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Active And Passive Euthanasia Essay

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The term comes from the Greek word “euthanatos” which means easy death. Accordingly, to Ahmed A., Demydenko G. Euthanasia is an assisted death. More precisely, it is a termination of a sick person's life in order to help them from their suffering and the issue of allowing assisted death has been at concern of many debates for years.
James Rachels, the professor of philosophy at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the author of “The End of life: Euthanasia a Morality (1986)” and also the editor of “the Right thing to do (1989)”, considered in the essay of Active and Passive Euthanasia in The new England Journal of Medicine, the differences between active and passive Euthanasia. He offered radical critique of a distinction common among ethics of medicals. According to …show more content…
Emanuel, MD, PhD, who wrote an article in 2000 called “A Time to Die: The Place for Physician Assistance” in the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, argues that several people indicate they support the assisted suicide mostly because of the fact that they would not want to live, if there was no hope, and they would be keeping alive through the life support machine. Conversely, Professor of Philosophy at Millasaps College, Patrick D. Hopkins, PhD, wrote in 1997 an article in The Hastings Center Report, called “Why Does Removing Machines Count as ‘Passive’ Euthanasia?” Hopkins argues that removing a machine is no different from removing biological bodily organ if both systems are functioning the same role. Both of these systems are situations which leads to death then both of them are cases of killing. On the contrary, Professor of Medical Ethics at Harvard Medical School, Dan W. Brock, PhD, argued in an article ‘Voluntary Active Euthanasia” which was published in 1992 in The Hastings Center Report, that the doctor do not in fact kill, they are allowing people to

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