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Cheerleading Stunts

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How to Stunt Stunting is a very important part of cheerleading in America. There is no one-way to do it either. With different cheer associations like USCA, UCA, and NCA there many ways of stunting. From basic Preps to more advanced stunts like Lib Full Downs they each are executed similarly. While every stunt varies a little bit they all are still very similar. Every basic stunt that has a main base, a side base, a backspot, and a flyer all virtually set up the same, hit the same, and cradle the same. To set up a stunt you have to have everyone in his or her proper spots. The main and side base set facing each other standing about a foot apart, this leaves room for the flyer to set. It’s important to note that the main and side base should be very similar in height, that way the stunt won’t be crooked later on. The flyer at this time sets with her foot in the main bases hands standing head-over knees- over toes. Now that the other three are set the backspot can get ready. The backspot can set in a plethora of ways but the NCA (National Cheerleading Association) way is for the backspot to set with one hand gripping the flyers ankles and the other is under the flyers butt so the backspot can push the flyer up into the …show more content…
Many things can go wrong. One base could be stronger than the other, making the stunt go sideways, the flyer could not be balanced and fall or she could simply just fly out of the stunt all together. To make sure the stunt is safe the backspot needs to be strong, not just physically but also mentally. The backspot has to bark orders at the bases so they can hear what they are supposed to do. Once both bases and the backspot have the flyer off the ground everyone proceeds to push all of the flyers weight through their body and over their heads. Once the flyer is all they way up the bases lock out their arms and the backspot pushes all the weight up. After the stunt has hit the backspot will call out

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