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Charlie Gordon Research Paper

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Was the short lived intelligence worth it? After Charlie had his surgery to become more intelligent his life had worsened. He lost his friends and figured out that they were making fun of him. Also People were growing scared of Charlie due to the fact that he was smarter than he was before. Not to mention at the end of it all he became the same dumbfounded Charlie Gordon he was before the surgery.
In the first place Charlie and his friends worked at a boxing factory together. They were great friends Charlie thought, but he still didn’t know what it meant to pull a “Charlie Gordon”. He figured it was something funny and laughed when someone said it until after the surgery. After the surgery he realized that they had been making fun of him for …show more content…
after his surgery he thought people would like him more now that he was intelligent but it was opposite. So scared in fact that people in his job didn’t like that he was smart. They’d complain so much that he was eventually fired from his job at the factory leaving him jobless and without much money. This is not what Charlie was expecting to happen being way more intelligent than he was before.
Not to mention he started becoming dumbfounded like he was before. He started to notice that he started getting angry and more aggressive than before. What he had gained from the surgery had gone away. His grammar started getting worse, he could spell simple word that he could’ve spelled before, and this made him even more angry. All the new words he learned just simply disappeared and he became just as simpleminded as he was before just as if he hadn’t had the surgery in the first place.
On the other hand, people might think that after the surgery his life improved. Well I think people only think that because he became clever unlike how he was before. They don’t realize that it caused more harm than good for him. It caused him to lose what friends he thought he had, people became scared of him, and at the very end he became the same dull- witted Charlie he was before the surgery so technically he was only smart for a short period of time. I just think people need to look for more reasons than he became smart because him becoming

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