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Domestic Violence Against Men Research Paper

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“Domestic violence is abuse or threats of abuse when the person being abused and the abuser are or have been in an intimate relationship…” (California Courts?) Domestic violence against men refers to being in an abusive intimidated relationship such as marriage, cohabitation, dating or within the family. As with violence against woman domestic violence is considered a crime. Many men who report abuse to the police often get criticized plus often face social stigma. People have trouble understanding why a woman who is being abused by her significant other does not simply leave. When the roles are reversed, then the man is the victim of the abuse; people are beyond clueless disturbed why he selects to stay. However, anyone who's been in an …show more content…
Ego is our feeling of self-worth and possibly our biggest enemy. Especially because once it is aching it takes an extremely long time to heal and recover. Men and women have egos, however, hurting a men’s ego affects them and will push them emotionally further away from their significant other. “ What about the frustration, despair and depression that come from living in strict stereotyped roles...” (Hambrook, E 2012) Men use their ego plus toughness, masculine attitude since they feel the need to have a strong personality in order to have a woman chasing furthermore challenging them. Men are sensitive plus emotional. Once a man is in love with a woman he can be emotionally invested than she may ever be. Therefore, when a woman constantly emotionally abuses him by belittling him, blaming him for everything that is wrong or even gets physical a man shuts down. Our culture generally expects males to be tougher than females. It is extremely embarrassing for a man to admit any kind of abuse from their significant other. If you mess with men’s self-worth furthermore make him feel worthless he will eventually be vulnerable besides if he is not strong enough, he will be subjected to domestic violence from an abusive significant …show more content…
While it is in man’s best interest to leave the abusive relationship, occasionally by leaving it can take a toll on him financially. Even though he might be able to support himself financially sometimes is cheaper to stay in the abusive relationship. Many men may elect to stay until the children are grown and not be subjected to pay alimony or child support and later leave. Occasionally the abuse can go as far as financially. Many women feel superior to men if financially she pays above half the household bills, which men subsequently start depending on

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