Premium Essay

Ignorance In Jewel's Solitude By Anse Bundren

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Anse Bundren’s laziness is surely a result of his ignorance. Throughout the novel thus far, Anse has failed to take action in numerous situations despite the clear need for him to do so. One example of this occurs in Darl’s story about Jewel’s health issues. Anse refused to call a doctor for Jewel because he did not want to spend money when he was not absolutely certain that Jewel needed a doctor. Here, Anse’s ignorance preceded his lazy attitude and potentially put his son’s life at risk. During the period of Jewel’s “illness,” it should also be noted that Anse did not observe the changes that were occurring in respect to the division of labor in the household. His ignorance again led to laziness in this facet, as he did not attempt to remedy

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