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Chapter 2


Submitted By burfii
Words 949
Pages 4
Analysis and review of literature
2.1 General background
Literature review is basically a “stock taking of available literature in ones field of research. The main purpose of literature review is to develop some expertise in one’s area, to see what contribution can be made, and to receive some ideas for developing a research design. The previous study cannot be ignored because they provide the foundation to the present study. Thus, literature review is to find out what research studies have been conducted in ones chosen field of study and remains to be done. Therefore, literature review is one of the important parts of the study. It is the process of studying past documents about a particular field. It gives an idea to the researcher that what is studied up to now and what is to be studied. In this part, the researcher collects different published informed icon associated with the topic of study which helps the researcher to generalize the new idea about the topic. The preparation of this report is based on the information and experience gained by working as the intern at the Nabil Bank, Dharan branch for two months. In addition to this, this report is also the result of the various information acquired through internet, books, banks annual report, previous year’s internship report, etc. The internship at the Nabil Bank, Dharan branch was very fruitful as it enabled us to gain the practical knowledge regarding our theoretical course. The internship program is very necessary for the student’s career development as the students will be able to observe the actual working system of the banks. Therefore this report is the outcome of the knowledge, experience and our hard work during our internship program.
In this report, I have tried to explain about the commercial banks, customer service and used trend analysis, graphical analysis as well as ratio analysis

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