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Limiting Homework Research

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Mark Twain once said I never let my schooling interfere with my education. What is an education? An education is an enlightening experience that provides knowledge that can be used to prosper. An education can not merely be measured by how much homework a student does. I believe that most high schools assign an excessive amount of homework and that limiting the amount of independent work assigned to be completed out of school would vastly improve the quality of high schoolers and their education. The abundance of work required to be done outside of the classroom often hurts students more than it helps. Most high school students juggle school, extracurricular activities, and a job, making it difficult to have time for homework and an adequate amount of sleep. Homework would be more effective if there was time allotted in the school day to work on it. Students often come across almost all of their problems with homework when they …show more content…
Research shows that, when surveyed, 7.8 million students reported that they participated in school sports and activities that took place after school. Research also shows that one out of every four high school students reported that they have an after school job. This makes it difficult for students to do their homework and get a decent amount of sleep. Homework is assigned in the hopes that the practice would make it easier for the student to prepare for testing. However, when students are bombarded with an abundance of work this often causes a large quantity of stress. The tension that homeworks bears on students often makes it hard for the student to focus as their nerves go haywire. Decreasing the amount of homework that students are assigned would decrease the amount of stress that students feel for and would increase the quality of the students’ performance in the

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