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Chartered Accountant in India


Submitted By Dhara
Words 1629
Pages 7
Pacific Brands: Rebuilding the Brand

1. Key Stakeholders (3.9)

|Key Stakeholder |Stakeholder’s Objectives |Objectives Met/Not Met |
|Shareholders |Increase in Revenue |Increase in earnings by 30%- Met |
| | |Investors had their dividend in the first half-|
| |Shareholder Return. |Met |
| | | |
|CEO and Board |Prestige |Running into losses, lost its name- Not Met |
| | |As the company has sold off its many brands so |
| | |reduction in market share- Not Met |
| |Increase in Market Share |After drastic losses there’s little relief and |
| | |there is an increase in EBITDA- Met |
| | |Good strategies help the company in recovering |
| | |from losses- Met

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...branch office of the co. 229 Signature of audit report 230 Reading and inspection of auditor’s report 231 Right of auditor to attend general meeting 232 Penalty for non compliance with s.225 to 231 233 Penalty for non compliance by auditor with s.227 to 229 233A Power of Central govt. to direct special audit in certain cases 233B Audit of Cost accounts in certain cases Who is eligible to act as auditor of a Company ?? Chartered Accountant Sec 226(1) of Companies Act. Holder of Certificate under part ‘B’ States Act, 1956 Sec 226(2) of Companies Act. Sole Proprietorship Concern a) Member of ICAI b) Holding Certificate of Practice c) Should practice in India Partnership Firm a) All Partners are members of ICAI b) Holding Certificate of practice c) practising in India Disqualification - sec 226(3) * Body Corporate * Employee / officer of the company * Partner/employee of such employee/officer of the company * Any debt due more than Rs. 1000 or security given in favour of a Chartered Accountant for more than Rs. 1000 * Holding shares having voting power. * Disqualified by subsidiary company, then disqualified by holding company also and vice versa Appointing Authority BOD Central Govt. Comptroller & Auditor General Share holders First Auditor Casual vacancy Other than resignation Casual vacancy Due to Resignation In case both Shareholders and BOD fail to Appoint the auditor Appointment at Annual General...

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