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Child Directed Learning Center Research Paper

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Child Directed Learning Center
Geraldine Hicks
ECE 611 Early Childhood Curriculum and Methods
Instructor: Holly Lopez
October 9, 2017

Description of Learning Center including materials and equipment. Learning centers are beneficial to students and offer a powerful opportunity to develop. Learning Centers are well defined interest areas that provide children with a wide range of materials and opportunities to engage in hands on learning across the curriculum (Stuber, 2007). Centers give children opportunities to make decisions, expand on previous experiences in a meaningful way, develop at their own rates among activity areas, and develop skills working on their own, with peers, and with adults. Developmentally appropriate …show more content…
Art projects help children develop fine motor skills and improve their hand-eye coordination. Art centers must have lots of supplies to accommodate students. Tables and chairs will be set up in the center along with easy to clean work surfaces. The art center is near a sink in the classroom for hand washing. A painter’s smock is provided for each child. The art center can accommodate three children at a time. Tools for the art center includes paint and brushes, crayons, markers, color pencils, materials for drawing and painting, finger glitter, finger paint, water color, and much more. Children’s senses are stimulated by giving them a chance to create art projects just for …show more content…
Children benefit by being challenged by meaningful games and puzzles. Children are being provided a foundation to succeed in elementary school. Representing numbers with pictures of items can help children recognize what the numbers represent. Barriers you may encounter when implementing these centers and how to address them?
Discipline problems can occur when children are not interested in the activities.
The centers must be organized and based on your knowledge about children and their abilities. The centers must be flexible and adaptable. The centers must provide an array of learning daily and there must be a balance across all developmental domains to achieve (Brewer, 2007).

Beneke, S.J., Ostrosky, O. (2013). The potential of the project approach to support diverse young learners. Young children 68(2), 22-28
Brewer, J.A. (2007). Introduction to early childhood education: Preschool through primary grades (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Klien, B., Sautter, R.C. (2015). An art education reform strategy. .Phi Delta Kapping 75 (6), 433-440
Stuber, G.M. (2007) Centering your classroom: Setting the stage for engaged learners. Young children, 62(4),

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