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Character Analysis Of Anse Bundren In 'As I Lay Dying'

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Anse Bundren is the primary adult in As I Lay Dying due to his kinship with the other major characters. Anse was married to Addie Bundren, with whom he shared four children. Anse also raised Jewel, Addie’s son, before and shortly after her death. He is portrayed as a very lazy individual on multiple occasions in the text, which coincides with his descriptions. Anse is a smaller, weaker man in comparison to his strong sons and his lack of effort encourages this poor reputation. Anse is very hesitant to move or do anything that takes his own effort, further proving his laziness. Anse only thinks about himself and what he can accomplish in Jefferson, as opposed to the family goal of fulfilling Addie’s wish. Anse can get new teeth in Jefferson,

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