...WHAT IS PERSUASION? A form of influence. Process of guiding people toward the adoption of a behavior, belief, or attitude that the persuader prefers. To be an effective persuader, you cannot tell others what to do, you must engage them in a dialog about the situation or problem and collaborate agree on how to approach or solve it. In doing so, employees and teammates cooperate with an effective persuader because they want to, not because they have to. WHY PERSUASION IS IMPORTANT? To be an effective manager, you must be an able persuader. Employees today show little intolerance for unquestioned authority. More and more companies are adapting a participative work style where employees at all levels are involved in formulating strategy, discussing business needs, making bottom-line decisions, and implementing workplace changes. Persuasion is a necessary skill also because in today’s business world, there is an increasing amount of work being done by teams and virtual employees. In a team-based or team-supported workplace, seldom does a higher authority mandate decisions. Work is divided and overseen by selfmanaging team rather than a higher level mgr. you work with ur peers, not subordinates, persuasion is the only alternative. OVERVIEW OF THEORIES OF PERSUASION Some of the skills and technqiues of persuasion are rooted in research in traditional and cognitive psychology. 1950s, psychologist Leon Festinger coined the term cognitive dissonance. Explains...
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...needs to be transmitted and received in a proper way. Having good communication skills can be beneficial in all aspects of our lives, from the office to social events and gatherings. It’s very important to be able to engage in an accurate and clear conversation with someone especially with effective communication skills. However, Persuasive communication also plays part in the day to day business processes or procedures. Persuasive communication may be defined as the process through which people induce or urge the adoption of certain actions or beliefs of others. Body The capability to persuade is essential in the business world. On a day-to-day basis, you need to be able to convince your employees to work on accomplishing the company goals or to persuade people or clients to believe your ideas or suggestions. If you can excel in the art of persuasive communication, you can effect people’s behaviors and make them adopt your ideas. Or in a business environment you will be able to persuade them to work in a group and make them work as a team to achieve all the goals you have set for the company. Literature review One of the most important goals of language and communication is persuasion. A great deal of communication seeks to change one’s minds about issues...
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...your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) COM 156 Entire Course COM 156 Complete Course Material all Weeks DQS and All Assignments COM 156 Wk 1 All Discussion Questions Review the information provided on pp. 51–53. Explain the initial steps of writing an essay. Identify how your audience, purpose, and content will influence your approach The purpose of an essay, as explained on p. 47, will affect all aspects of the paper. In this class, the final paper will be a persuasive essay. Throughout the class, you will complete assignments that directly or indirectly help you complete the final paper. Identify the main purpose of a persuasive essay and the elements necessary for it to be effective. Review the video titled Writing Process. Read the Short Form Axia Writing Style Handbook. What are the two most helpful suggestions in each? If you were to propose one additional suggestion to include in each what would it be? Explain the time management strategies you will use when writing a successful academic paper. What techniques discussed in your US/101 course may help you manage your time when writing a paper? The ultimate success or failure of a paper may often be traced back to the planning stages. What might you do to provide yourself with the best opportunity to succeed when writing your college papers? COM 156 Wk 2 All Discussion Questions Read pp. 290–291 in Ch. 18. Those pages provide an overview of writing that persuades...
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...Paper COM 156 Week 1 Assignment COM 156 Week 1 DQ 1 COM 156 Week 1 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 1 Video Transcript - Writing Process COM 156 Week 2 Assignment Select a Topic for Your Final Paper COM 156 Week 2 Assignment COM 156 Week 2 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 2 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 3 Assignment Complete an Outline COM 156 Week 3 Assignment COM 156 Week 3 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 3 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 3 Video Transcript Developing Outlines COM 156 Week 4 Assignment Write Your Thesis Statement PART 1 COM 156 Week 4 Assignment Write Your Thesis Statement PART 2 COM 156 Week 4 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 4 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 5 Assignment Revision Practice COM 156 Week 5 Assignment COM 156 Week 5 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 5 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 6 Assignment Effective Persuasion COM 156 Week 6 Assignment COM 156 Week 6 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 6 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 7 Assignment Rough Draft of Your Final Paper COM 156 Week 7 Assignment COM 156 Week 7 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 7 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 7 Assignment Compare and Contrasts Paragraphs COM 156 Week 8 Assignment COM 156 Week 8 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 8 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 9 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 9 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 9 Final Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of COM 156 Entire Course in order to ace their studies. COM 156 ENTIRE COURSE To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/com-156-entire-course/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM COM 156 ENTIRE COURSE COM 156 Final Assignment...
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...Minimizing Interruptions Facts: Although some interruptions are signs of involvement and interest, and other s are genuine requests for information, interruptions are rarely appreciated. When you cut others off, the speaker thinks that you don’t care about their ideas or that you believe your ideas are better than theirs. When you interrupt, you may be perceived as rude, egocentric and controlling – someone who believes that what you have to say is more important than other’s ideas. Strategies on how to cut back interrupting: Count to three after the speaker seems to be finished. Concentrate on what the speaker is saying then paraphrase it back when he/she is finished. When you catch yourself interrupting, apologize and ask the speaker to continue. Ask another co-worker to count the number of times you interrupt in a day. Opportunistic Listening Look for Main and Supporting Points Sometimes it is appropriate to ask politely for the speaker’s thesis. E.g. “I’m trying to pull together what you’ve been telling me about the problems you’ve been, having meeting your quotas. Could you summarize for me?” At other times, however, it isn’t appropriate to ask the speaker outright. “Over all, then, would you say your division is losing its market share?” Take Notes You are unlikely to remember every deadline, every comment or even every topic in a meeting...
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...Chapter 1 Quiz Indicate whether statements 1–5 are TRUE or FALSE by writing T or F in the blank. 1. _______ Most workplace documents are created by individuals working alone. 2. _______ Technical documents are almost always designed for expert readers. 3. _______ Effective communicators “let the data speak for themselves.” 4. _______ The more you advance in your profession the more your ability to communicate is likely to become essential. 5. _______ Direct, straightforward communication is valued by all cultures. 6. _______ Electronic communication is replacing paper documents in the workplace. Complete the following statement. 7. A computer can transmit data, but it cannot give ___________________ to the information. In items 8–10, choose the letter of the expression that best completes each statement. 8. _______ A technical document focuses on (a) the needs of the audience, (b) the writer’s feelings, (c) both the needs of the audience and the writer’s feelings, (d) marketing, or (e) none of these. 9. _______ An effective technical document is based on (a) intuition, (b) usable information, (c) the writer’s deepest impressions, (d) inspiration, or (e) none of these. 10. _______ The information in a technical document must be (a) entertaining, (b) accessible, (c) confidently judgmental, (d) prosaic, or (e) none of these. Chapter 2 Quiz Indicate whether statements 1–7 are TRUE or FALSE by writing T or F in the blank. 1. _______...
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...American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 2009, 99:2, 448–453 http://www.aeaweb.org/articles.php?doi=10.1257/aer.99.2.448 Beliefs and disagreement in OrganizatiOns † Authority versus Persuasion By Eric Van den Steen* Managers often face a choice between authority and persuasion. In particular, since a firm’s formal and relational contracts and its culture and norms are quite rigid in the short term, a manager who needs to prevent an employee from undertaking the wrong action has the choice between either trying to persuade this employee or relying on interpersonal authority.1 Herbert Simon (1947) noted, for example, that “when … disagreement is not resolved by discussion, persuasion, or other means of conviction, then it must be decided by the authority of one or the other participant” and that “in actual practice … authority is liberally admixed with suggestion and persuasion.” Obviously, in choosing between persuasion and authority, the manager makes a cost-benefit trade-off. This paper studies that trade-off, focusing in particular on agency conflicts that originate in open disagreement, in the sense of differing priors. To that purpose, I will study a setting in which a principal and an agent are involved in a project. The project’s outcome depends both on decisions and on implementation effort by the agent, i.e., on effort to execute the decisions. A key issue is that the principal and agent may openly disagree on which decisions are most likely to † Discussants:...
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...The art of persuasion is an essential part of rhetoric and good argument. There are different levels of communication. If you simply want basic information because you are in an unfamiliar location, that is one thing. On the other hand, in communication at higher levels you are often engaged in the process of sharing a point of view and attempting to get others to share your point of view. Imagine how many aspects of modern business and commerce, local, national and international politics, education, the arts and every form of industry are dependent on intelligent people making persuasive arguments literally countless times each day. In in class speaker, Mr. John Divine, provided us with a great example of this. Mr. Divine is honed in the necessary art of persuasion due to his vast personal experience, as he performed the art of persuasion for both a living and profession. For many years Mr. Divine was involved in sales for IBM, a multinational consulting and technology company who designs and sells computers and computer hardware and software in addition to offering consultancy in technology. Furthermore, Mr. Divine was involved in the political realm of persuasion; he acted as mayor for the town of Salina. Through his personal experience Mr. Divine has come to be a prolific reserve in terms of information pertaining to persuasion. He has come to learn in what cases persuasion is more likely to be effective, which he kindly shared with our class. He told us about key steps which...
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...The Theory of Persuasion by Positive Force Persuasion is a pipeline of theories interpreted by method and ideas which consists of tactics used as foundations to model a structural message. Communication, reading, writing, and images may identify human behaviors. In addition, beliefs, faith, values, credo, creed and philosophy play a role in inducing several theories such as self-persuasion theory, cognitive dissonance theory, and persuasion theory as ways of acknowledging and understanding how the nature of persuasion may apply in a person’s personal and professional life. It may subconsciously create ways to persuade others to visualize a person’s point of view as their way to achieve personal and professional goals, fulfillment, and the...
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...The Necessary Art of Persuasion by Jay A. Conger Harvard Business Review Reprint 98304 This document is authorized for use only in MIM FEB 2012 - Organizational Behaviour by IE Business School from January 2012 to March 2013. HarvardBusinessReview M AY– JUNE 1998 Reprint Number DAVID J. COLLIS AND CYNTHIA A . MONTGOMERY CREATING CORPORATE ADVANTAGE 98303 JAY A . CONGER THE NECESSARY ART OF PERSUASION 98304 CHRIS ARGYRIS EMPOWERMENT: THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES 9 8302 JEFFREY PFEFFER SIX DANGEROUS MYTHS ABOUT PAY 98309 M AHLON APGAR , IV THE ALTERNATIVE WORKPLACE: CHANGING WHERE AND HOW PEOPLE WORK 9 8301 ORIT GADIESH AND JA MES L . GILBERT PROFIT POOLS: A FRESH LOOK AT STRATEGY 9 8305 ORIT GADIESH AND JA MES L . GILBERT m anager’s to ol kit CONSTANTINE VON HOFFM AN HBR CASE STUDY GORD ON SHAW, ROBERT BROWN, and PHILIP BROMILEY ideas at work L ARRY E. GREINER HBR CL ASSIC HOW TO MAP YOUR INDUSTRY’S PROFIT POOL DOES THIS COMPANY NEED A UNION? STRATEGIC STORIES: HOW 3M IS REWRITING BUSINESS PLANNING EVOLUTION AND REVOLUTION AS ORGANIZATIONS GROW JEFFREY E. GARTEN 9 8306 98311 9 8310 9 8308 BO OKS IN REVIEW OPENING THE DOORS FOR BUSINESS IN CHINA This document is authorized for use only in MIM FEB 2012 - Organizational Behaviour by IE Business School from January 2012 to March 2013. 98307 The language of leadership is misunderstood, underutilized...
Words: 8591 - Pages: 35
...of the Case Incident “The Persuasion Imperative.” It discusses information about IBM’s training program, as well as other keys to persuasion and influence that were not mentioned in IBM’s program. These topics are compared with the topics discussed in Chapter 13 of the textbook. Finally, we discuss whether or not generational values can explain the changing nature of the employer-employee relationship. Persuasion is necessary in the field of management. In review of the case study, there are several key points to contemplate: * Are the precepts of IBM’s training program consistent with the concepts in the chapter? Why or why not? * Based on the chapter, are there other keys to persuasion and influence that might be added to the IBM program? * If you had a manager who wanted you to do something against your inclination, which of IBM’s elements would work best on you? Why? * From Chapter 5, do you think generational values explain the changing nature of the employer-employee relationship? Why or why not? Are the precepts of IBM’s training program consistent with the concepts in the chapter? Why or why not? IBM’s precepts are stated as: build shared vision; negotiate collaboratively; make trade-offs; and build and maintain your network. These precepts do line up with the concepts from the chapter. In review of Robins & Judge information, there are distinct influence tactics: Legitimacy (relying on authority); rational persuasion (presenting logical arguments...
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...Your emotions plays a critical role in persuasion. There are many emotions we all have to deal as individuals on an everyday basis, but the one emotion we often used in persuasion is humor. Humor is a valuable quality that causes laughter in individuals as they do ridiculous things or say a few silly jokes to make individuals laugh and put individuals in a great mood. “According to persuasion theory, people who are in good mood are less likely to disagree with a persuasion…” (Lyttle, 2001, p.207). Your emotions also work together with the way an individual meditates on different issues or situations in our lives. There are many different methods of persuasion techniques that have been used in marketing, public campaign, and in political messages. The authentic message itself is essential as one message can bring about wavering altitudes of emotions and humor for many different people. In human relationship humor is not only significant, but it can help reliefs the pressure and avoid the escalation of conflict, but it is also can be a remedy for your heart, soul, and mind. (Seiter & Gass, 2004). Some individuals have many different opinions on this subject matter, however, regarding the effectiveness of humor in persuasion. After reading Perspective on persuasion, social influence, and compliance, The Effectiveness of humor in persuasion: the case of business ethics training, and The Joint impact of humor and argument strength in a print advertising context: a case for weaker...
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...Persuasion: Who, What, and to Whom Even though people can just say no to the individual or to a group, the communicator influences the audience because people may be persuaded by the message. “The communicator’s goal is to change your mind, and most people are easily influenced” (Rhoads, 1997). Social psychology helps us to identify different aspects of ourselves, and the environment in which we live and work. It gives us insight as to why people judge others, and how the power of persuasion affects an individual, group, or a nation. An effective persuader possesses both positive and desirable traits. “One of these traits is to portray believable knowledge” (Feenstra, 2011).If the communicator appears as if they know, what they are talking about they will be far more likely to persuade the audience. In addition, when the communicator speaks in an authoritative manner opposed to a hesitant, unsure manner they are typically much more persuasive. It is important that the audience see the communicator as being trustworthy this plays an important role in persuasive communication. When a person is seen as always being honest, it makes them much more credible then a person who is known to lie or avoid telling the truth. Credibility is important to persuasion as it is associated with an individual’s character. The most important factor in persuading others is character. Moreover, an effective persuader builds a connection before giving the actual persuasive message...
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...More Tutorials Visit Website: HOMEWORKLANCE.COM For Any Other Inquiry Feel Free To Contact Us: Lancehomework@gmail.com COM 156 Complete Course Material all Weeks DQS and All Assignments COM 156 Wk 1 All Discussion Questions Review the information provided on pp. 51–53. Explain the initial steps of writing an essay. Identify how your audience, purpose, and content will influence your approach The purpose of an essay, as explained on p. 47, will affect all aspects of the paper. In this class, the final paper will be a persuasive essay. Throughout the class, you will complete assignments that directly or indirectly help you complete the final paper. Identify the main purpose of a persuasive essay and the elements necessary for it to be effective. Review the video titled Writing Process. Read the Short Form Axia Writing Style Handbook. What are the two most helpful suggestions in each? If you were to propose one additional suggestion to include in each what would it be? Explain the time management strategies you will use when writing a successful academic paper. What techniques discussed in your US/101 course may help you manage your time when writing a paper? The ultimate success or failure of a paper may often be traced back to the planning stages. What might you do to provide yourself with the best opportunity to succeed when writing your college papers? COM 156 Wk 2 All Discussion Questions Read pp. 290–291 in Ch. 18. Those pages provide an overview of writing that persuades...
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...Discuss the relationship between persuasion and attitude change? Persuasion is the use of appeals to reasons, values, beliefs, and emotions to convince a listener or reader to think or act in a particular way. We face persuasive advertisements particularly on a daily basis; from the television to magazines. To explain the psychology of persuasion there are various models; the Hovland-Yale model and the elaboration likelihood model. The Hovland-Yale model states that there several factors that will affect how likely a change of attitude through persuasion is, after all behavioural change cannot occur without attitude change also having taken place. The three most prominent factors are the source, the message and the audience. Hovland et al found that source characteristics played an important role in determining the persuasive nature of any communication. The theory states that people more likely to be persuaded when a source presents itself as credible. For example, people were more likely to be persuaded when hearing the information from an expert. This was supported by Bochner and Insko study, where they found that people were more likely to trust a sleep expert than a non-sleep expert, on matters surrounding sleep. The creditable sources were more influencing towards the audience, where with the non-expert source the audience tried to find ways of discrediting the communicator. The Hovland-Yale model says the content of the message is an important factor. When trying...
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