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Chinese Bamboo Culture


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一、中国竹文化的地位与作用 (一)中国竹文化是中国传统优秀文化的重要组成部分,构成了中国文化的独特色彩 中国传统文化是中华民族智慧与心灵的庞大载体,是中华民族生存和发展的根基和依据。中华文化源远流长,自产生之后,一直对中国的政治、教育、文学以及民族的深层心理结构、生活方式等各个方面产生着深远的影响。 中华民族是一个有五千多年悠久文化历史的民族,是一个热爱生活、热爱生命的民族,因而也是一个热爱森林、创造森林文化的民族。森林是人类文明的源泉,文明在森林中诞生和发展,历史上的文明古国都诞生于森林中,在森林中得以发展而辉煌于世。森林对人类文化与文明的发展起着不可磨灭的作用,而且起着越来越重要的作用。我国的森林文化建立在中国传统文化的基础之上,建立在中国独特风土基础之上。悠久的森林文化,是中华民族优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,而竹文化是森林文化中独树一帜的一个重要分支。 “宁可食无肉,不可居无竹”,宋代著名文学家苏东坡的一句名言,揭示了中华文明史中一个特殊的现象:竹作为一种特殊的质体,已渗透到中华民族物质和精神生活的方方面面。竹子是物质文明建设的重要资源,并渗透和凝聚于精神文化之中,构成了中国文化的独特色彩,从而形成了别具一格的中国竹文明,积淀成为源远流长的中国竹文化。 (二)竹子是东方文明的象征,代表了中华民族的品格和情操 英国著名学者,研究东亚文明的权威李约瑟在《中国科学技术史》中指出东亚过去被称为“竹子”文明,中国则被称为“竹子文明的国度”。 甲骨文中竹子符号的出现到竹部文字的创造和发展,从一个重要侧面反映了中国竹子文明的历史演进。著名竹子专家熊文愈教授详细统计了甲骨文殷商、金文周、《说文解字》东汉、《玉篇》梁、《字汇》明、《康熙字典》清等各代重要字典中竹部文字的数量。根据出土文物和有关典籍记载,论述了竹子与中国古代工农业生产、交通运输、军事武器、文化艺术、音乐以及人们日常生活诸方面的密切关系。中华文化浸透了竹子的痕迹,悠悠五千年,中华民族的成长、壮大、繁荣,也是一部竹子文化繁衍和发展的诗篇,由此可见,中国被称为“竹子文明的国度”是名不虚传的。 正如苏东坡所述:“食者竹笋,庇者竹瓦,载者竹筏,炊者竹薪,衣者竹皮,书者竹纸,履者竹鞋,真可谓不可一日无此君也。”就拿“书者竹纸”来说,从殷商时期出现在竹简上的刻字,到六朝时期发明的竹纸,竹作为中国文化传播积累的载体,在文化发展中始终占有重要地位,对保存人类知识、形成中华民族源远流长、光辉灿烂的历史文化起到了直接和间接的作用。 (三)中国竹文化在我国经济、社会、文化发展中都具有重要作用 “华夏竹文化,上下五千年,衣食住行用,处处竹相连”。竹子四季常青、姿态优雅、鞭根发达,不但有很高的经济价值,而且有很好的生态、旅游、观赏价值,在绿化环境中具有独特的作用,在经济社会发展中具有重要的作用。竹文化的发展,不仅在物质层面上满足了人们的需要,更在精神层面上熏陶了人们的情操,成为品格的象征。 二、中国竹文化的内涵与外延 中国竹文化就是以竹为载体的中国文化,就其内容来说可以分为竹文化景观和竹文化符号。竹笋、竹制书写工具、工艺品、乐器、舞蹈道具、日用器物、生产工具、建筑、交通工具等是构成器物的物质材料,文化内涵的显示不是竹本身而是竹所构成的器物及其使用规范,它能显示出文化性的人化了的自然,或者说是中华民族为了特定的实践需要而有意识地用竹所创造的景象,此为竹文化景观。而宗教、文学绘画、伦理规范中的“竹”本身即直接表现与象征着人的情感、思维、观念、价值、理想等精神世界,此为竹文化符号。 (一)竹文化景观 竹文化景观是指人化了的竹所显示出来的中华文化性质,或者说是中华民族为了满足生活需要、生产需要、书写需要、审美需要等有意识地用竹创造的景象。竹文化景观既表现出中华民族的心理倾向和特点,又反映了中华民族文化进化的程度。在中国人的日常生活中,竹密切联系着人们的衣、食、住、行、用。 衣——竹服饰是中国竹文化景观之一。从服饰方面看,秦汉时期就出现用竹制布、取竹制冠、用竹做防雨的竹鞋、竹斗笠,并沿用至今。古代人使用的竹簪、竹蓖箕、竹箍等,都是用竹制成的容饰器,震惊中外的马王堆出土文物,发髻上就插有竹笄、角笄、玳瑁各一件,体现了他们对美的追求。现在运用高科技还可以将竹纤维与纯棉、真丝合成纤维或交织制成服装、毛巾和床上用品等。 食——竹饮食是中国竹文化景观之二。从饮食方面看,根据《诗经》、《禹贡》等文献记载,竹笋在西周时期已成为餐上佳肴,此后相沿不衰,直至今日竹笋仍不失为中华民族的桌上名菜。竹不仅可以充饥裹腹,满足口舌之好,而且被赋予浓厚的文化内涵,倾注了生长于农耕文化的中华民族对于植物格外厚爱的感情。 住——竹建筑是中国竹文化景观之三。从住宅方面看,竹被中华民族用作房屋各个部分的建筑材料,甚至到了“不瓦而盖,盖以竹;不砖而墙,墙以竹;不板而门,门以竹。其余若椽、若楞、若窗牖、若承壁,莫非竹者”的地步。中国竹建筑体现了中华民族以农立国的生活观念、尚俭归朴的生活情趣、优美和谐和空灵飘逸的审美理想。 行——竹交通工具是中国竹文化景观之四。从交通运输方面看,竹是一种重要的营造材料,人们用竹来开路架桥、制舟做车。在需要与条件制约之下发明创造的交通设施和运输工具,在特定的环境之中代代承传,成为一个突出的文化质点。竹制交通设施和运输工具一方面显示出中华民族坚忍不拔的生活意志和极富想象力的创造精神,另一方面也表现了中国传统文化禁严的等级观念和追求平等的文化心态。 用——竹生产生活用具是中国竹文化景观之五。竹制生活器物。竹材被中华民族大量用来制作成各种各样的日常生活器物,如:炊饮器具、消暑用具、家具等。竹制日常生活器物的制作工艺、形制、大小及使用制度,构成一副别致的中华民族生活风俗图和中华文化景观,显示出中华文化的强烈理性特征,体现了中华民族生活艺术化的情趣。 竹制生产工具。农业、手工业、畜牧业和渔业等中国传统社会的主要产业都有竹制生产工具。在中国古代生产中,无论是简单工具还是复杂工具,竹都是生产工具的一种重要制作材料。竹制生产工具一方面反映了中国传统社会生产力发展的缓慢性和地区之间经济水平的不平衡性,另一方面又表现出中华民族认识自然与利用自然的智慧、勇气和理想,显示着中华文化对待自然因地制宜、轻视永恒、肯定已然的现实精神。 竹制书写用具。中国的书写工具别具一格,书写材料亦颇有特色并富创造性,而竹在其中起着不可或缺的重要作用。竹笔是中华民族最早的书写工具,作为创作书法艺术和绘画艺术的工具,历久不衰,宣笔、湖笔、湘笔等名笔的笔杆均由竹制成。早在中华文化的发轫时期商朝末年周朝初年,竹即开始成为中华民族的书写材料——竹简。至春秋时期,竹简成为中华民族的主要书写材料。直至南朝时期,流行了约两千年的中华民族的主要书写才被纸所完全取代。然而,竹与书写材料的密切联系并未由此中断,竹不再作为直接的书写材料,但至迟在唐朝中叶却作为书写材料之上品竹纸的加工原料而成为书写材料的重要因素。竹制书写工具和书写材料,尤其是竹制书写工具是使汉字的书写艺术化而形成书法艺术,以及形成中国画画法的一个重要动因。竹制书写工具和书写材料渗透着中华文化的审美趣味和文化观念。 娱——竹娱乐品是中国竹文化景观之六。工艺品是器物由实用走向审美、人类精神需求增加的结果,兼具实用与审美两种功能,既是物质生产技能的集中体现,又显现出文化性格与审美追求。这两方面的表现均需借助于其构成物质材料的形状、色彩、造型的变化,因而体悟与分析工艺品的文化性格和审美追求不能忽视其构造材料。在蔚为大观的中国艺术品中,竹制工艺品是颇具特色且种类繁多的一类,它表现了中华民族娟秀细腻、清新淡雅、柔和婉约的审美趣味。 竹制乐器。竹是中华民族乐器的重要制作材料。被列为中国古代的音乐分类“八音”之一,甚至常用“竹”代表管乐,用“丝竹”代称音乐。竹制乐器体现了中华民族对待自然的“天人合一”或“天人协调”的态度,亦显示了中国传统音乐简明、灵活的特征。 竹生活环境。从人类的生活环境看,竹子也发挥了其特殊的作用。竹子独特的生物学和生态学特性决定其具有广泛的生态效益:涵养水源、保持水土、防风固沙、调节气候、净化空气减少噪音和为其它生物资源提供生存环境,备受人们的青睐,古今人们都用其保护和美化人类的生活环境。 (二)竹文化符号 文化符号是指一定的社会环境用于较稳固地象征某种特定意义的事象。竹被中华文化赋予象征宗教观念和理想人格、表现审美情感和审美理想的功能,中华民族的内在情感、观念常借竹而得以象征与表现,因而竹成为中华文化的一种重要符号。 竹宗教符号是中国竹文化符号之一。中华文化在战国时期开始把竹神圣化和非凡化,对之加以崇拜。天师道把竹视为具有送子和延寿神秘力量的“灵草”,人们常崇拜竹以祈求得子或求子健康成长,以驱病延寿。彝族、傣族、景颇族等少数民族视竹为本民族源出的植物或搭救其祖先性命之物,作为本民族的祖先和保护神进行祭祀,竹成为一种图腾。竹宗教符号象征着中华民族虔诚的宗教情感、对现实的态度及对未来的热望。 竹民俗符号是中国竹文化符号之二。竹子在民俗文化中具有极为重要的作用。竹文化联系着口承文艺、游乐活动和民间习俗;祭祀、婚丧、交际、节日、朝规等社群文化构成了民间竹文化的重要元素。 竹诗歌符号是中国竹文化符号之三。早在远古时期,竹就被当作原始歌谣的描绘内容,其后《诗经》、《楚辞》、《汉乐府》、《古诗十九首》等先秦两汉的文学作品对竹和竹制器物均有大量描绘,但竹或竹制器物仅只是意境的一个构成要件,尚未成为中心意象。至南朝时期,伴随着山水诗的出现,以竹为中心意象的咏竹文学诞生了,其代表就是谢跳的《秋竹曲》和《咏竹》。此后,历代文人墨客对竹吟咏不断,创造出大量咏竹文学作品。竹之挺拔、常青不凋之色以及竹的摇曳之声和清疏之影,尽入诗怀,并借以象征与表现虚心、高洁、耿直、坚贞、思念等情志和思想,构成情志依附于竹意象、情志贯注于竹意象、情志超越于竹意象几种文学符号类型,显示出清新淡雅、幽静柔美的审美特征。 竹书画符号是中国竹文化符号之四。中国绘画画竹始于唐朝,至五代十国时期中国画的重要一科——墨竹画已问世,北宋文同、苏轼等人开始大量画竹,完善了画竹艺术。清朝涌现出倾毕生精力于竹的画家——郑燮,他不仅留给我们大量写竹画,而且在画竹艺术上多有创新、理论上颇多总结。从正直、高洁、孤傲、坚贞、抗争到直爽达观、体恤民情等,画家们都借画竹得以象征与表现,并构成别具一格的简淡逸远的绘画风格。 竹造景符号是中国竹文化符号之五。竹子是中国古典园林中重要的植物材料,从上林苑、辋川别业到寿山艮岳,都有竹子景观的记载。现存的江南古典园林中有不少竹子造景的范例,如网师园的“竹外一枝轩”、沧浪亭的“翠玲珑”、留园的“碧梧栖凤”、个园的“春山”等等。竹子造景可通过题咏、匾额、楹联、名人故居、雕塑以及竹韵景石等艺术手法渲染竹文化,使自然景观与人文景观完美结合,营造出充满诗情画意的园林意境。 竹人格符号是中国竹文化符号之六。竹在中华文化中被人格化,成为象征中华民族的人格评价、人格理想和人格目标的一种重要的人格符号。中国传统文化的主干——儒家和道家设计出两种迥然相异的人生道路和人格理想:建功立德与遁迹山林、刚正奋进与淡泊自适。这迥然相反的二元人格标准构成了中国传统理想人格系统,竹人格符号以其特有的包容性,意指着中国传统人格的整个结构和系统。 三、中国竹文化的核心及特征 (一)中国竹文化的核心 白居易在《养竹记》中总结竹的品性“本固”、“性直”、“心空”、“节贞”,将之比作贤人君子。刘岩夫在《植竹记》中赋予竹子“刚”、“柔”、“忠”、“义”、“谦”、“贤”、“德”等品格。在生活中,人们往往容易把竹的特性拟人化,如人们极易由竹的不畏严寒联想到人的坚贞不屈的人格品质,由竹的清风瘦骨联想到一种“超然脱俗”的人生境界。这种竹的自然属性同人的人格特点发生契合是中国竹文化的核心所在。 郑燮的“咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中。千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风”等诗句都是借竹来表达自己的情怀或表现自己的人格理想。而湘妃的斑竹泪更是使竹成为女子对于爱情坚贞不渝的写照。享有诗佛之誉的王维最擅长以竹来传达自己的禅悟体验:“独坐幽徨里,弹琴复长啸。深林人不知,明月来相照。”由生产生活的资料到具有自然观赏价值的景物再到表现人类精神追求的审美载体,竹在人们的生活中发生了质的变化。从自然到“人化的自然”再到“自然的人化”,实用性向审美性的转变标示出人们对同自己息息相关的自然的终极关照。 (二)中国竹文化的特征 竹文化是中华民族文化的一部分,与其他类型的文化相比,竹文化具有浓重的文学和美学、宗教和民俗、生活和乡土气息特点。它既有道德人格的比附意义,又有理想爱情的象征意义,同时又是禅宗禅趣的载体。 中国竹文化具有突出的伦理主义特征。竹文化是中华文化的一个结丛,折射出中华文化的整体光彩,竹文化的伦理性特征正是中华文化伦理性的反映。竹文化渗透的领域之所以如此广泛、所凝聚的民族精神之所以如此深厚,是因为竹的某些特征与中国传统哲学思想“异质同构性”,竹文化兼收并蓄地融合了中国古代诸家的思想。中国传统文化的强烈伦理精神对竹提出了文化的需要并赋予它丰富的内涵,“天人合一”的类比思维则使竹与人及其文化相结合。 竹文化是中华文化区别于其他文化的重要标识。无论是竹文化的构筑材料、形制特征还是它所体现出的文化氛围,无论是竹文化的能指还是它所象征与表现的意指,均能非常鲜明而突出地显示出中华文化的特色,透露出深厚的中华内涵。一双竹筷,一座竹楼,一架竹桥,一根竹笛,一把竹丝扇,一只竹管毛笔,一首咏竹诗,一副墨竹画,一句“无竹令人俗”的人生格言……无不弥漫着迥异于欧洲文化、非洲文化、拉美文化的中华文化的浓郁气息:竹筷是中餐别于西餐的标记,筒车是中国古人独有的运输工具,竹丝扇是中国能工巧匠的杰作,竹管毛笔是古老中华文化的象征,竹笛是中国特有的乐器,咏竹诗是中国咏物诗的一类,墨竹画代表着中国画,借竹喻人格只为中国哲人所道出……不必诠释,无需标签,人们自会睹物思人,见景生情。中华文化的基本特征正是通过竹及其他文化事象得以显现,从而与其他文化判然相别。 四、中国竹文化的源流与现状 (一)中国竹文化的源流 在中华民族五千年历史长河中,竹子与人民的生活息息相关,竹文化的形成是历史的必然,体现在物质文明和精神文明的诸多方面。考古和历史文献资料证实,原始时期中国竹林的分布,西起甘肃祁连山,北到黄河流域北部,东至台湾,南及海南岛。中华文化发源的两大中心——黄河流域和长江流域,正是在竹林生态区域之内。我们祖先创造的光辉灿烂的历史文化,正是在这种竹生态环境下产生和演进的。竹子深刻地影响了中国的文字、生产、文学、艺术、宗教、风俗以及日常生活,其影响的深度和广度毫不逊于石器、金属,以致于积淀成为源远流长、内涵丰富多彩的中国竹文化。 竹子的使用确切记载源于仰韶文化。1954年在西安半坡村发掘了距今约六千年左右的仰韶文化遗址,其中出土的陶器上可辨认出“竹”字符号,说明在此之前,竹子已为人们所研究和利用,也即是我国人民研究和利用竹子的历史可追溯到五六千年前的新时器时代。汉字起源于原始社会崩溃的仰韶文化,而“竹”字的原始符号则应在此之前就已出现了。研究表明,我国商代就已知道竹子的各种用途,其中之一是用作竹简,即把字写在竹片上,再把它们用绳子串在一起就成了“书”,汉字“册”即由此而来。竹简为我们保存了东汉以前的大批珍贵文献,如《尚书》、《礼记》和《论语》等都是写在竹简和木简上的。殷商时代用竹简写的书叫“竹书”,用竹简写的信叫“竹报”。竹笔的发明在文化史上也具有开拓性的一页,在殷代文化遗迹出土的甲骨、玉片和陶器上都可以看出毛笔书写的朱墨字迹。湖北曾侯乙墓和汀鄂出土的春秋战国墓的文物中也有佐证。 早在九世纪我国已开始用竹造纸,比欧洲约早一千年。关于用竹造纸,明代《天工开物》中作了详细记载,并附有竹纸制造图。用竹造纸,标志着我国古代造纸技术的巨大发展和成就,促进了中国文化的繁荣。随着时代的发展,竹在生活中更是大展身手,与人们的联系也更加密切。 (二)中国竹文化的发展现状 中国是世界上竹类资源最为丰富的国度,丰富的竹资源为我国古代用竹、种竹文化的产生和发展提供了丰富的物质资源,是中国竹文化产生的物质基础。中国对竹子的培育和利用已有六千多年历史。随着人类环保意识的加强,竹子的优良特性和开发价值得到重新认识,且已被逐步推上生态环境建设和山区经济建设的历史舞台。 竹子具有其他一般树木无法比拟的多重特点和优势,发展竹资源、开发竹产业能把生态建设和产业开发有机结合起来,在推进生态建设的同时推进产业建设和经济可持续发展。 近年来,我国兴建了大量的竹子公园、竹子博物馆。典型的竹子公园有北京紫竹院公园、上海万竹园、南京菊花台公园、成都望江楼公园及广州晓港公园等;以竹景为主的“园中园”主要有北京植物园的“集秀园”、杭州黄龙洞圆缘民俗园的“方竹园”、马鞍山采石矶公园的“万竹坞”等。位于安吉县竹种园内的中国竹子博物馆,是我国目前展馆面积最大、展品最丰富、设施最先进的竹子专题博物馆。 中国竹业的盛典——1997年开始每两年一届的中国竹文化节的成功举办和首届十大“中国竹子之乡”的评选,为我国竹文化又增添了浓重的一笔。1997年11月,总部设在北京的第一个政府间国际组织——国际竹藤组织的正式成立,更是世界竹业的一大盛事。 对竹文化进行研究的组织机构、科研成果、专著论文等也如雨后春笋,蓬勃发展。 源远流长、丰富多彩、神奇朴实的中国竹文化,历经数千年的历史发展,在中华民族精神长河中留下了深长的历史投影。它正以倔强的生命力随着文化传统对生产和生活的实践,实现同现代文化的综合,以形成中华民族与时俱进的文化意识和品格。

七、 展示了中国“竹”文化之美 竹子在中国文化中占有一席之地。大概自魏晋“竹林七贤”以来,竹子就与中国文人、中国文化结下了不解之缘,无数的文人墨客歌咏过它、书写过它,以它来标榜自己,它被誉为“ 花中君子”之一,已成为了中国文化一种精神的象征。影片中不但那段经典的打斗场面是在竹林进行,还有一个场景展现了竹子之美,即李慕白与秀莲途经竹林的一座小屋,在小屋歇脚时的那段。镜头先是刻画了竹林与小屋的相互映衬之美(苏东坡说:“宁可食无肉,不可居无竹。无肉令人瘦,无竹令人俗”;《世说新语》记载,王献之曾暂居一空宅,也要种竹,人问其故,答曰:“何可一日无此君?”可见竹子与古代文人的关系是密不可分的,有房舍就要有竹子,竹能使简陋之屋成为高士之庐),然后便是李慕白站在小屋的一个很大的方形窗口前,窗外的竹子填满了整个窗口,看上去就像镶在墙上的一幅画。不知导演是否有意用竹子来映衬李慕白这位侠士的高洁品质,还是仅仅只为表现竹子之美。

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We Googled You

...An analysis of the Case “We Googled You” Submitted to: Prof Madhusri Shrivastava Submitted by: Abhishek Rungta Roll No: 2013PGPUAE002 In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Written Analysis and Communication (WAC) course April 1, 2014 Memo of Transmittal 1-Apr-2014 Prof. Madhushri Shrivastava IIM Indore India Sub: Submission of WAC report on the case ‘We Googled You’ Dear Madam, As per your instructions, I have prepared a detailed analysis report on the situation faced by Fred Westen. I suggest that Fred should not hire Mimi for the company’s China operations. Instead, he should hire Mimi for another position in USA. The following pages present a detailed analysis of the situation and available options and their evaluation, recommendation and action steps to be followed. Yours sincerely, Abhishek Rungta PGPUAE: 2013-15 IIM Indore (Dubai Campus) U.A.E. Executive Summary Fred Westen was contacted by his old roommate John Brewster to consider his daughter Mimi for Fred’s company’s decision to expand into China. When Fred forwarded Mimi’s profile to Virginia, she did a normal Google search on her. The search revealed Mimi’s involvement in protests that included China’s treatment against a dissident journalist. Based on these findings, Fred is in a dilemma whether to hire Mimi for China operations. He has to take into account various factors like the success of expansion plans, both company’s and his personal reputation. Considering various evaluation...

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Cross Cultural Communication Customs

...the Chinese will establish the relationship first and foremost and, if a trusting personal relationship is cultivated, business transactions may follow. This is in part because of the concept of gwanxi – perhaps best thought of as a network of relationships whereby you favor your friends and they favor you. This can work both ways and the Chinese will be careful not to become obligated to business partners until they have carefully researched the personalities involved. You will be well advised to spend time building your own network of contacts, but you should be aware of all the favors you have received and be prepared to respond in kind. One consequence of the need to establish a personal relationship is that Chinese will ask personal questions that would seem impertinent and/or irrelevant to most westerners. It is best to politely respond with the answers (your age, income or whatever) rather than take offence or try to inject humor into the situation. Another consequence is the Chinese attitude to contracts. It can be seen to demonstrate a lack of personal trust if a written contract is produced too early in a transaction. A negotiated contract may mean little more to a Chinese negotiator than a checklist of points or a sign of a developing relationship and it is common for clauses that appeared to be agreed to be re-opened. “Face” The concept of “face” is important. It is essentially a mark of status and dignity and it is important to respect the Chinese desire...

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Crosscultural Comm

...Luo Zhaouhui, the Chinese Ambassador to Canada, interesting explains on The Globe and Mail (2015) that, “Developing China-Canada relations is like sailing against currents. You either advance or recede.” Diplomatic ties between China and Canada have been established for 45 years and counting. Strategic partnerships between the two countries have held strong for over 10 years (Zhaouhui, 2015). The strong ties between the two countries are reflected through current statistics. As of 2014, about 100,000 Chinese students attend educational institutions in Canada. Chinese is considered the third most spoken language in Canada with over 1.3 million Chinese-Canadian residents (“Bilateral Relations”, 2015). 2. The standard practices and business etiquette in China Labelling and stereotyping can be very detrimental in cross-cultural situations; special care must be taken to ensure the team avoids that habit. The strongest armour against generalizations would be to educate our VCC negotiating team about standard Chinese practices in business and the negotiation process. The Chinese business culture places significant value on building relationships and getting to know the team individually. Personal connections would lead to friendships and friendships would lead to open trust and harmony – values emphasized in Chinese businesses. As a team, we need to recognize that in order to be successful in negotiating we must first build an honorary friendship with the Chinese (Yin, 2008). In China...

Words: 1045 - Pages: 5

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Academic Credibility

...all over the globe are either persistently composing eager predictions or partaking in discussions about what China will do in the future. According to the Central Intelligence Agency, data shows that, following its entry into the World trade Organization, China offers a huge potential market for investment and sales with its main industry generated from iron, steel, coal, textiles, and petroleum. As for us, we are a part of Higher Global; we make investments that include branching out into other countries to do business…… this means China is a part of our future; and we must attempt to explore its nation and business etiquette further. While considering, we will keep in mind the question: How should we carry out measures to explore its culture, forms of communication, and cultural business norms to make this expansion prosper? The problem is that we need YOU. It is a big deal if we do not...

Words: 883 - Pages: 4

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Chinese Culture

...September 2012 Making Friends in China As with any culture to be successful in China socially, one needs to understand the manners and etiquettes that the culture follows. Many cultures have changed greatly over the centuries, but China’s remains very similar to its roots around the family and authoritarian. Unlike western cultures, much of the Chinese etiquette continues to be very rigid. Understanding and putting into practice the manners and etiquettes of Chinese culture will help a person to create new friendships, rather than enemies, and be accepted by more people within the country. These manners and etiquettes cover behavior in public, dining, conducting business, and even gift giving. In public Chinese people are very formal in their behaviors. Public displays of affection such as kissing, hugging, making eye contact, or hand holding are strongly discouraged; however, hand holding amongst friends of the same sex commonly occurs. Personal space is given very little concern within China, especially during national celebrations when most people go out, and the streets become very crowded from the largest cities to the smallest rural villages. People meeting will often shake hand and/or bow to each other, regardless of their acquaintance level. A Chinese person will typically avoid making eye contact. Making eye contact may be considered rude and signify anger or defiance. When meeting someone new Chinese people will often ask about a person’s age, marital status...

Words: 1219 - Pages: 5

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...Adjustment: A Study of Secondary Chinese Students in South Australia (Homestay Situation) Chong Zhou, Guiyun Chen Abstract In this study, the researcher intends to make some contributions to the research literature regarding the analysis of secondary students’ cross-cultural adjustment through investigating a group of Mainland Chinese students’ experiences in secondary schools in South Australia. The study explores the perceptions of Chinese students in a more naturalistic way through conversations with them in their own language. It focuses on the cultural challenges faced by these Chinese students and provides some insider’s knowledge about the underlying causes for these challenges and their coping strategies in the process of adjusting to living and learning in Australian culture. This paper, as part of the study, will particularly focus on the challenges involved in the homestay situation, the results of which indicated that the secondary school Chinese students at homestays were confronted with four broad categories of challenges: difficulties with food, English language, household chores and relationships with homestay hosts. The findings also uncovered the detailed basis of each of the students’ difficulties, providing some specific cultural information for educational practitioners to better understand secondary Chinese students in Australia. Key words: homestay, culture, language, challenges, adjustment 1 Introduction Entering a new culture is, in many ways, like...

Words: 5297 - Pages: 22

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Cultural Values

...inherently born with the understanding of the kinds of values they should uphold. Instead, values are passed down and inculcated from one generation to another through intricate agents such as experiences, interaction, friends, families and cultural norms. Needless to say, different cultural groups espouse different values. Studies on culture have shown a saliency of difference in both Asian and western values (Schwartz, 1994). Due to the nature and diversity of their beliefs and practices, Asian and western cultures have been largely distinguished as being collectivistic and individualistic respectively (Victor, 1992; Wagner & Moch, 1986). In the case of an individualistic culture, an individualist would consider his or her own personal interest and goals more important than the group’s interest (Victor, 1992; Earley 1989; Wagner & Moch, 1986). On the other hand, a collectivistic culture would value membership in a group, show stronger loyalty to their social groups and place their own interests before the groups’ interest (Victor, 1992; Wagner & Moch, 1986). Collectivistic Singapore Schwartz (1994:111) described Chinese in Singapore as “closest to the pure Hofstede conception of collectivism, high in conservatism and hierarchy, and low in autonomy and mastery”. In addition, in a survey conducted by Hofstede (1997), Singapore was ranked extremely low in individualism – 39th place out of 41 countries. This...

Words: 1706 - Pages: 7

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Isis Economic Impact

...digitize, preserve and extend access to Asian Survey. W i l l i a m a . Ca l l a h a n China’s Strategic Futures Debating the Post-American World Order a b S t r aC t This essay examines how China’s “harmonious world” foreign policy has unintentionally created opportunities for citizens to challenge elite discussions of foreign policy. Although they are relative outsiders, the essay argues that citizen intellectuals are a growing influence as a source of ideas about China’s future—and the world’s. K e y W o r d S : China, foreign policy, strategy, public intellectual, civil society Although we did not recognize it at the time, Beijing’s current assertive foreign policy started in September 2005 when Chinese President Hu Jintao delivered a major speech to a global audience at the United Nations. From the podium of the General Assembly, Hu introduced “Harmonious World” as a new concept of global politics, explaining that his goal was to “build a harmonious world of lasting peace and...

Words: 11161 - Pages: 45

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Confucious1 there are still youngsters around when the father passes then the eldest son would take the responsibility of raising the children and caring for them. The third relationship is the Husband/Wife or the relationship between the two spouses to maintain a household and care for each other as well as the children. The fourth of the five gets more into societal relationships and away from the family aspects being the relationship between the Elder/Younger. In many societies it is common that the elders of a village or tribe teach the younger generations how to live and behave in society, what is proper and what is not. Lastly of the Five is the relationship between Ruler/Subject, this is something that should be quite common in modern Chinese society by now but was more so in...

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