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How Did Canada Build Nuclear Weapons

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Ever since the end of world war two there has been an enormous amount of nuclear weapons made around the world. These nuclear weapons have the power to wipe out cities one by one. The mass production of nuclear weapons has had a lasting impact on today’s world. Even though the creation of nuclear weapons is being monitored more carefully today, there are still the weapons that were made before. Canada may not be the main country involved with nuclear weapons but Canada has still had history with one of the most destructive forces in the world. Some people may think that Canada had nothing to do with ther arms race but really the arms race is an important historical event that Canada was involved in due to the unfathomable amount of nuclear weapons made, and that there aren’t really any enforcements to stop these nuclear weapons. …show more content…
Canada has never built nuclear weapons but they have contributed by providing uranium to the United States. Uranium is a key material needed in creating a nuclear weapon (wikipedia). Canada’s main role in creating nuclear weapons was supplying materials needed to create them . As a reuslt of Canada giving the United States uranium, the United states was able to create multiple nuclear warheads as since 1982. The United States were believed to have the possession of over 11 000 nuclear warheads(wikipedia).The amount of total destruction that these weapons could cause was insane as these weapons are the most powerful weapons in the world. Canada is part of the many countries that contributed to the creation of one of the most destructive force known and these weapons can be used at any

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