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Chid Welfare Principles

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Child welfare is such broad topic, being that there is such a variety of programs out there intended to help children and their families. Child welfare is critical being that children cannot protect or support themselves. with all of the services being offered you can just envision the number of rules and regulations are out there. But, no that isn't the case regardless of what service is being offered there are some fundamental principles of child welfare that must be this essay i will be explaining the six crucial principles of chid welfare. i will also be clarifying why i think each about these principles are important and how it improves safe delivery.
The very first principle is child safety and the prosperity of the child. …show more content…
The third principle is the services given should provide permanency to all children whether it's at home or in foster care. Imagine how moving a child from various homes can strongly affect that child's development. The fourth principle is the services offered should empower the parents. This means workers have an open ear. They listen to the parents issues and concerns and help them discover the solutions instead of telling them what they should and shouldn't do. The worker does this by setting goals, identifying the problem, and also by simply providing support. With this technique it promotes self confidence and empowers parents to take more control of the circumstances in their lives. Empowering parents is extremely important like said in the second principle children are dependent of their families so by helping the parents it's additionally helping the children. The fifth principle is to be culturally sensitive and responsive. Being culturally sensitive means as a worker you should try to understand and learn about other individuals' cultural background. An example of being culturally sensitive can be as simple as calling somebody by their last

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