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Characteristics of a “Green Business”


Submitted By albertbateh
Words 1155
Pages 5
Albert Bateh
Dr. Haddorff
Assignment 3

What are the most important characteristics of a “green business” or “sustainable business?” How can business be a force for good by addressing the problems associated with the environmental crisis? In answering this question, be sure to draw from chapter 10, the Anderson video, and 3 additional outside sources. Going Green or going home. Business throughout the world has evolved since the first traders used to barter for goods. Today we keep in mind the ever changing global economy, and how it has effected our environment as a whole. In this paper we will be looking at different characteristics of a “green business” or in other words, “sustainable business”. How businesses can be a force of good by addressing some problems associated with environmental issues of our world as we see it today. Also we will be drawing and interpreting some additional sources that will further support as well as debate our “green business” characteristics. Lets start by stating there is a difference between “green business” and a “sustainable business”. A sustainable business is not necessarily green. You can have a company who makes many profits and has many millions of dollars invested into it, but they could be doing absolutely no environmentally friendly to help the world. Just because they could be considered a successful company, does not mean that they have reached the level that they are at today by doing things completely environmentally friendly. On the other hand the term “green business” truly expresses the terminology that the business no matter how big or small, does go about means of doing things to help avoid negative environmental problems. The most important characteristics of green businesses are that it does everything and anything it can to have the minimal impact on the environmental world. They can do things such

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