...Child neglect, which is the most common form of maltreatment in the United States, has been repeatedly linked to an increased risk of delinquency. Recent studies about the link between abuse and delinquency present a very strong case for a strong connection between childhood abuse and neglect and later delinquent and criminal behavior. It is my belief and own personal experience, from growing up in the poverty-stricken areas of Chicago, that child neglect does lead to an increased risk of delinquency. This paper will analyze multiple past and current studies regarding the topic of Child Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency. A serious consequence of child maltreatment is an increased risk for crime and violence. In addition to the direct consequences...
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...Abstract This research proposal seeks to establish to recognize and understand the contributing factors to delinquency in adolescent .It’s intentions is for the criminal justice system to help with possible intervention of young juveniles before they proceed or graduate into the criminal justice system. The research proposal narrows its focus on the three major specific issues, which are neighbourhood disadvantage, lack of monitoring in adolescents and childhood maltreatment. In order to prevent the start of delinquency, one has to understand the causes of delinquency. Therefore, this research will seek to explain the causes of delinquency and methods used to eliminate such causes that would result into better community services and awareness. Introduction Juvenile delinquency is a tenacious and prevalent social problem in American communities (Thompson, 2005). Therefore as part of the society, we should seek ways and methods that can assist in intervention of prevention of juvenile delinquency. The community must identify what and at which stage of juvenile life causes the beginning of the criminal lifestyle that would result in young offenders advancing into the justice system, which will be forever labelled in their lives. The significance of this study is to develop understanding to the prevention in accordance with the factors that cause the onset of juvenile delinquency. This is important in our youth mentoring programs, public agencies and criminal justice research in improvement...
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...April 2013 Delinquent Behavior by Maltreated Juveniles Maltreatment of youths directly influences whether or not a child will participate in acts of delinquency. In Child Maltreatment and Juvenile Delinquency: Investigating the Role of Placement and Placement Instability, Joseph P. Ryan and Mark F. Testa evaluate the results of maltreatment in youth and try to determine if placement in substitute care helps prevent or cause acts of delinquency. Child maltreatment, by definition, is an event occurring within the family or substitute care setting (such as a foster home, group home or daycare center). Physical abuse and neglect of children is best understood as “the manifestation of an unfolding sequence of underlying problems that are often initiated prior to the family’s formation and could be located as well in community and cultural conditions.” (Pecora, Whittaker, Maluccio & Barth, 2000) Maltreatment in children happens all the time, but it does not always happen by members of the family. Maltreatment comes in many forms and occurs by people in the community, peers and of course, members of an individual’s family. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimated that there were approximately 2.9 million children in the United States in 1999 that were the focus of a child protective investigation. 826,162 of the children in the child protective investigations were associated with a substantiated report of maltreatment. Social Control Theory states that greater...
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...Child abuse and Neglect to Juvenile Crime TESST College of Technology Juvenile Delinquency September 5, 2012 I believe that maltreatment does influence a juvenile in becoming a delinquent. The juvenile learns that this is acceptable behavior from the people that have the most influence in their lives. Once they realize that this is not a tolerated behavior they tend to act out in all sorts of forms, upon themselves and others. They now hold no fear in defying society. Maltreatment does have an influence upon delinquent behaviors. "Maltreatment is referred to as the parental behaviors that are considered acts intended to inflict physical or psychological harm and that reflect a lack of concern for the adolescent's well-being, sense of self and social competence." (Kilpatrick, Saunders, Benjamin & Smith, 2003). Maltreatment causes neurological damage, deficits in cognitive socio-emotional functioning, and learning of antisocial problem solving and failure in school. Today's society seems out to punish the delinquents for their behavior. Life at home, their morals and values learned through their parents should also be examined as well. Children are like clay, what is molded and pounded into them hardens and is that way until it is melted and restructured. People need to take into consideration how they were raised and what was taught to them their whole life. Yet, there are exceptions to this. Some children just have problems brought about on their own. Prominent...
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...Early Intervention and Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Evidence from the Chicago Longitudinal Study Carla Robinson Alcorn State University This article discusses the early intervention and juvenile delinquency prevention. The role of an educational intervention and child, family, peer and school level prediction on court reported juvenile delinquency. This paper will discuss the importance of early intervention and schooling factors in reducing delinquency and highlights the benefits of early intervention as one mechanism for delinquency prevention. Child parent centered preschools programs found long term benefits of an early childhood educational intervention on court reported measures of juvenile delinquency. The current strongest family factor associated with delinquency was child abuse and neglect between ages four and eleven. Child maltreatment was associated with juvenile delinquency; other family factors such as parental involvement in schools were not significantly associated with any delinquency outcome. Child maltreatment was associated with both delinquency and drug arrest. It incorporates the system approach because it shows that all systems are linked to juvenile delinquency whether it is good or bad. The family system plays the biggest role as well as the environment. The children have to have a positive relationship between all of the systems for them not to have a predicator that can cause delinquency. The three conclusions that that are in...
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...The issues that come with as to why juveniles become delinquents have come to multiple predictions. Children and teens go through certain experiences that has lead them to begin and possibly continue that lifestyle. Based on their relationship from their family can lead them to finding something to fill in that void that they have. Due to their maltreatment from the people in their lives it is going to be research that, that can be one of the issues in regards to as why Juveniles become delinquents. The purpose for this is to help come to a better resolution to help juveniles not become delinquents as well keeping the recidivism rate low. Based on the research that will be conducted we can try to get a better understanding if maltreatment...
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...CPS – Hurt Page 1 Child Protection Services (CPS) and How Juveniles Are Affected Jessie Hurt SOC-331 Social Justice & Ethics Instructor Jen Brockel January 14th, 2013 CPS - Hurt Page 2 “Nearly five children die every day in America from abuse and neglect, and in 2010, an estimated 1,560 children died from abuse and neglect in the United States.” (Alliance, 2012) Children who are being abused and taken from their families, put into foster care systems and/or even adopted out to other families, these children are far more likely to turn to the streets and drugs as a result of their circumstances. Although Child Protection Services (CPS) has changed from the early 1800’s one problem still remains in effect and that is trying to prevent juvenile delinquency through this service, because numerous mistreated children make the jump from innocence to delinquency and find themselves in the juvenile justice system, other systems of care, or in extreme cases they find themselves in adult criminal court. “As child abuse and/ or neglect increases the risk of arrest as a juvenile by 55% and the risk of committing a violent crime by 96%.” (Bilchik & Nash, Fall 2008) Child Protection Services (CPS) history in America is divided into 3 eras. The first era was from colonial times until 1875 and was known as being the “era before organized protection” (Myers, 2008) and the...
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...The present study examines the ways in which early maltreatment can negatively influence adult psychopathology. More specifically, how child abuse and neglect (physical, sexual, and emotional) can increase the chances of acquiring externalizing disorders such as antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and psychopathy in adult criminal offenders (Dargis, Newman, & Koenigs, 2015). The study also examines the effects child abuse has on developing juvenile conduct disorder, which is the diagnostic criterion for ASPD. The researchers had three predictions: 1. childhood physical abuse would correlate with all three disorders; 2. emotional and sexual abuse would relate to CD and ASPD, but only the “lifestyle and criminal” aspects of psychopathy; 3. and...
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...the country, a juvenile develops into adulthood within the years of 15 to 18; during rare occasions during cases of murder and other severe criminalities the age has dropped below the standard adulthood ages. Delinquency entails action which doesn’t adapt to the legitimate or ethical values of society; generally applying merely to doings that, if executed by an adult, would be labeled as illegal (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica). What incites a teenager in becoming criminal and causes them to lean towards this standard of living? It is necessary to explore in what way does domestic life effects juvenile crime. There is a possibility that juveniles will become delinquent when is a lack of a structural foundation is furnished within the home they reside. Children who experience rejection, conflict or inadequate supervisor, may become more of a delinquent than children who do not experience similar encounters. Some writings have focused on the connection between child abuse and juvenile delinquency; which pointed out that juvenile delinquents are frequently created within families that were knowingly or insentiently neglecting their child’s needs (National Institute of Justice, (14 Mar 2011)). Kids can learn deviant values from their parents, relatives or peers (Siegel, Larry J. & Welsh, Brandon C. (2008)). In the United States, 14.4% of male inmates and 36.7% female inmates were mistreated during adolescent. Today, the problem as it relates to juvenile crime has become...
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...Juvenile delinquency has steadily increased over the years and does not look to be decreasing any time soon unless measures are taken. Juveniles are usually convicted and sentenced in juvenile court but some cases have also been tried in adult court. Status offenses are also controversial topics that need further research before any conclusions are drawn on them being an actual violation of the law. There are also a number of different variables and characteristics of each juvenile in detention, and these paint a broader picture of the environment and culture they come from. Juvenile delinquency is also known as juvenile offending or youth crime, which is the participation of juveniles in illegal behavior. A juvenile delinquent is usually a person under the age of 18 who commits an offense that would otherwise have been charged as a crime if they were an adult. It is also possible based upon the type and severity of the crime that an under-18 juvenile delinquent could be charged and tried as an adult. State policies vary as to the age at which a person legally becomes an adult, but if we refer to a juvenile as a person under the age of 18, the figures are shocking and disproportionate. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), reports that nearly 16 percent of all violent crimes and 26 percent of all property crimes are committed by under 18 year olds. What is even more worrying is that this age group only makes up 26 percent of the total population...
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...Childhood Maltreatment to Delinquency Women account for nearly eight to ten percent of the offending population (accounting for jails, prisons, community supervision, or a combination of these) (Hanser 2006: 329). In both men and women, there are a number of variables and precursors that lead to delinquency or criminal behavior, ranging from socioeconomic status to development, and may be understood and examined through the lens of multiple theories of crime. One variable in particular, the sexual maltreatment of young girls, could in fact be a major factor of female offending in adulthood. A study conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 1999 found that female offenders are abused more frequently than male offenders. While only...
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...micro system refers to the individual and their specific needs, problems, and strengths. Micro systems focus on how the individual might address issues, generate solutions, and make the best effective choices (Zastrow, 2009). Micro systems look at different ways to enhance a person’s functioning in society. These include physical and psychological issues. In contrast to the micro system, the mezzo system consists of small groups. Families, work ties, and social groups are part of the mezzo system. The mezzo system is often closely related to the micro system because it is difficult to distinguish an individual from themselves and their groups. An example of this would be a child and his peers at school. The child is an individual in of themselves but, the peer group (social) is also very much a part of the child. Finally, the macro system...
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...Obviously something is going on in today’s society if more and more children are committing delinquent crimes. Sometimes a researcher has to get to what he or she thinks is the root of the problem to figure out what spawns a certain issue. What provokes a child to become delinquent and what makes the child gravitate so easily towards this lifestyle? It is necessary to explore how family life influences juvenile delinquency. Juveniles are more likely to become juvenile delinquents if there is little structure provided for them in their families. Children who are rejected by their parents, who grow up in homes with considerable conflict, or who are inadequately supervised are at the greatest risk of becoming delinquent. Literature reviews, focused on the relationship between child abuse and juvenile delinquency, indicate that juvenile delinquents are often products of families that consciously or unconsciously neglect their childhood needs. Corporal punishment by parents often leads to overt and aggressive misbehavior. Neglect and extreme punishment can cause children to become rebellious adolescents who use misbehavior to "pay back" the family. Childhood abuse and neglect has been linked to a number of other adolescent problems. Compared with non maltreated matched control groups, abused or neglected children are significantly more likely to engage in violent behavior, become pregnant during adolescence, use drugs, have lower GPAs, and/or experience mental health problems...
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...Content The issue of child abuse and neglect is serious, controversial, and is escalating in today’s society. Many people are not aware, but child abuse is rampant in our society. Many child abuse and neglect cases go unreported because a person may not know the signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect or perhaps the person or person may feel that this is an private issue and needs to be handle with in the home and no outsiders should be involved. Without the proper awareness of child abuse and neglect and the involvement of everyone this issue will continue to raise our eyebrows. In researching this topic, a title came up labeled "It shouldn't hurt to be a child". The title itself speaks volume when it comes to how our little children feel as it happens too often; it is little too late to for that young child who still have so much life ahead of them. Just goggling “child abuse cases” several came up whether it was a news article or a scholar article on child abuse prevention. This type of mistreatment towards our youth does have potential for youth to become juvenile delinquents. The problem is that the youth learns that behavior of child neglect and abuse is okay and acceptable because the one person they believe who loved them unconditional was this way toward them. It’s unfortunately that it may be too late before the youth realize this behavior should not be tolerate or acceptable and it set the child and family up for failure. The child behavior can lead to deviancy...
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...Juvenile crime issues in the criminal justice system can be just as complicated as dealing with adults, but the punishments are not as defining as it is for adults. Many individuals believe that when a juvenile goes to court and is punished for his delinquent acts, the people think that that is too harsh; but when the adults go to their court hearings and their punishments are set, people tend to think that that is too lenient. It always depends on the situation, regardless of where or when the act took place; they look at several key factors when deciding the punishment that is suitable for that particular crime. The criminal court system is basically the same, they attempt to better the individuals that have made mistakes in their past by sending them to institutions that will help teach them the difference between what is right and what is wrong. The difference between a juvenile court and an adult court consists of several different perspectives. One of the differences is the terminology used during the court cases, another is the leniency given to the juveniles rather than disciplining them by making an example out of them. Adult court relies on the retribution rather than “cutting them a break”. Juvenile crimes are not prosecuted but better known as “delinquent acts”, and if the crime is considered bad enough, they will try the juvenile as an adult; other times, they are fined, sentenced to a detention center, or sometimes both of the occasions. With juveniles, the cased...
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