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Charles Lindbergh Analysis

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1.Calvin Coolidge- The 30th president elected in 1923 was Calvin Coolidge, who was also born on Independence Day. President Coolidge was noted as one of the most negatives presidents when it came to big issues but was noted as a president who was well worthy of the title. President Coolidge was the president right before the Great Depression, he questioned what has changed over time how did society turn out the way it was.
2.Charles Lindbergh- As the times developed so did the technology and ability to travel. In 1927 Charles Lindbergh was the first pilot to fly in a plane from New York to Paris nonstop alone. This flight is considered transatlantic crossing, which although had been done before never completed alone. A 35 hour flight from …show more content…
She sang in several notable clubs, was signed to successful labels, and released singles that revolutionized jazz music. Holiday later battled with alcoholism and drug abuse which damaged her voice. In 1959 she died of cirrhosis of the liver.
10.Jazz - Jazz is a genre of music originating from New Orleans, Louisiana. Jazz was created as a creative outlet for the African American community. Jazz is a combination of blues, rock ‘n’ roll, and country music in which instruments such as the trumpet, bass, and saxophone are featured. Significant Jazz figures include Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, and Dizzy Gillespie.
11."Flappers" - In the 1920s, after the suffrage movement, the term “flapper” emerged. This word pertained to young, middle class women who disregarded conventional standards of style and sexuality. Flappers had a distinctive look including shoulder-length hair, elaborate makeup, boyish physiques, straight, loose dresses, and bare arms. These women experimented with their lifestyles, often frequenting dance …show more content…
This act was established June 17,1930 which lasted until 1934 when President Roosevelt lowered the tariff fee’s. The tariff act was put into effect raising the tax on transporting goods to America during the great depression. This act was put into place to help the American people maintain business.
26.Great Depression- The Great Depression is known to be started with Black Tuesday October 29, 1929. The Great Depression was a weak time for all Americans, and the biggest hit on the economy. Credit had a big thing to do with the depression, people were “spending” money they didn’t have. The economy was doing so poor, and the unemployment rate was so high that no one could essentially afford to live. For basically the first time the middle class couldn’t provide for themselves which led to needing things like food shelters and welfare. This also caused a lot of people to be homeless, and distrust in

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