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Personal Narrative: My Failure In Basic Training

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Running head: MY BASIC TRAINING 1


My failure in Basic Training
Kaythi Rasay
University of Maryland University College

My failure in Basic Training I was born in Rangoon, Burma and moved to California when I was 11 years old. After a year of college, an Army Recruiter contacted me, and we started talking and what opinions I have. I visited the Army Recruiter?s office a few times, and I was interested in what they had to offer. When I suggested the idea to my family, they weren't very happy and didn't like the idea of me joining or leaving. A few reasons lead me to my decision to accede to the military was independence and free education. I was 19 years old, and my family was still treating me like a kid. …show more content…
I started to feel dismayed, distraught, despair, depressed, and distant because I was in an unusual place in life. Of course, feeling like I was not cut out to be in the Military and wanted to quit. I was not ready to have my life controlled by the instructors. Meaning, I didn't want my life to be controlled by when I need to sleep when to wake up, how fast to eat, what to study, and so forth. Where; I have someone constantly tell me what I needed to do. During the meal, I was used to taking my time eating and did not have to eat in seconds and pretty much get in, sit, eat, and get out in minutes. I remembered my first night; I barely got anything to eat because I spend most of my time trying to finish drinking three glasses of …show more content…
So, when it comes to drill, I was always getting yelled at and although I kept practicing and following what my MTI was telling me. However, I felt like a failure because I was unable to get it right. When it came to the firing the M-16, not sure if I was scared and nervous but my aim was random. A few reasoning was I was unable to control my breathing, and I was rushing which caused me to forget the fundamentals. Either way, the military disciple was harder for me to understand.
The third reason is that being in the Military was my first job. I haven't had a part time job or worked before joining. My first expression of Basic Training as a job was not what I expected. That if this continues the way it is, the constant yelling and fear. I would stay in fear or make a mistake. It didn't get better after basic training either. After completion of six weeks of military drill, physical activity, discipline, confidence, training, and challenges. I graduated, although I faced a lot of difficulties and challenges. I felt like a failure because I felt like I was not cut out like the other

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