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Essay About Changing School Start Times

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The case of school start times has emerged as a prominent issue that appears to be growing in distinction within communities. Doctors and parents are pushing for schools to switch to later start times in order to accommodate for teen’s lack of sleep. Moreover, doctors believe that teen sleep deprivation is a side effect of excruciatingly early school start times. Nonetheless, these communities fail to see the financial difficulty in schools delaying their start times. Overall, it is the habits that teens practice which causes students to be less focused in their studies. Rather than changing school start times, students must learn to adjust to these start times and demonstrate habits that will become beneficial towards their overall health. …show more content…
Typically, high school students begin the earliest, followed by middle and elementary school students. In “The Benefits and Drawbacks of Starting School an Hour Late,” Derek Thompson interviewed Frederick Hess from the American Enterprise Institute. When asked about the “logistical challenges” of shifting school start times, Hess responded, “We’re worried about having little kids outside waiting for the bus too early in the dark.” In addition, staggering school start times “allows bus drivers to run routes, drop off students and go to pick up the next group of students,” as Julie Wootton described in, “Early
School Start Times: Are There Health Consequences?”. With bus drivers who are more than capable of completing multiple routes for both elementary and secondary schools, districts have no need to hire additional bus drivers and are able to use that money in other areas that need attention such as purchasing new textbooks or funding arts

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