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Enuresis Research Paper

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Enuresis is a disorder known as bed-wetting. The Bed-wetting is a problem of elimination that indicates the voluntary or involuntary impulse of urine into bedding, clothing or other improper locations. In the other hand, in adults can occur these problems known as loss of bladder control that sometimes happen as urinary incontinence rather than Enuresis. People who have Alzheimer's disease and dementia are normally linked with this diseases.
In childhood, the most abundant aspects with psychosocial problems has been Enuresis disorders. Many researches have shown an absence of union about explanations and terminology. Aspects such as age, frequency and duration of wetting episodes have been the most important point revealed by Psychiatric classification systems. During the day, Enuresis disorder and Daytime wetting are considered as Biopsychosocial problems with signals for Pathophysiologic and commonly are related with Psychiatric/psychological problems.
The loss of confidence and self-esteem are important …show more content…
The Involuntary enuresis can be considered as either the primary or secondary. Primary enuresis happens when children do not have enough control of their bladder since childhood. The majority of children develop urine control issues just after sleep. The young children do not wet their bed on purpose. Researches have shown that the nervous system is involved in all of this. The nervous system has involuntary functions meaning that the children cannot control them. The involuntary functions is always turn on and are used to control these process. In these cases when children's bladder are full, is the involuntary system who is in charge to tells the children that is time to go to the bathroom. Sometimes what it can happen is that these children have slow process in the nervous system and they are not be able to feel on time the desire to use the bathroom when their bladder are

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