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How Did Charles Lindbergh's Impact On Aviation

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Charles Lindbergh was considered to be the flying fool. He was a farm boy and not known to anyone. Despite everything, he was the first person to successfully cross the Atlantic from New York to Paris. He had a dream of proving aviation’s future and he definitely made one of the biggest impacts to aviation known today.

Charles Lindbergh was born in Minnesota. He always wanted to become a pilot. Aral Baugh was the person who initially taught him to fly. After a while in 1924, Lindbergh enlisted in the US flying school in Antonio Texas. 104 people enlisted and only 19 students graduated, Lindbergh being the top of his class. He then was an air mail pilot. Out of forty pilots in the air mail service, 31 of them died in crashes. He was then called “Lucky Lindy,” for the rest of his life. …show more content…
The reward was 25,000 dollars. Lindbergh didn’t hear about the competition until five years after it was announced. When Charles Lindbergh heard about it he decided he wanted to enter the race. Many wealthy men from his town donated to Lindbergh and were very supportive when he announced he wanted to take the challenge. He collected 15,000 dollars from others and also put up his own 2,000 dollars toward the plane. He had 17,000 dollars which was not a lot of money for a plane. He contacted many plane manufactures and only one company said they would build the plane for the price and design. The only company that responded was, “Ryan Flying Company,” in San

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...Christian H. Godefroy is a specialist in positive thinking and autosuggestion. He has given training seminars to over 6,000 senior company personnel around the world on self-confidence, communication and relaxation. Today he concentrates on publishing books about personal and professional success and about health and runs his own highly successful publishing companies in France and Switzerland. You can reach him at: Copyright © 2001 Christian H. Godefroy All Rights Reserved. Duplication in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of the author. Excerpts may be published for review purposes with appropriate citation and reference. This work is protected under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. Unlawful duplication is punishable by severe civil and criminal penalties. Table of Contents Forward ..................................................................................... 2 About the author... .................................................................. 2 Introduction ............................................................................. 5 Part One: Sophrology ........................................................... 18 Hypnosis ..................................................................................................... 19 Sophrology.................................................................................................... 4 Suggestion...

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