...CHHI-301-D10 LUO FALL2013 PAPER 2 The Rise of the Papacy INTRO In the void left by the collapse of the Roman Empire, the bishop of Rome grew even more in both power and prestige beginning in the sixth century and continuing to the reformation in the ninth century. It is the aim of this paper to explain how and why the papacy in Rome became the center of power of the medieval world, the factors contributing to this dominance over Western Europe, and the positive and negative ramifications of the position becoming so powerful. Through this paper you will discover how papacy was able to fill the vacuum of power left by the fall of an empire. THE HOW AND WHY When the Roman Empire fell services that it previously provided were left untended. Additionally the political structures and authority of the government were left in ruins. This created a massive void in the culture of the empire. While the government collapsed, the Church survived and even thrived, remaining strong throughout the known world, but especially in Rome. Services previously provided by the government were now being delivered at the hands of the Church under the direction of the Bishop of Rome, which would become the position of Pope. Society turned to the Church for education, monasteries took in war-orphans, and peace and mercy were encouraged in matters involving the former empire and its conquerors. While the Roman Empire was falling, the Church was rising and society churned on both...
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...The Rise of Roman Papacy Hayden Wyrick Liberty University 201520 Spring 2015 CHHI 301-D13 LUO One of the most peculiar events in all of history is the rise of the papacy. During the time of the Middle Age Rome arose the need for a central figure. The Roman bishop filled that role to provide much needed stability and leadership. The focus of this particular paper will address the reasons for Rome, significant factors to dominance, and the implications of the papacy. Reasons for Rome Throughout the first centuries of Christian history, five cities emerged as epicenters for the church: Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Rome, and Constantinople. The Edict of Milan in 313 AD recognized Christianity as a legitimate religious entity. It was in this early stage of formation as an organization that the church took a similar structure to the government. The key leaders of the regional churches rose to power. The five bishops of the previous listed churches were looked to as geographical region leaders. Those five attempted to establish a stable structure upon which to build. However, the bishops would often disagree. From the time of the Edict of Milan until Constantine moved the capital of the empire away from Rome, the Roman bishop was a natural thought for the leader of the young church. Being at the center of the political, social, and economical scene allowed the Roman bishop the level of influence needed. After the political powers moved from Rome to Constantinople, the only...
Words: 1520 - Pages: 7
...The Rise of Roman Papacy Hayden Wyrick Liberty University 201520 Spring 2015 CHHI 301-D13 LUO One of the most peculiar events in all of history is the rise of the papacy. During the time of the Middle Age Rome arose the need for a central figure. The Roman bishop filled that role to provide much needed stability and leadership. The focus of this particular paper will address the reasons for Rome, significant factors to dominance, and the implications of the papacy. Reasons for Rome Throughout the first centuries of Christian history, five cities emerged as epicenters for the church: Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Rome, and Constantinople. The Edict of Milan in 313 AD recognized Christianity as a legitimate religious entity. It was in this early stage of formation as an organization that the church took a similar structure to the government. The key leaders of the regional churches rose to power. The five bishops of the previous listed churches were looked to as geographical region leaders. Those five attempted to establish a stable structure upon which to build. However, the bishops would often disagree. From the time of the Edict of Milan until Constantine moved the capital of the empire away from Rome, the Roman bishop was a natural thought for the leader of the young church. Being at the center of the political, social, and economical scene allowed the Roman bishop the level of influence needed. After the political powers moved from Rome to Constantinople, the only...
Words: 1520 - Pages: 7
...RESEARCH PAPER 2 THE PAPACY Jonathan Waters February 18, 2013 CHHI 301-B12 During the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the Bishop of Rome became a very influential and powerful figure in the church. Many different men held this position and were very successful. Although many of the effects of the papacy were positive, the overwhelming power they held, combined with the age of obscurantism, superstition, and credulity in which they lived, allowed many false claims and doctrines to come about. Some of these doctrines are still existence today. They have caused many dissentions throughout the centuries following the rise of the Papacy. The historical beginnings of the Papacy are somewhat hard to uncover. Due to the decline in power of the Western Emperor, the Bishop of Rome, or Pope, became the primary political leader of Italy. The word “pope” is derived from the term pappa, which originated in the ancient colloquial Greek as an endearing term for “father.” It was a common title applied to most of the Eastern clergy. However, in the West the term was only common in Rome and in the later eleventh century was made the official title for the Bishop of Rome by Gregory VII. The term “papacy” (papatus), meant to distinguish the Roman bishop’s office from all other bishoprics (episcopates), also originated in the later eleventh century. However, this position was more than just a political position. The papacy was a unique sort of monarchy in that it claimed jurisdiction...
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