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Children Going Outside Research

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Parents tell you what to do. So, we shouldn’t find it strange that our parents are telling us to “go outside”? Actually, it really is strange. The majority of children are spending less and less time outside than generations before them. Parents should not have to tell their kids to go outside. Kids should want to go outside. Sadly, in this day and age, indoor activities take precedence over playing outside. With developments in technology, many people (not just kids) only spend time outside getting in and out of their car. People are becoming more and more inactive and this could be from a habit of not being outside enough. The majority of human history has taken place outside. It is where wars are fought, children play, new discoveries …show more content…
We have reason to conclude that this is due to the lack of outdoor experience many kids now experience. In the past, we did not have as good hygiene this means that those people were exposed to more bacteria than we are now. We wash our hands multiple times a day, are encouraged to shower daily, and most of our food goes through processes to rid it of bacteria. The bacteria we are exposed to outdoors is good, it helps strengthen our immune system. Another problem with children not going outdoors is that they are having trouble with imagination. As a kid, I loved coming up with fun little games to play using only what we had outside. Finally, going outside takes a certain amount of work. We have to put effort into walking around, this is a reason that I think kids don't want to go outside and play. They would rather stay inside and play video games or watch TV instead of playing toss or playing with friends. Researchers say that “lack of outdoor play is a health time bomb”. Because of sedentary lifestyles, many children grow up to have terrible health habits. Because of not going outside, we tend to be quite sedentary in our homes. The outdoors is a place where we tend to do most of our physical exercise. So, it is a problem that kids are not going outside as much because it is possible that the could develop bad health habits, leading them to live lives that are bad for

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