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Horrible Essay Writer


Submitted By dhufmann
Words 812
Pages 4
Danielle Hufmann
English 1000

I have a confession to make, one that made me feel empty-headed for many years; I used to be horrible at essays! Throughout my education career I have had a difficult time writing papers, whether it was a creative writing story or a research paper. But as I struggled through every essay in English class I was able to learn a great deal of tips to help me through every mistake I made along the way, which helped me some but still, I felt lost. I have always dreaded having to write essays in English classes because I knew it would most likely only hurt my grade, but all of that changed once I found a teacher who I could open up to and who genuinely cared about me succeeding in her class. I then went from having no confidence in any of my essays, to having a smile on my face when I received them back with an A on the front. I may have struggled when it came to how to construct an essay and how to make it flow, but by the time I finished Mrs. Wiley’s class my junior year all of that changed for me.
All right so now I guess the secrets out! Although I may be a good writer now, lets start back at the beginning. As I use to sit there at my desk while the teacher was handing out the rubric for the next writing assignment my hands would start to sweat and the nerves would start to kick in. All I could do was stare at my laptop not knowing where to even start. The only thing that had ever stuck with me is to use the correct punctuation that everyone had learned in the 2nd grade and always, always, always make sure you use MLA format. From there I would just start typing whatever had popped in my head, hardly ever using a brainstorming strategy. I also had never knew how to correctly construct a thesis statement, which is the main reason I had trouble with my essays. I would just go on writing without

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