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Childhood Obesity: Parental Responsibility


Submitted By gnallen
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Pages 12
Parental Responsibility: Childhood Obesity
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Devry University

Parental Responsibility: Childhood Obesity
Obesity causes approximately 300,000 preventable deaths that come with an annual price tag of 161.3 billion dollars a year (Hojjat, 2015). Childhood obesity has become a worldwide epidemic that is leading to a multitude of severe health and emotional problems in children. As this epidemic has progressed, society has gone through many changes that have brought about new acceptable behaviors. These changes include an increase in single parent households and/or both parents requiring working outside the home. In return, 680 billion dollars a year are spent on meals purchased from fast food restaurants, resulting in higher caloric intakes ("America's Best & Worst Fast Food," 2014). Schools have faced budget cuts affecting their physical fitness and food and nutritional programs. Children's entertainment has moved indoors in front of the television, computer, and video games, decreasing physical activity contributing to obesity. For the first time in modern American history, today's children may be the first generation to live a shorter life than the previous generations (Hojjat, 2015). In addition, it is important to keep in mind that complications from can obesity can also decrease a child's quality of life.
Figure 1&2. ("NSCH 2011/12:Weight status of children based on Body Mass Index for age BMI-for-age, Nationwide")
There has been a rise in childhood obesity over the last 30 years caused by a decrease in physical activity and an increase in high caloric foods. These graphs illustrate the correlation between obesity and lack of exercise. Almost one in three adolescents are overweight or obese and that just over one in three are getting over twenty minutes of vigorous physical activity per day ("NSCH 2011/12:Weight status of children based on

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