 2: Chapters 3 and 4 ECO 410 Week 4 Quiz 3: Chapters 5 and 6 ECO 410 Week 5 Quiz 4: Chapters 7 and 8 ECO 410 Week 6 Quiz 5: Chapters 9 and 10 ECO 410 Week 7 Quiz 6: Chapters 11 and 12 ECO 410 Week 8 Quiz 7: Chapters 13 and 14 ECO 410 Week 9 Quiz 8: Chapters 15 and 16 ECO 410 Week 10 Quiz 9: Chapter 17 and 18 ECO 410 Week 11 Quiz 10: Chapter 19 and 20 ECO 410 Quizzes...
Words: 471 - Pages: 2
...------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 17-AGENCY LAW TRUE/FALSE 1. Larry decided to relocate to Germany. Larry hired Happy Homes, Inc. to find a buyer and contract for the sale of his house in the U.S. The agency relationship between Larry and Happy Homes must be evidenced with a written agreement. 2. If Denise is hired to work as a cashier, she has the implied authority to do acts reasonably necessary to carry out her job. 3. Erica's supervisor told her to arrange for a conference room at the Kelly Inn. Erica has express authority to contract for the room. 4. An agent must obey all instructions of the principal. 5. Jolene hired Lacy to find a buyer for her house. Adam was interested in buying the house. If both Jolene and Adam agree, Lacy, a real estate agent, may represent both parties. 6. As a general rule, an agent is liable on contracts entered into on behalf of a fully disclosed principal. 7. You cannot be held liable for the actions of your agents if the agents are violating your instructions. 8. If apparent authority is present, the principal is liable for even the unauthorized acts of the agent. 9. The death of an agent automatically terminates an agency relationship. 10. Generally, either party to an agency relationship has the power to terminate it at any time. 11. Rob agrees to act as an agent...
Words: 2818 - Pages: 12
...answers BUS 300 Week 2 Quiz 1: Chapters 1 and 2 BUS 300 Week 3 Quiz 2: Chapters 3 and 4 BUS 300 Week 4 Quiz 3: Chapters 5 and 6 BUS 300 Week 5 Quiz 4: Chapters 7 and 8 BUS 300 Week 6 Quiz 5: Chapters 9 and 10 BUS 300 Week 7 Quiz 6: Chapters 11 and 12 BUS 300 Week 8 Quiz 7: Chapters 13 and 14 BUS 300 Week 9 Quiz 8: Chapters 15 and 16 BUS 300 Week 10 Quiz 9: Chapters 17 and 18 BUS 300 Week 11 Quiz 10: Chapter 19 BUS 300 Quizzes Week 1-11 Solution All possible questions with answers BUS 300 Week 2 Quiz 1: Chapters 1 and 2 BUS 300 Week 3 Quiz 2: Chapters 3 and 4 BUS 300 Week 4 Quiz 3: Chapters 5 and 6 BUS 300 Week 5 Quiz 4: Chapters 7 and 8 BUS 300 Week 6 Quiz 5: Chapters 9 and 10 BUS 300 Week 7 Quiz 6: Chapters 11 and 12 BUS 300 Week 8 Quiz 7: Chapters 13 and 14 BUS 300 Week 9 Quiz 8: Chapters 15 and 16 BUS 300 Week 10 Quiz 9: Chapters 17 and 18 BUS 300 Week 11 Quiz 10: Chapter 19 BUS 300 Quizzes Week 1-11 Solution All possible questions with answers BUS 300 Week 2 Quiz 1: Chapters 1 and 2 BUS 300 Week 3 Quiz 2: Chapters 3 and 4 BUS 300 Week 4 Quiz 3: Chapters 5 and 6 BUS 300 Week 5 Quiz 4: Chapters 7 and 8 BUS 300 Week 6 Quiz 5: Chapters 9 and 10 BUS 300 Week 7 Quiz 6: Chapters 11 and 12 BUS 300 Week 8 Quiz 7: Chapters 13 and 14 BUS 300 Week 9 Quiz 8: Chapters 15 and 16 BUS 300 Week 10 Quiz 9: Chapters 17 and 18 BUS 300 Week 11 Quiz 10: Chapter 19 BUS 300 Quizzes Week 1-11 Solution ...
Words: 459 - Pages: 2
...Chapter seventeen was interesting because it describes when Bailey does not return home before dark. The reason that Bailey stayed out late seems very odd to me. I had trouble imagining a white movie star representing Angelou’s mother who was not white. What is surprising is that Angelou completely contrasts my thoughts by saying, “There was no difficulty believing that a white movie star looked like our mother and that Bailey had seen her.” (Ch. 17, pg. 117). I also cannot imagine what it is like to live without your mother, then see someone who looks just like her in a movie. It was very interesting to see how each of the children reacts to their discovery of Kay Francis though. Angelou says that Bailey lightened up, but was always looking forward to her next movie...
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