China’s issue with overpopulation has been a difficult problem to solve for a long time. The Chinese population is one fifth of the world’s population, and China has the biggest land in Asia. Population’s increasing role in consumption can have serious environmental affects on one nation. Moreover, as people consume more, if the population increases more and more, it can cause exhaustion of resources, pollution by industries, decrease the supply of food and hurt the environment. China was overpopulated sharply before the Chinese government provided the family planning policy of "one child per family". Because of overpopulation, the Chinese government needed to provide the family planning policy of "one child per family." However, the policy caused some side effects on the population. The results are imbalance between developed and undeveloped areas, unbalance of male and female, preference of bearing only male children and increasing of selective-sex abortions. Although China has succeeded with its “one child” policy in the eastern area, the western area of China which is undeveloped still has couples who have two or even more than three children. The eastern area’s residents who live in big cities adhere easily to “one child per a family” policy, but western area’s residents who live in rural area need more than one child. If they have only one child, they cannot be productive in their agriculture; Also the preference of bearing only male children caused an unbalance of male and female, and many illegal abortions of girls. According to Kahn, “Selective-sex abortions are illegal but widespread. China today has the most sexually skewed adolescent and young adult populations in the world; boys outnumber girls at birth by a ratio of 118 to 100, according to China’s 2000 census.” (2004,p. 2). In these problems, what is the role of the Chinese government? Actually, even though the government has successfully decreased the rise of their population by family planning policy, they now have problems with the policy. In my opinion, the government should change family planning of “one child per a family” for preventing such a side effect of it and solve the problems; imbalance between developed and undeveloped areas, unbalance of male and female, preference of bearing only male children and increasing of selective-sex abortions.
First of all, the Chinese government should make a governmental agency for solving the concerned population problems because the problems have possibilities to bring disaster in the future of China. One possibility is the Chinese working-age population is going to be decreased in 10 years. (Kahn, 2004, p.2). In this background, the Chinese government needs to make a more specific group to solve the problem than now. Until now, they have just an institution in charge of the Chinese population. However, China is facing a serious concern with this population problem. In addition, as the Chinese have a more increasing rate of population, China is finding it hard to control their population and its problems. At such a time, China not only has to make a governmental agency, but this agency should have branches all over China. Since change of population can bring various effects in the huge land of China, the Chinese government is required to make many parts of the agency. For instance, there should be a branch in each town. And if the city or town is very big, the number of agency has to be thought out. In addition, the Chinese government needs to encourage brilliant experts of demography and statistics to work in the agency. The agencies in the western area should provide some guidelines only for rural residents. According to the author in “Two imbalances emerge in China’s population growth,” “birth rate imbalance between urban and rural areas and the imbalance between eastern and western areas have emerged at the same time.” (Xinhua New Agency, 2004, p.1). What rural areas have had a problem of birth control means that rural areas need the agency’s help. The agency can solve this problem. For example, actually non-government organization (NGO) in China informed “contraceptive methods and healthy baby promotion.” And Chinese government offer virtual family planning to some rural couples. (BBC Worldwide Monitoring, 2004, p. 1). According to Seltzer, actually “recent program developments, in part prompted by the ICPD, indicate that the Chinese government is allowing some experimentation to set up different models and to reorient the State Family Planning Program by addressing improved quality of services and choice of methods.” (2002, p.64)
Second, I think strongly the Chinese government must provide new family planning policy of "Two children." Actually, Chinese experts of demography agree with this. (Hutzler, 2004, p.1). Some people oppose this policy because if China provides “Two children per one family,” Chinese population could be more overpopulated than now. However, many experts state that actually some couples have had illegally two children for having a boy after they got girl baby at first time. This situation causes too many illegal selective-sex abortions and imbalance of the rate of men and women. Many experts expect current family planning policy will make many bachelors who are hard to get married at average marriage age in near the future. (Kahn, 2004, p. 2) If this new policy provides to the Chinese, it would help with the problem of too many boys and single male. And the experts expect that if policy of “One child per one family” keeps going, China will have 11.8% of over 65 in 2020 and face a problem of shortage of young workers. (2004, Xinhua General News Service, p. 2) Also, these issues can cause the problems of too many pensions, straining the requirement of healthcare systems and put off retirements in China. According to Seltzer, “recent program developments, in part prompted by the ICPD, indicate that the Chinese government is allowing some experimentation to set up different models and to reorient the State Family Planning Program by addressing improved quality of services and choice of methods.” (2002, p.64) For these reasons, many experts of demography and statistics urge to provide new family planning policy of “Two children per a family.”
Third, the Chinese government has to encourage some people in the western area to move to developed locations and also some people in the eastern area to move to undeveloped locations for distributing chances of working and balancing developments. This is for preventing imbalance of development between eastern and western areas. If some people who live in the western area and have some power of wealth or business move to the eastern area, an eastern area may have a possibility of improving by new developments and technology. The new development and technology can be mechanized agriculture that is able to improved productivity over traditional methods. Also, technology which is very common and cheap in the big cities can be brought to the rural area where it is more useful. For example, many people in the cities already use computers and cellular phones. As the companies of those sell their computer or cellular phones to people in the cities, the companies are hard to make more new consumers than before. If the companies advertise computers and cellular phone to rural people and make some conducts only for the people, they can not only get huge benefits but also they employ rural people in their companies. If the government and the some companies accept this suggestion very well, people of eastern area will be able to adapt easily family planning policy by some mechanized agricultures and improving of health care system.
Some people say the family planning policy of “Two children per a family” is not a good solution for the future and it makes population problem worse than before, even though many experts describe the policy as only the solution, and say it will not make population problem worse. In addition, some rural couples “who traditionally would have relied on a large family for old age support” have had two or even more than two children up to now. (BBC Worldwide Monitoring, 2004, p. 2) Such problems can be solved by providing virtual family planning for rural people that Chinese government or the agency of Chinese population makes.
In conclusion, what can solve the problem of one nation is only the government of the nation. The Chinese government has to make a special government’s agency for solving population problems and provide strongly new family planning policy of “Two children per one family.” And they need to give chances of development and technology skill to western areas’ residents. Finally, Chinese should not be able to control only their audiences by wise policy, but also the audiences have to follow what their government requires.