...are a few words that just don’t belong together such as Child Soldiers. Every child has the right to live a normal life, grow up an experience the things kids are supposed to, like, going to school, playing kick ball outside, enjoying the company of friends and developing in a normal way both physically and mentally. However, not all children get to have this simple luxury that many take for granted. Child Soldiers are a fast growing problem in third world countries and need to be stopped. It’s horrible to think that a child’s life can be devastated and ripped apart by a war that they had no part in starting, but they are forced to fight in combat anyway, causing life long lasting psychological and physical damage. b. Thesis: Worldwide, tens of thousands of children ranging from the young age 6-19 are recruited into government organizations and a variety or armed groups. These children are robbed of the chance to have a normal childhood but in exchange are exposed to horrendous hazards and are psychologically and physically scarred for life and suffer a tremendous amount abuse. c. Preview: In this speech I will explain what a Child Solider is, the normal development of a child and how the development of a child is impacted when they become a child solider. II. Body: d. Ethos- Citation 1: Web Site Ethos- Citation 1: Web Site What is a Child solider? According to child-soldiers.org, a child solider is anyone that is under the age of 18 and has...
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...Thesis Some of the Christian knights participated because if they died in battle their sins would be forgiven, while others wanted fame and fortune also escaping the law and traveling the country were some reasons that the knights joined. Source #1 Pope Urban’s Sermon at Clermont (1095) The Turks and Arabs were conquering the land of the Christian people so Pope Urban gave a speech influencing Christian knights to do God’s will and defeat the enemy. The knights had a peace of mind in the beginning of this journey because Pope Urban had told them that if a knight would fall in battle, their sins would be forgiven. The Pope had also shown a way for people that were going down dark paths in society, to redeem themselves and achieve glory. Robbers and thieves could become knights while brothers that had been in quarrel with each other could come together to fight side by side against barbarians. Source #2 Ekkehard (1102) About one hundred thousand men became soldiers of God to defeat the enemies of the church. The west Franks were quick to take action do to their homeland was ruined with civil war and famine. Not just normal men participated, high ranking individual's took part also due to the influence of prophets that had appeared to them. It is stated that “A great part of them started forth with wife and child and laden with their entire...
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...(again with Los as his alter-ego.) Blake identified God's creative process with the work of an artist. And it is art that brings creation to its fulfillment -- by showing the world as it is, by sharpening perception, by giving form to ideas. Blake's story of creation differs from the Genesis account. The familiar world was created only after a cosmic catastrophe. When the life of the spirit was reduced to a sea of atoms, the Creator set a limit below which it could not deteriorate farther, and began creating the world of nature. The longer books that Blake wrote describe Los's creation of animals and people within the world of nature. One particularly powerful passage in "Milton" describes Los's family weaving the bodies of each unborn child. In believing that creation followed a cosmic catastrophe and a fall of spiritual beings into matter, Blake recalls Gnosticism, a multi-faceted religious movement that has run parallel to mainstream Christianity. Unlike most other Gnosticizers, Blake considered our own world to be a fine and wonderful place, but one that would ultimately give way to a restored universe. Blake believed that his own visions, which included end-of-the- world images and sometimes a sense of...
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...1). I believe Zinn's overall thesis was the importance of imperialism overseas for the United States during the 1890’s and how its effect. Zinn illustrates “The profit system, with its natural tendency for expansion, had already begun to look overseas. The severe depression that began in 1893 strengthened an idea developing within the political and financial elite of the country: that overseas markets for American goods might relieve the problem of under consumption at home and prevent the economic crises that in the 1890s brought class war” (290). The United States believed in capitalism and imperialism gave opportunities to expand oversea and not just limit to the United States. With imperialism overseas this would better the economy for...
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...Rivera 1 Marcos G. Rivera Prof. Lauren Lund English 102 14 July 2013 Comparison and Contrast of “The Child by Tiger” and “The Most Dangerous Game” The short story “The Child by Tiger” by Thomas Wolfe is a about a religious, talented Negro named Dick Prosser who served in the army and is the servant of a middle class family in the south. This story takes a shocking turn when Dick goes on a killing spree throughout the town and a mob finally reaches him and kills him with no remorse. In Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game”, Sanger Rainsford falls off of a yacht that was heading towards the Amazon for a hunting trip. He swims to an island where he finds himself being the hunted by General Zaroff an aristocrat who had dominated the sport of hunting to the point that he became so bored, he purchased the island to specifically hunt men. None of these men survived his game. That is until Rainsford has no choice but to also participate in this game. At some point of each story, the animalistic act of man hunting man is witnessed. In “The Child by Tiger” Wolfe demonstrates that no matter how strong a person may be mentally, a human will sooner or later have a breaking point. The author in this story may also be trying to make the reader understand how society or environment a person is surrounded by may sometimes lead an individual to commit such horrendous acts of violence. Dick Prosser is seen as a gentle person who suddenly goes through a rampage...
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...Outline Thesis: The attack on Pearl Harbor was a shock to the world, yet was no surprise to FDR’s administration, for he needed an excuse to push his country into war. I. Introduction A: What happened at Pearl Harbor? B: Who / When / Where II. Japan’s reason A: Trade agreements U.S.A and Japan. B: Japan and American relations. III. FDR’s conflict A: Representative of American people. * Need to stay out of war. B: Global leader * Pressure to join the war. IV. U.S.A enter the World War2 V. Conclusion Pearl Harbor is located in Hawaii on the island of Oahu. On Saturday, December 6, sailors, soldiers, and pilots at Pearl Harbor enjoyed their weekend liberty. No one knew what would happen the next day. Early Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese navy. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a shock to the world. At 7:00 a.m. soldiers found a large number of the planes coming from the north on the radar screen, but they thought that the fleets were U.S. planes flying back from the mainland. Moreover, the planes were so low above the roof tops and somebody saw the orange-red emblem of the Rising-Sun. That meant the Japan army. Dorinda Makanaonalani Nicholson, author of Pearl Harbor Child, reports that: “ We heard the sound of low flying planes, then almost immediately, a loud explosion, followed by more planes passing directly over our house”(15). Moreover, many U.S military were sleeping, eating breakfast or preparing...
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...1 Contents 1 Thesis statement 1 2 Introduction 1 3 Plastic Surgery 5 3.1 Methods 1 3.2 Reasons 3 3.3 Reputation of Plastic surgery 3 3.4 Pro´s and Con´s 4 3.5 Safeness 4 4 Discussion 7 2 Thesis statement “Plastic surgery does not always work” The following text deals with the plastic surgery. Whether plastic surgery always works is questionable. When people hear about plastic surgery, most of them tend to connect it with Hollywood. At the present time it is no longer surprising that people operate their body parts, even at the age of 18. But why not think about reconstructive surgery. There are thousands of cases of skin cancer, sears or deformity of body parts. The following paragraphs also report issues such as, reasons for plastic surgery, pro's and con's, and safety or the risks of surgery. In the last part of this thesis I will introduce a discussion and finally a conclusion. 3 Introduction A plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery is a surgical procedure without a medical indication. The plastic surgery is so often a perceived beautification of the human body. Cosmetic surgeries are aesthetic surgeries. The society places a high value on appearance and beauty. Even as a small child, we learned, without to realize, to look beautiful and have good manners. All the media, the Internet and Hollywood have created a generation, that thinks to be beautiful is more important than anything else. People are bullied because of their appearance, both verbally...
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...diverse sociology thesis. Morality is described as the acceptable code or behaviors and choices in the content presented or society. On the contrary, the term moral minima is considered to compliment or be as congruent with morality. " The advent of civilization has given room to various forms that moral minima can be derived." ( Goodman, 2010, p.87) In such a way, that morality has become an issue that because of its vast interpretation can be misconstrued. Thus, morality is received or acquired in the ideas. The first is the laws in which a nation upholds to which is demanded as right then is consider to be morally right. Succeeding, morality is believed to be derivation from religion, in which several religious associations follow by-laws that members are deem to follow and behave in a required conduct. Lastly, morality is the individual take of what is morality. These ideas is what has ignited debate of the understandings and interpretation of morality. Influential philosophers, consequently, argue on things which are deems absolutely wrong morally. This review inspires to credit Lenn Goodman's contentions. Goodman, in his argument, verifies the continuation of four essential and widespread ideas that are to be considered morally wrong and deemed intolerable in society. Genocide that is politically initiated deprivation and microorganism combat is amongst the first idea presented. The act of terrorism, kidnapping and child labor force as soldiers, is the next idea...
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...Ryan G. Ritchie December 13, 2015 Leadership Biography Review Book Reviewed: McCasland, D. (1993). Oswald Chambers: Abandoned to God. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Discovery House. Introduction and Thesis In the shadow of the Nile River, at the Cairo War Cemetery, surrounded by more than 2,000 British soldiers from World Wars I and II, there is a headstone that reads, “REVREND OSWALD CHAMBERS - BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST.” Nothing greater or truer could be said of any individual that has graced this earth. Although his death was tragic and unexpected, God used that event to unleash the power of his life’s work. God does what He pleases, and His plans are not always known to us. Many questioned why God chose to take a devoted man like Oswald Chambers from this earth at such a young age. Not among these was his wife, Gertrude “Biddy” Chambers. In the wake of his passing, she continually prayed the words of Psalm 142:7, “Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise Thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for Thou shalt deal bountifully with me.” She sent a cable to loved ones that simply read, “Oswald in His presence,” and then quickly went back to the work of war relief in Cairo. History will remember Oswald Chambers through the words of the best-selling daily devotional ever written, “My Upmost for His Highest.” This paper will explore what his upmost looked like; the critical incidents of his life and how God used his wife, Biddy Chambers, to bring his ministry...
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...When the United States bought the Philippines from the Spanish as a part of the 1898 Treaty of Paris, which ended the Spanish-American War, few Americans knew the difficulties they would face in the islands’ administration. A Nationalist group under rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo had already set up a Filipino government in Manila, capital of the Philippines. Many Filipinos viewed the Americans as liberators, and were shocked and dismayed to learn that the Americans did not intend to recognize their new government. No sooner had the Americans exerted their sovereignty over the islands than they faced a dogged guerrilla war. On December 21, 1898, President William McKinley set the course for American policy in the Philippines. It was largely an attempt to set American Imperialism apart from the abusive European Imperialism which had led to the Spanish-American War. He announced the military occupation of the islands but also outlined a plan for the benevolent assimilation of the natives. As he proclaimed, “we come, not as invaders or conquerors, but as friends,” therefore, “it should be the…paramount aim of the military administration to win the confidence, respect, and affection of the inhabitants of the Philippines.” In practical terms, this meant building roads, schools, hospitals, introducing improved farming techniques, and preparing the Filipinos for the day when they are able to govern themselves. Using this policy of benevolent assimilation, the Americans were...
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...When American schoolchildren are educated about Europe between the years 1936 through 1975, they are taught about the aftereffects of World War I and about World War II. Europe, in high school history classes, ceases to exist after 1945 and the close of World War II unless, of course, one is learning about the Cold War and the Berlin Wall may be mentioned. They do not learn, however, that World War II era Spain—because Spain was neither an ally or a foe during the war—went through enormous conflict of its own. The three-year Spanish Civil War and the fascist dictatorship that followed are largely kept out of the American history books. Yet, the world is privy to much of its legacy through literature, art, film, and personal memory. Spain certainly remembers three hellish years of war and thirty six years of repression under Generalisimo Fransisco Franco, but how is General Franco remembered by the rest of the world? What legacy did he leave internationally? 2 It is a confused and varied one: to those closest to him he was a husband, father, and statesman; to Hitler, he was an obstacle on the road to world domination; to the Jews who fled from Hitler he was a hero; but to the many Spanish minorities and to his opponents in the Spanish Civil War he was a monster. 3 The answers to the questions posed are addressed in a variety of sources. One of these sources is the book Hitler Stopped by Franco, by Jane and Burt Boyar, who write a relatively straightforward book that explores many...
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...contributions will be remembered for years to come and will encourage others to continue where he left off. He will be missed greatly in the archaeological field. Hopefully, others will continue his work and continue to excavate different sites in order to find more useful and interesting discoveries of biblical nature. In this paper, we will review who he was, his life as well as his achievements and contributions in the archeological field. We will see that Yigael Yadin was truly an archeologist in every sense of the word – he lived archeology, he studied it and breathed it. It was in his blood so to say. His contributions are far too many to mention in this paper but we will focus on the most important of his contributions. Thesis Statement Through biblical archeology there has been the discovery of artifacts and evidence that would support the history of Israel. The most supporting...
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...PHILIPPINE THEATER Theater in the Philippines is as varied as the cultural traditions and the historical influences that shaped it through the centuries. The dramatic forms that flourished and continue to flourish among the different peoples of the archipelago include: the indigenous theater, mainly Malay in character, which is seen in rituals, mimetic dances, and mimetic customs; the plays with Spanish influence, among which are the komedya, the sinakulo, the playlets, the sarswela, and the drama; and the theater with Anglo-American influence, which encompasses bodabil and the plays in English, and the modern or original plays by Fihpinos, which employ representational and presentational styles drawn from contemporary modern theater, or revitalize traditional forms from within or outside the country. The Indigenous Theater The rituals, dances, and customs which are still performed with urgency and vitality by the different cultural communities that comprise about five percent of the country’s population are held or performed, together or separately, on the occasions of a person’s birth, baptism, circumcision, initial menstruation, courtship, wedding, sickness, and death; or for the celebration of tribal activities, like hunting, fishing, rice planting and harvesting, and going to war. In most rituals, a native priest/priestess, variously called mandadawak, catalonan, bayok, or babalyan, goes into a trance as the spirit he/she is calling upon possesses him/her. While entranced...
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...mathematics lectures in favor of philosophy and art. During his third and fourth semester, Otto attended the University of Munich studying organic chemistry under Adolf von Baeyer, who was the German chemist that won a Nobel Prize in chemistry and synthesized indigo. He also took special inorganic chemistry taught by K. A. Hofmann and physical chemistry taught by Professor Muthmann (Hahn, 1966; “Otto Hahn”, n.d.). The University of Munich is located about 297 miles southeast of Marburg and 243 miles southeast of Frankfurt. Otto must have traveled a lot to get to Munich. In July 1901 Otto, aged 22, earned his doctorate in organic chemistry after presenting his thesis, called “On Bromine Derivates of Isoeugenol”, to Geheimrat Professor Theodore Zincke in the University of Marburg. During the summer vacation, he prepared his thesis for publication (Hahn, 1966; “Otto Hahn”, n.d.). On October 1, 1901, he presented himself as a one year voluntary for the Infantry. After completing his service, he went back to the University of Marburg and worked as a lecture assistant for Geheimrat Professor Theodore Zincke for two years. (Hahn, 1966; “Otto Hahn”, n.d.). Zincke, later on, was visited by Fischer, who wanted to employ for his company a young chemist that was willing to be sent aboard. The only condition to the job was that the chemist had to have lived in another country and be familiar with another language. In the autumn of 1904, Otto traveled to London, England to learn English....
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...410). To implement this program, there has to be interplay between political and technocratic interests. During the reinvention, several health and consumer advocates came out to support the change while some were against. The operation of this policy is a complex one involving several interest groups, consumer advocacy groups and professional associations. The system starts with the legislations and regulations; ranging from the producers of the food, the delivery process to the schools’ administrators and to the food service personnel. The workers who prepare the food and serve the students are also part of the National School Lunch Program. (Stillman 412) has illustrated how the National School Lunch Program is in line with Heclo’s thesis on Issue networks. This is through the...
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